ISO-5055 Index

Extension ID



ISO-5055 is a standard that is published by ISO:

This extension will compute Quality Software Characteristic Measures as Business Criteria and Quality Measure Elements as Technical Criteria. All CAST rules that are tagged with a ISO-50555 related tag will contribute to the various Quality Measure Elements / Quality Software Characteristic Measures thereby allowing specific compliance ratios, grades and rule violations to be reported.


Product Release Supported
CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.3.24 ✔️
CAST Engineering Dashboard ≥ 1.5 ✔️
CAST Health Dashboard ≥ 1.17 ✔️
CAST Security Dashboard ≥ 1.18 ✔️

ISO-5055 version

Version Supported
April 2021 ✔️

Download and installation instructions

The extension will not be automatically downloaded and installed in CAST Imaging Console. If you need to use it, should manually install the extension.

Configuration requirements

Generate a snapshot

A new snapshot must be generated (after the extension is installed) before results can be viewed. If you do not immediately see changes in the dashboard, please consider restarting Apache Tomcat/the web application and/or emptying your browser cache.

Optional Health Dashboard configuration options

It is possible to modify some of the default tiles provided out of the box and also add additional tiles in the CAST Health Dashboard for use with ISO-5055 data. See Manual configuration of Dashboard tiles using ISO-5055 data for more information.

These customizations can be used in the following Health Dashboard releases:

  • ≥ 1.27.0-funcrel
  • ≥ 2.1.0-funcrel

What results can you expect?

Once the analysis/snapshot generation has completed, you can view the results in the dashboards:

Assessment Model

Various Business and Technical Criteria will be added by the extension:


ID Name Type
1061000 ISO-5055-Index Business Criterion

Note that the ISO-5055-Index Business Criterion has all Technical Criteria listed below as contributors.


ID Name
1061001 ISO-5055-Maintainability
1061046 CWE-407
1061056 CWE-478
1061057 CWE-480
1061058 CWE-484
1061061 CWE-561
1061065 CWE-570
1061066 CWE-571
1061088 CWE-783
1061105 CWE-1041
1061108 CWE-1045
1061110 CWE-1047
1061111 CWE-1048
1061114 CWE-1051
1061115 CWE-1052
1061116 CWE-1054
1061117 CWE-1055
1061121 CWE-1062
1061122 CWE-1064
1061128 CWE-1074
1061129 CWE-1075
1061131 CWE-1079
1061132 CWE-1080
1061135 CWE-1084
1061136 CWE-1085
1061137 CWE-1086
1061138 CWE-1087
1061141 CWE-1090
1061143 CWE-1093
1061145 CWE-1095


ID Name
1061002 ISO-5055-Performance-Efficiency
1061044 CWE-401
1061045 CWE-404
1061049 CWE-424
1061085 CWE-772
1061086 CWE-775
1061106 CWE-1042
1061107 CWE-1043
1061109 CWE-1046
1061112 CWE-1049
1061113 CWE-1050
1061118 CWE-1057
1061120 CWE-1060
1061124 CWE-1067
1061126 CWE-1072
1061127 CWE-1073
1061140 CWE-1089
1061142 CWE-1091
1061144 CWE-1094


ID Name
1061003 ISO-5055-Reliability
1061021 CWE-119
1061022 CWE-120
1061023 CWE-123
1061024 CWE-125
1061026 CWE-130
1061027 CWE-131
1061029 CWE-170
1061030 CWE-194
1061031 CWE-195
1061032 CWE-196
1061033 CWE-197
1061034 CWE-248
1061035 CWE-252
1061038 CWE-366
1061039 CWE-369
1061040 CWE-390
1061041 CWE-391
1061042 CWE-392
1061043 CWE-394
1061044 CWE-401
1061045 CWE-404
1061047 CWE-415
1061048 CWE-416
1061049 CWE-424
1061051 CWE-456
1061053 CWE-459
1061054 CWE-476
1061057 CWE-480
1061058 CWE-484
1061060 CWE-543
1061062 CWE-562
1061064 CWE-567
1061067 CWE-595
1061068 CWE-597
1061074 CWE-662
1061076 CWE-667
1061077 CWE-672
1061078 CWE-681
1061079 CWE-682
1061080 CWE-703
1061081 CWE-704
1061083 CWE-758
1061084 CWE-764
1061085 CWE-772
1061086 CWE-775
1061089 CWE-786
1061090 CWE-787
1061091 CWE-788
1061094 CWE-805
1061095 CWE-820
1061096 CWE-821
1061097 CWE-822
1061098 CWE-823
1061099 CWE-824
1061100 CWE-825
1061101 CWE-833
1061102 CWE-835
1061103 CWE-908
1061108 CWE-1045
1061114 CWE-1051
1061119 CWE-1058
1061123 CWE-1066
1061125 CWE-1070
1061130 CWE-1077
1061131 CWE-1079
1061133 CWE-1082
1061134 CWE-1083
1061138 CWE-1087
1061139 CWE-1088
1061146 CWE-1096
1061147 CWE-1097
1061148 CWE-1098


ID Name
1061004 ISO-5055-Security
1061010 CWE-22
1061011 CWE-23
1061012 CWE-36
1061013 CWE-77
1061014 CWE-78
1061015 CWE-79
1061016 CWE-88
1061017 CWE-89
1061018 CWE-90
1061019 CWE-91
1061020 CWE-99
1061021 CWE-119
1061022 CWE-120
1061023 CWE-123
1061024 CWE-125
1061025 CWE-129
1061026 CWE-130
1061027 CWE-131
1061028 CWE-134
1061030 CWE-194
1061031 CWE-195
1061032 CWE-196
1061033 CWE-197
1061035 CWE-252
1061036 CWE-259
1061037 CWE-321
1061038 CWE-366
1061039 CWE-369
1061044 CWE-401
1061045 CWE-404
1061049 CWE-424
1061050 CWE-434
1061051 CWE-456
1061052 CWE-457
1061055 CWE-477
1061057 CWE-480
1061059 CWE-502
1061060 CWE-543
1061063 CWE-564
1061064 CWE-567
1061065 CWE-570
1061066 CWE-571
1061069 CWE-606
1061070 CWE-611
1061071 CWE-624
1061072 CWE-643
1061073 CWE-652
1061074 CWE-662
1061075 CWE-665
1061076 CWE-667
1061077 CWE-672
1061078 CWE-681
1061079 CWE-682
1061082 CWE-732
1061085 CWE-772
1061086 CWE-775
1061087 CWE-778
1061088 CWE-783
1061089 CWE-786
1061090 CWE-787
1061091 CWE-788
1061092 CWE-789
1061093 CWE-798
1061094 CWE-805
1061095 CWE-820
1061096 CWE-821
1061097 CWE-822
1061098 CWE-823
1061099 CWE-824
1061100 CWE-825
1061102 CWE-835
1061104 CWE-917

Health Dashboard

v. ≥ 1.27 / ≥ 2.1.0

A dedicated ISO-5055 view is available allowing you to swap between tiles showing ISO-5055 data and tiles showing standard data. The ISO-5055 view is accessed using the drop down available at single or multi-application level as shown in the screenshots below. By default, the tiles in this view use the root ISO-5055 Business Criterion (ISO-5055), and show either of the following data by default:

Release Data displayed by default Description
≥ 2.5.x Compliance ratio
2.1.x - 2.4.x and ≥ 1.27.x Grades

The tiles can be modified as follows (see Manual configuration of Dashboard tiles using ISO-5055 data) for more information::

  • to use any of the ISO-5055 business/technical criterion for the “qualityIndicator” parameter:
    • ISO-5055
    • ISO-5055-SECURITY
  • the “mode” can be changed manually to show any of the following, instead of the default:
    • Grade
    • Compliance ratio
    • Number of violations

v. 1.26 / 2.0 only

Five ISO-5055 specific tiles will be available at both single and multi-application level - one for the Business Criteria ISO-5055 Index and the rest for the four Technical Criteria. In these releases, grade information is displayed by default.

v. ≤ 1.25

No tiles will be provided to display data for this extension, however it is possible to create tiles manually to display Grade, Compliance, and Violation data directly from this extension using the Industry Standard/s tile plugin available in v. ≥ 1.17. Clicking on any of these tiles will display a list of the rules that have been tagged with the specified standard as provided by the extension. Compliance percentage is also displayed in a “bubble”.

Examples for cmp.json and app.json:


Configuration to create a “gauge” tile at portfolio level (multi-app level) to show a ISO-5055-Index Business Criterion tile:

  "id": 1234,
  "plugin": "IndustryStandards",
  "color": "black",
  "parameters": {
    "type": "ISO-5055",
    "title": "ISO-5055-Index",
    "widget": "gauge",
    "industryStandard": {
        "id": "1061000",
        "mode": "grade",
        "format": "0.00",
        "description": "ISO-5055-Index in grade format"

Configuration to create a “number of violations” tile at application level (single app level) to show a ISO-5055-Maintainability Business Criterion tile:

  "id": 1236,
  "plugin": "IndustryStandard",
  "color": "orange",
  "parameters": {
    "type": "ISO-5055",    
    "title": "ISO-5055-Maintainability",
    "industryStandard": {
        "id": "1061001",
        "mode": "violations",
        "format": "0,000",
        "description": "ISO-5055-Maintainability in number of violations format" 

Engineering/Security Dashboard

v. ≥ 1.26

An ISO-5055 tile is displayed by default taking data from the Business Criterion ISO-5055 Index for the Engineering Dashboard and the Technical Criterion ISO-5055 Security for the Security Dashboard. The number of violations is shown in both cases:

Drilling down through this tile will take you to the Risk Investigation view, where the focus will be set to the ISO-5055 Assessment Model (1) showing only the ISO-5055 metrics (2):

v. ≤ 1.25

Out of the box, no tiles will be provided to display data for this extension, however it is possible to create tiles manually to display Violation data directly from this extension using the Industry Standard/s tile plugin in v. ≥ 1.18 of the Engineering Dashboard. See Engineering Dashboard tile management for more information. Clicking on the tile navigates to Risk investigation view and the specified Industry Standard will be selected in the Health Factor table.

In addition, as above, the ISO-5055 Assessment Model will be made available in the Risk Investigation view.


The RestAPI can be used to query both the Dashboard (AED) and Measurement (AAD) schemas for results, for example: