
To successfully deliver and analyze C and Cpp technologies, the following third-party software is required:

Install on workstation running the DMT (for extraction)

Install on workstation running CMS (for analysis)

Nothing required

Note that no project discoverer exists for Visual Studio 6.0, however, source code can still be packaged.

Software required

If you intend to use the CAST - VC++ XXX - Mandatory Part Environment Profile (usage is recommended), then you MUST install:

  • All include files of third party libraries that are used.
  • The appropriate IDE depending on source code to be analyzed:
    • Visual Studio 6.0
    • Visual Studio .NET 2003
    • Visual Studio 2005
    • Visual Studio 2008
    • Visual Studio 2010
    • Visual Studio 2012
Note that if you do not install the appropriate IDE for your source code, then the analysis will fail.
Note that the above information does not apply to other source code (C/C++ compiler from vendors other than Microsoft).