Kotlin - 1.1

Extension ID


What’s new?

See Kotlin 1.1 - Release Notes.


If your application contains Kotlin source code and you want to view these object types and their links with other objects, then you should install this extension. All files with the .kt extension are analyzed. Kotlin code and Java code may coexist in the same application, and a Kotlin method may call a Java method, and inversely. If a JEE analysis is defined for the Application, call links from Kotlin methods to Java methods should be created. But links from Java methods to Kotlin methods are not supported yet: this is a limitation.

Technology support

  • Kotlin 1.x

Supported frameworks

The following libraries are supported for Web Service HTTP calls:

  • Retrofit
  • Android Volley

Once the Kotlin extension analysis is finished, the analyzer will output the final number of web service calls created.


import retrofit2.http.GET
import retrofit2.http.POST
interface ApiInterfaces {
fun getContacts(): Call<CrmContacts>

fun addContact(): Call<AddResponse>

This code produces Web Service HTTP calls

Android Volley

import com.android.volley.Request
import com.android.volley.RequestQueue
import com.android.volley.VolleyError
import com.android.volley.toolbox.JsonObjectRequest
import com.android.volley.toolbox.Volley

class MainActivity
    private fun apiHit() {
        val textView : AppCompatTextView = findViewById(R.id.textView)
        val url = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users"
        val queue : RequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this)
        val request =  JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.POST ,  url, null , {
            response: JSONObject? ->
            textView.text = response.toString()
        } , {
            error: VolleyError? ->
            textView.text =  error.toString()

JsonObjectRequest, StringRequest are supported

This code produces Web Service HTTP calls

Spring http operation (since version 1.0.3-funcrel)

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller
import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult
import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*

interface ApiInterfaces {
class VisitController(val visits: VisitRepository, val pets: PetRepository) {
    // Spring MVC calls method loadPetWithVisit(...) before initNewVisitForm is called
    fun initNewVisitForm(@PathVariable("petId") petId: Int, model: Map<String, Any>): String
            = "pets/createOrUpdateVisitForm"

This code produces Web Service HTTP operations. Supported annotations are:

  • @GetMapping
  • @PostMapping
  • @PutMapping
  • @DeleteMapping

Spring beans (since version 1.0.3-funcrel)

The following code:

import pkg.queue.StandaloneBxCleanup
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val standaloneBxCleanup = app.getBean(StandaloneBxCleanup::class.java)
package pkg.queue
class StandaloneBxCleanup(@Autowired val parseProcApiFactory: ProcApiFactory,
                          @Autowired val bxCleanerFactory: BxCleanerFactory,
                          @Autowired val cleanupExecutorService: ExecutorService) {
    fun cleanupBxData() {

will generate the following links when analyzed:

The following code:

import pkg.queue.BillQueueProcessor
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val billQueueProcessor= app.getBean(BillQueueProcessor::class.java)
package pkg.queue
class BillQueueProcessor(@Autowired val parseProcApiFactory: ProcApiFactory,
                          @Autowired val bxCleanerFactory: BxCleanerFactory,
                          @Autowired val cleanupExecutorService: ExecutorService) {
    override fun run() {

will generate the following links when analyzed:

Spring JDBC (since version 1.0.3-funcrel)

Only links to database procedures are supported. The following code:

package pkg.db.proc

import org.springframework.jdbc.`object`.StoredProcedure

class BxCleanupBillList(jdbcTemplate: JdbcTemplate) :
        StoredProcedure(jdbcTemplate, "best.pkg_bb_bill_load.bbl_get_bx_cleanup_bills") {
    fun getBxCleanupBills(): List<Long> {
        val outputParams = execute()
        return outputParams[cv1Param] as List<Long>

will generate the following links when analyzed:

Same for following code where “REPLACE_FORBEARANCE” is a procedure.

interface ForbearanceRepository : CrudRepository<Client, String> {

    @Query("CALL FORBEARANCE_P.REPLACE_FORBEARANCE(:clientId, :eventId, :category, :type, :subtype, :note, :reasons, :accountNumber, :productSource, :expectedEndDate, :monitoringPeriodStartDate, :forbearanceChangeRequestAt, :source)")
    fun replaceForbearance(clientId: String,
                           eventId: String,
                           category: String,
                           type: String,
                           subtype: String?,
                           note: String?,
                           reasons: String?,
                           accountNumber: String?,
                           productSource: String?,
                           expectedEndDate: LocalDate?,
                           monitoringPeriodStartDate: LocalDate?,
                           forbearanceChangeRequestAt: LocalDate?,
                           source: String)

A link is created to the “FORBEARANCE_CV” table for code:

interface ForbearanceRepository : CrudRepository<Client, String> {

    @Query("select * from FORBEARANCE_CV f where f.CLIENT_ID = :clientId", rowMapperClass = ForbearanceAdapter.ForbearanceMapper::class)
    fun replaceForbearance(clientId: String,
                           eventId: String,
                           category: String,
                           type: String,
                           subtype: String?,
                           note: String?,
                           reasons: String?,
                           accountNumber: String?,
                           productSource: String?,
                           expectedEndDate: LocalDate?,
                           monitoringPeriodStartDate: LocalDate?,
                           forbearanceChangeRequestAt: LocalDate?,
                           source: String)

A link to the “ENROLL_CORPORATE_CLIENT” procedure is created for code:

import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate


Function Point, Quality and Sizing support

  • Function Points (transactions): A green tick indicates that OMG Function Point counting and Transaction Risk Index are supported.
  • Quality and Sizing: A green tick indicates that CAST can measure size and that a minimum set of Quality Rules exist.
Function Points (transactions) Quality and Sizing


Core release Operating System Supported
8.4.x Microsoft Windows / Linux
8.3.x Microsoft Windows

Download and installation instructions

The extension will be automatically installed by CAST Imaging Console when at least one .kt file is delivered for analysis.

Source code discovery

A discoverer is provided with the extension to automatically detect Kotlin code: one Kotlin project will be discovered for the package’s root folder when at least one .kt file is detected in the root folder or any sub-folders, resulting in a corresponding Universal Technology Analysis Unit.

What results can you expect?

Example application:

Kotlin code which calls java code:

Properties, getters, setters

Alt text

class class1 {
    val counter = 0
        get() = field
        set(value) {
            if (value >= 0)
                field = value




Kotlin anonymous class

Kotlin class / Kotlin generic class / Kotlin JVM class / Kotlin JVM generic class

Kotlin function / Kotlin JVM method

Kotlin generic interface / Kotlin interface

Kotlin instantiated class

Kotlin lambda

Kotlin main

Kotlin method

Kotlin object

Kotlin property

Kotlin getter

Kotlin setter

Kotlin source code

Kotlin Get HttpRequest Service

Kotlin Web service Get Operation

Kotlin Post HttpRequest Service

Kotlin Web service Post Operation

Kotlin Delete HttpRequest Service

Kotlin Web service Delete Operation

Kotlin Put HttpRequest Service

Kotlin Web service Put Operation

Structural rules

The following structural rules are provided:

Release Link
1.1.6-funcrel https://technologies.castsoftware.com/rules?sec=srs_kotlin&ref=||1.1.6-funcrelexternal link
1.1.5-funcrel https://technologies.castsoftware.com/rules?sec=srs_kotlin&ref=||1.1.5-funcrelexternal link
1.1.4-funcrel https://technologies.castsoftware.com/rules?sec=srs_kotlin&ref=||1.1.4-funcrelexternal link
1.1.3-funcrel https://technologies.castsoftware.com/rules?sec=srs_kotlin&ref=||1.1.3-funcrelexternal link
1.1.2-funcrel https://technologies.castsoftware.com/rules?sec=srs_kotlin&ref=||1.1.2-funcrelexternal link
1.1.1-funcrel https://technologies.castsoftware.com/rules?sec=srs_kotlin&ref=||1.1.1-funcrelexternal link
1.1.0-funcrel https://technologies.castsoftware.com/rules?sec=srs_kotlin&ref=||1.1.0-funcrelexternal link

You can also find a global list here: https://technologies.castsoftware.com/rules?sec=t_1030000&ref=||external link.

Known Limitations

  • Links from java methods to Kotlin methods are not supported.