Prepare and deliver the source code


Discovery is a process that is actioned during the packaging process whereby CAST will attempt to automatically identify projects within your application using a set of predefined rules. Discoverers are currently embedded in CAST Imaging:

You should read the relevant documentation for each discoverer (provided in the link above) to understand how the source code will be handled.

When the Package action is complete, you can view the projects that have been identified in the Package Content tab. When a successfully Packaged application is subsequently deployed in the CAST Management Studio, an Analysis Unit will be created for each project that has been identified during the Discovery process and is not excluded by a rule or filter.

Using CAST Imaging Console

CAST Imaging Console expects either a ZIP/archive file or source code located in a folder configured in CAST Imaging Console. You should include in the ZIP/source code folder all the output from the CAST Database Extractor, i.e:


CAST Imaging Console supports this file type as follows:

  • for extractions of PL/SQL (Oracle Server) schemas in all CAST Imaging Console releases
  • for extractions T-SQL (Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase ASE and Azure SQL) in CAST Imaging Console ≥ 1.22

When a .castextraction file is delivered to CAST Imaging Console, it will be transformed automatically into the required .uaxDirectory/.uax./src files during the source code delivery process. Technically the following occurs:

  • For each .castextraction file CAST Imaging Console checks if there is no equivalent .uaxdirectory for the same extraction (in the delivery)
    • If YES, then the .castextraction file is removed from the list of extraction files and the .uaxDirectory is used instead.
    • If NO, then CAST Imaging Console checks the type of .castexraction file that has been delivered.
      • If a PL/SQL .castextraction file has been delivered, then no immediate preprocessing is necessary and the list of extraction files is not changed. The transformation to .uaxDirectory is actioned when the version is set as the current version.
      • If a T-SQL .castextraction file has been delivered, then this will undergo a preprocessing action: 
        • CAST Imaging Console cleans up the preprocessed folder on the node (located in %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\AipConsole\AipNode\upload\preprocessed)
        • Folder structure is created within the preprocessed folder to support multiple .castextraction files if necessary
        • The delivered .castextraction file is transformed into uaxDirectory format
        • The .castextraction file is replaced by the new uaxdirectory format files in the list of extraction files.

With regard to T-SQL .castextraction files:

  • If using CAST Imaging Core ≤ 8.3.25, the creation of invalid or unsupported .castextraction files was allowed. As such, if (during a new source code delivery) AIP Console finds an existing package containing an invalid or unsupported .castextraction file , a popup stating that the package is invalid will be displayed. This invalid package should be should be removed using the   - this will then allow the new .castextraction file to be processed.
  • .uaxDirectory
  • .uax
  • .src
Supported for both PL/SQL (Oracle Server) schemas and T-SQL (Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase ASE/Azure SQL) databases.

CAST highly recommends placing the files in a folder dedicated to your extraction. If you are using a ZIP/archive file, zip the folders in the “temp” folder - but do not zip the “temp” folder itself, nor create any intermediary folders:
