PHP - 3.2

Extension ID


What’s new?

Please see PHP 3.2 - Release Notes for more information.


This extension provides support for applications written using the PHP language.

Supported versions

Although this extension is officially supported by CAST, please note that it has been developed within the technical constraints of the CAST Universal Analyzer technology and to some extent adapted to meet specific customer needs. Therefore the extension may not address all of the coding techniques and patterns that exist for the target technology and may not produce the same level of analysis and precision regarding e.g. quality measurement and/or function point counts that are typically produced by other CAST AIP analyzers.

This version of the extension provides support for:

Technology Supported Notes
PHP 5.x -
Symfony Framework Doctrine is NOT supported.

Function Point, Quality and Sizing support

This extension provides the following support:

  • Function Points (transactions): a green tick indicates that OMG Function Point counting and Transaction Risk Index are supported
  • Quality and Sizing: a green tick indicates that CAST can measure size and that a minimum set of Quality Rules exist
Function Points
Quality and Sizing


Release Operating System Supported
v3/8.4.x Microsoft Windows / Linux
v2/8.3.x Microsoft Windows

Download and installation instructions

The extension will be automatically downloaded and installed in CAST Imaging Console when you deliver PHP code. You can also manually install the extension using the Application - Extensions interface.  Once the extension is downloaded and installed, you can now package your source code and run an analysis.

Prepare and deliver the source code

Source code preparation

  • Only files with the following extensions will be analyzed *.php; *.php4; *.php5; *.inc; *.phtml; *.ini. The *.yml and *.yaml extensions are also supported for Symfony framework.
  • The analysis of XML and XSL files contained in the PHP application is not supported. 
  • The analysis of any HTML and JavaScript source code delivered with the PHP code is managed by the HTML and JavaScript extension / .NET analyzer, to be configured in addition to the PHP analysis.

Source code preprocessing

PHP source code needs to be preprocessed so that CAST can understand it and analyze it correctly. This code preprocessing is actioned automatically when an analysis is launched or a snapshot is generated (the code is preprocessed before the analysis starts). In other words you only need to package, deliver and launch an analysis/generate a snapshot for the preprocessing to be completed. The PHP Preprocessor log file is stored in the following location:


Note that the LISA folder will be used to analyze the preprocessed files.

Short tags

PHP short tags \<? and \<?= in the delivered source code cannot be handled as is. Therefore, the analyzer will automatically convert them to \<? /*php short tag*/ and \<? /*php short echo tag*/ respectively.

What results can you expect?

PHP Objects

Icon Metamodel Name
PHP Array
PHP Class
PHP Class Constant
PHP Constructor
PHP Define
PHP Function
PHP Interface
PHP Member
PHP Method
PHP Section
Script Function
Script Section

Symfony Framework objects

Icon Metamodel Name
PHP Symfony Controller
PHP Symfony Controller Class
PHP Symfony Route
PHP Symfony Service

All Symfony objects will appear under their respective folders as shown below :

PHP Symfony Controller Class

  • Supported scenario: If the Class name ends with Controller, we will create PHP Symfony Controller Class objects
  • Links:
    • PHP Symfony Controller Class — Refer Link —> PHP Class
  • Limitations: Alternate syntax where you can give the class name that does not have suffix “Controller” is not supported

PHP Symfony Controller 

  • Supported scenario: If the method or function ends with suffix “Action”, then PHP Symfony Controller Object will be created

  • Links:

    • PHP Symfony Controller — Refer Link —> PHP Symfony Route
    • PHP Symfony Controller — Refer Link —> PHP Method\Function

PHP Symfony Route

  • Supported scenario:
    • If a route has been declared in the yml file, a route object will be created
    • If a route has been declared in PHP file an annotation route object will be created as follows:
      • Default naming convention for route annotation when declared without name above class “<classname>_Class_Annotation_<number>”
      • Default naming convention for route annotation when declared without name above method “<methodname>_Method_Annotation_<number>”
  • Links:
    • PHP Symfony Route — Call Link —> PHP Symfony Controller

PHP Symfony Service

  • Supported scenario: If a service has been declared in the yml configuration files, PHP Symfony Service Object will be created
  • Links:
    • PHP Symfony Service — Call Link —> PHP Method
    • PHP Symfony Service — Call Link —> PHP Property
    • PHP Symfony Service — Call Link —> PHP Class constructor
  • Limitation: Inheritance is not supported while determining property setter or constructor injection - they need to be defined in the same class which is being referred to in the service

Structural Rules

The following structural rules are provided:

Release Link
3.2.0-beta2||3.2.0-beta2external link
3.2.0-beta1||3.2.0-beta1external link
3.2.0-alpha2||3.2.0-alpha2external link
3.2.0-alpha1||3.2.0-alpha1external link

You can also find a global list here:||external link

Logging mechanism

Analysis log files

Analysis logs are stored in the default locations.

PHP Preprocessor

PHP Preprocessor log file name (the preprocessor is launched automatically during an analysis) would be in format com.castsoftware.php.prepro_<ExtensionVersion>_<YYYYMMDDHHMMSS>.log

Errors and Warnings

The PHP configuration included in the extension uses external plugins. During the analysis, the Universal Analyzer or the plugin can throw errors or warnings. The table below list the most significant errors/warnings and lists a suggested remediation action:

Tool Error or Warning Action
Analyzer & Code Sniffer UA Plugin : No property (……) found in meta model for php… No action required. The analyzer is telling you that not all the properties are considered to be injected into the Analysis Service.

Known limitations


This extension does not support PHP autowiring (see link).

LISA path length limited to 256 characters

If the LISA (Large Intermediate Storage Area) path for a specific file exceeds 256 characters the following occurs:

  • violation calculation for this file will fail with message “<filepath> does not exist”.
  • the analysis may fail with the error “Error while executing C:\php\phpmd.bat:The given file “<filepath>” does not exist.

This warning will appear in com.castsoftware.plugin*.log file. This is a limitation of PHP itself and not the PHP extension. To remediate this issue reduce path to the LISA folder where possible.

Due to a limitation in the Universal Analyzer (the “engine” used for PHP analyses), links will be created from any name to any matching name. At a minimum the following rules may be impacted and give erroneous results:

ID Name
1007004 Avoid Methods and Functions with High Fan-In (PHP)
1007006 Avoid Methods and Functions with High Fan-Out (PHP)
1007008 Avoid JavaScript Functions with High Fan-In (PHP)
1007010 Avoid JavaScript Functions with High Fan-Out (PHP)
1007168 Avoid using function or method return value that do not have return (PHP)
1007170 Avoid function return value ignored (PHP)

Analysis of XML and XSL files contained in the PHP application

The analysis of XML and XSL files contained in the PHP application is not supported. Any links between these files and any other file in the application will not be detected. This will impact the results of all the Quality Rules using these files.

Support of JavaScript source code

The PHP extension does not support JavaScript and as such, any JavaScript source code located in PHP or JavaScript  files will not be analyzed. CAST recommends using the HTML5 and JavaScript extension to analyze JavaScript files in the source code.

Support of PHTML files

PHTML files are supported with some limitations. If the files contain calls to functions or methods defined in other files and these other files are not specifically included, then these links will be lost.

Missing objects

Several properties on the same line

If a php class has properties declared on the same line, only the first property will be detected. For example:

class Test {

    public $first, $second, $third;


After analysis only object for $first will be created.

Property declared on several lines

If a php class has a property declared on several lines, no corresponding object will be created. For example:

class Test {



Method headers declared on several lines

If a php class has a method with a signature declared on several lines, no corresponding object will be created. For example:

class Test {

    public function
        /* Body of the function */


Limitations specific to rules

Avoid artifacts having recursive calls

“Avoid artifacts having recursive calls” (7388 - a standard CAST rule) - in some cases, a false positive may be detected: a call to a parent function can be detected as a recursive call

Note that an equivalent rule specific to the PHP extension (Avoid artifacts having recursive calls (PHP) - 1007242) was added in PHP 1.2.0. This replacement rule now produces accurate results and the results of 7388 should be ignored.

Avoid using break or continue statements in loops with high cyclomatic complexity

“Avoid using break or continue statements in loops with high cyclomatic complexity” (1007176) - if the break statement is located in JavaScript functions, no violations will be detected. JavaScript source code located in .PHP or JavaScript files is not analyzed (see limitation listed above).

Avoid unreferenced PHP Files

The rule “Avoid unreferenced PHP Files” (1007052) will return a false positive violation when a PHP file is referenced only from other technologies, for example from only within html/javascript source code.

Third-party components


This extension redistributes the source code of PHP_CodeSnifferexternal link version 3.9.0

Native PHPCS rule Equivalent CAST rule
Generic.CodeAnalysis.ForLoopShouldBeWhileLoop.CanSimplify 1007022 - Avoid artifacts using “for” loops which can be simplified to a “while” loop (PHP)
Generic.CodeAnalysis.JumbledIncrementer.Found 1007024 - Avoid incrementer jumbling in loops (PHP)
Squiz.Operators.ComparisonOperatorUsage.NotAllowed 1007026 - Use identical type operator rather than “equal” operator (PHP)
Squiz.Operators.IncrementDecrementUsage.Found 1007028 - Use increment/decrement operators where possible (PHP)
Generic.CodeAnalysis.EmptyStatement.Detected* 1007030 - Avoid using empty statement (PHP)
Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnnecessaryFinalModifier.Found 1007056 - Avoid unnecessary final modifiers inside final Classes (PHP)
Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.* 1007058 - Avoid artifacts with unused parameters (PHP)
1007070 - Avoid method and functions without comments denoting scope end (PHP)
Squiz.Classes.ClassFileName.NoMatch 1007080 - Avoid Class name not matching parent file name (PHP)
Squiz.ControlStructures.LowercaseDeclaration.FoundUppercase 1007086 - Use lowercase for control structures (PHP)
Squiz.ControlStructures.ElseIfDeclaration.NotAllowed 1007096 - Avoid “elseif” statements (PHP)
Generic.Strings.UnnecessaryStringConcat.Found 1007114 - Avoid unnecessary string concatenations (PHP)
Squiz.Commenting.EmptyCatchComment.Missing 1007122 - Avoid empty catch blocks (PHP)
Squiz.Commenting.FunctionCommentThrowTag.Missing 1007124  - Avoid artifacts throwing exceptions without @Throws tag in doc comments (PHP)
Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnconditionalIfStatement.Found 1007146 - Avoid unconditional “if” and “else if\elseif” statements (PHP)
Generic.CodeAnalysis.UselessOverridingMethod.Found 1007148 - Avoid methods and constructor overridden only with parent artifact call (PHP)
PEAR.Functions.ValidDefaultValue.NotAtEnd 1007150 - Avoid artifacts with optional parameters before required parameters (PHP)
Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Forbidden 1007206 - Avoid using @error suppression (PHP)
1007212 - Avoid having variables without naming conventions (PHP)
1007228 - Avoid control structures without proper spacing before and after open\close braces - PSR2 (PHP)
PSR2.ControlStructures.SwitchDeclaration.* 1007230 - Avoid artifacts without proper switch case declarations (PSR2) (PHP)
Generic.Functions.CallTimePassByReference.NotAllowed 1007232 - Avoid artifacts with variables passed by reference when calling a function (PHP)
Generic.ControlStructures.InlineControlStructure.NotAllowed 1007234 - Avoid having inline control statements (PHP)
Squiz.Scope.MethodScope.Missing 1007236 - Avoid having Class Methods or Constructor without scope modifiers - Symfony STD (PHP)
PSR1.Files.SideEffects.FoundWithSymbols 1007254 - Avoid files that declare both symbols and execute logic with side effects (PHP)
Custom PHPCS rule Equivalent CAST rule
CAST.HTML.EmptyInlineStyleDefinition.StyleDefinitionFound 1007012 - Avoid using embedded CSS in Web Pages (PHP)
CAST.HTML.EmptyInlineStyleDefinition.EmptyStyleDefinitionFound 1007034 - Avoid empty style definition (PHP)
CAST.OOP.Classes.FoundImplementsInterface 1007042 - Avoid Classes implementing excessive number of Interfaces (PHP)
CAST.CodeAnalysis.ForLoopWithTestFunctionCall.NotAllowed 1007050 - Avoid method invocation in loop termination expression (PHP)
CAST.Loops.LoopBasedRules.ObjectInstantiationInLoop 1007116 - Avoid artifacts with Object Instantiation in loops (PHP)
CAST.SQL.EmbeddedSQL.MoreThan4TablesInQuery 1007118 - Avoid artifacts with sql statements referring more than 4 Tables (PHP)
CAST.SQL.EmbeddedSQL.GroupByFound 1007120 - Avoid artifacts with Group By sql statement (PHP)
CAST.Keywords.Goto.goto 1007154 - Avoid using goto statements (PHP)
CAST.Keywords.Eval.eval 1007156  - Avoid using eval expressions (PHP)
CAST.Keywords.ExitOrDie.exitordie 1007158 - Avoid artifacts using exit and die expressions (PHP)
CAST.Constructor.ConstructorReturningValue.ConstructorReturningValue 1007172 - Avoid having constructors with return value (PHP)
CAST.Loops.LoopBasedRules.BreakOrContinueInHighCyclomaticComplexityLoop 1007176 - Avoid using break or continue statements in loops with high cyclomatic complexity (PHP)
CAST.Files.IncludingFile.FileInclusionRecommondation 1007180 - Use file inclusion based on API suitability (PHP)
CAST.Loops.LoopBasedRules.SizeFunctionInLoopFound 1007184  - Avoid using size functions inside loops (PHP)
CAST.Files.IncludingFile.AvoidFileInclusionUsingRelativePaths 1007190 - Avoid using relative path for including files (PHP)
CAST.PHP.DisallowShortOpenTag 1007192 - Avoid using PHP short tags (PHP)
CAST.Security.SuperGlobals.SuperGlobalAccessed 1007202 - Avoid direct access to superglobals (PHP)
CAST.Functions.DicouragedFunctionCalls.FoundtimeCall 1007210 - Avoid using time() to get the system time (PHP)
CAST.Database.PreferFetchingAssocOverRow.FoundArrayAccessToDatabaseData 1007218 - Avoid fetching database rows as array and accessing using subscript (PHP)
CAST.SQL.EmbeddedSQL.SelectStarFound 1007220 - Avoid artifacts with “select *” Sql statement (PHP)
CAST.BadFunctions.InsufficientSSLTLSConfig.InsufficientSSLTLSConfig 1007248 - Use sufficient SSL\TLS context (PHP)


This extension redistributes the source code of phpcs-security-auditexternal link version 2.0.1

PHPCS rule Equivalent CAST rule
PHPCS_SecurityAudit.BadFunctions.EasyXSS.EasyXSSerr 1007244 - Avoid cross-site scripting - Improper Neutralization of script-related HTML tags in a web page (PHP)
PHPCS_SecurityAudit.BadFunctions.EasyRFI.ErrEasyRFI 1007246 - Avoid Remote File Inclusion - Improper Control of Filename for Include/Require Statement in PHP Program (PHP)
1007250 - Avoid preg_replace with /e option (PHP)
PHPCS_SecurityAudit.BadFunctions.FilesystemFunctions.ErrFilesystem 1007252 - Avoid filesystem function calls without sanitizing user input (PHP)


This extension redistributes the source code of symfony-coding-standardexternal link version 3.13.0

Symfony PHPCS rule Equivalent CAST rule
Symfony.Classes.MultipleClassesOneFile 1007238 - Avoid having Class Methods or Constructor without scope modifiers - Symfony STD (PHP)
Symfony.Objects.ObjectInstantiation.Invalid 1007240 - Avoid artifacts having object instantiation without parenthesis - Symfony STD (PHP)

PHP Mess Detector

This extension redistributes the binary of PHP Mess Detectorexternal link version 2.14.1

PHPMD rule Equivalent CAST rule
NumberOfChildren 1007036 - Avoid classes having excessive number of derived classes (PHP)
CouplingBetweenObjects 1007038 - Avoid classes having excessive number of dependencies (PHP)
DepthOfInheritance 1007046 - Avoid Classes with High Depth of Inheritance Tree (PHP)
ShortVariable 1007088 - Avoid having variable with too short name (PHP)
LongVariable 1007090 - Avoid having variable with too long name (PHP)
ExcessiveClassLength 1007126 - Avoid classes with excessive lines of code (PHP)
ExcessiveParameterList 1007128 - Avoid artifacts with excessive number of parameters (PHP)
ExcessiveMethodLength 1007130 - Avoid Artifacts with excessive lines of code (PHP)
TooManyFields 1007132 - Avoid classes with excessive number of fields (PHP)
TooManyMethods 1007134 - Avoid classes with excessive number of methods (PHP)
ExcessivePublicCount 1007136 - Avoid classes having with excessive number of public methods and fields (PHP)
UnusedLocalVariable 1007138 - Avoid unused local variables (PHP)
UnusedPrivateField 1007140 - Avoid unused private fields (PHP)
UnusedPrivateMethod 1007142 - Avoid unused private methods (PHP)
ExcessiveClassComplexity 1007144 - Avoid classes with excessive number of weighted methods (PHP)