Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. It offers a wide range of services for various computing needs

Service Key Features Category Description Support
EC2 Resizable virtual servers Compute Provides scalable computing capacity with various instance types.
Lambda Serverless computing Compute Allows running code without provisioning servers, with automatic scaling. ✔️
ECS Docker container management Compute Managed service for running and scaling Docker containers.
EKS Kubernetes management Compute Managed service for running Kubernetes clusters.
S3 Scalable object storage Storage Durable storage for data backup, archiving, and analytics. ✔️
EBS Block storage for EC2 Storage Persistent block storage for use with EC2 instances.
Glacier Low-cost archival storage Storage Designed for data archiving with long retrieval times.
EFS Managed file storage Storage Provides scalable, elastic file storage for use with AWS services and on-premises resources.
RDS Managed relational databases Database Supports multiple database engines like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. ✔️
DynamoDB NoSQL database service Database High-performance, scalable NoSQL database for web-scale applications. ✔️
Redshift Data warehousing Database Designed for large-scale data analytics and business intelligence.
Aurora High-performance relational database Database Compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL, providing increased performance and reliability. ✔️
VPC Virtual network management Networking & Content Delivery Provides isolated networks within the AWS cloud.
Route 53 Scalable DNS service Networking & Content Delivery Domain Name System service for routing end-user requests to Internet applications.
CloudFront Content delivery network Networking & Content Delivery Distributes content globally with low latency and high transfer speeds.
Direct Connect Dedicated network connection Networking & Content Delivery Establishes a private network connection from your premises to AWS.
IAM Access management Security, Identity & Compliance Manages user access and encryption keys for AWS services and resources.
KMS Encryption key management Security, Identity & Compliance Provides control over encryption keys used to secure data.
Shield DDoS protection Security, Identity & Compliance Protects applications from Distributed Denial of Service attacks.
WAF Web application firewall Security, Identity & Compliance Protects web applications from common web exploits.
CloudWatch Monitoring and logging Management & Governance Provides data and actionable insights for monitoring applications and resources.
CloudTrail API activity logging Management & Governance Logs and monitors API calls for compliance and governance.
Config Resource configuration history Management & Governance Tracks AWS resource configurations and changes over time.
CloudFormation Infrastructure as code Management & Governance Allows provisioning of AWS resources using templates.
EMR Big data processing Analytics Managed Hadoop service for large-scale data processing.
Kinesis Real-time data streaming Analytics Enables real-time data ingestion and processing.
QuickSight Business intelligence Analytics Provides data visualization and business analytics tools.
Athena SQL query for S3 data Analytics Allows querying data directly in S3 using SQL.
Glue Data integration Analytics Fully managed ETL (extract, transform, load) service for preparing and loading data.
SageMaker Machine learning model management Machine Learning End-to-end machine learning service for building, training, and deploying models.
Rekognition Image and video analysis Machine Learning Detects objects, scenes, and activities in images and videos.
Comprehend Natural language processing Machine Learning Provides text analysis capabilities like sentiment analysis and entity recognition.
Lex Conversational interfaces Machine Learning Builds chatbots and voice assistants using machine learning.
SQS Message queuing Application Integration Enables decoupling of application components via message queues. ✔️
SNS Pub/sub messaging Application Integration Provides notifications and messaging to various endpoints. ✔️
Step Functions Workflow automation Application Integration Coordinates microservices and serverless applications.
EventBridge Event bus service Application Integration Serverless event bus for integrating AWS services and SaaS applications.
CodeCommit Source control Developer Tools Managed Git repositories for source code management.
CodeBuild Continuous integration build service Developer Tools Compiles code, runs tests, and produces software artifacts.
CodeDeploy Automated deployment Developer Tools Automates the deployment of applications to various services.
CodePipeline Continuous delivery Developer Tools Automates software release processes.
DMS Database migration Migration & Transfer Helps migrate databases to AWS with minimal downtime.
Snowball Data transfer devices Migration & Transfer Transfers large amounts of data into and out of AWS using physical devices.
Transfer Family Managed file transfer Migration & Transfer Supports secure transfer protocols like SFTP, FTPS, and FTP.
GameLift Game server management Game Development Deploys and scales game servers for multiplayer games.
Lumberyard 3D game engine Game Development Integrated with AWS services and Twitch for game development.
IoT Core Connects IoT devices IoT Connects and manages IoT devices securely at scale.
IoT Greengrass Edge computing IoT Extends AWS to edge devices for local data processing.
IoT Analytics IoT data processing and analytics IoT Collects, processes, and analyzes IoT data.
Sumerian AR and VR development tools AR & VR Creates and runs 3D, AR, and VR applications.
Managed Blockchain Blockchain network management Blockchain Creates and manages scalable blockchain networks.
QLDB Ledger database Blockchain Provides a transparent, immutable, and cryptographically verifiable transaction log.