Release Notes - 2.2


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
39121 Fixesa an issue, where post upgrade Java analysis unit was excluded by DMT. After the fix, Java AU UtilsWeb are not be excluded by DMT.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
37543 Fixed an issue where Java package was marked as incomplete package.

Other Updates

Fixed an issue where blank project names were created for selected 'Java files per package folder', when java files are present in root.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
36320 Fixes an issue where identical JEE projects are discovered for the same root path (one for Maven and one by the JEE File Discoverer), creating duplicate Analysis Units.

Other Updates

As a result of the fix provided for the customer bug 36320, the discoverer has been modified to ensure that any discovered JEE File projects that contain only JSP source code already covered by a regular (Eclipse or Maven) project are discarded, ensuring that duplicate Analysis Units are not created for the same root path.



The overall algorithm has been changed to group together the incomplete package (resp. unnamed package) files that belong to the same folder, and to split the resulting projects from the regular ones (made of complete package files).

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
33744 Fixed an issue where the JEE Analysis Unit was not created due to the presence of a file called This change improves the discovery of JEE based projects and as a consequence the number of incomplete/unnamed projects that were previously discovered may be significantly decreased in some cases.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
32837 Fixed an issue where the JEE file discoverer did not include "web jsp" type projects. These projects are now taken into account.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
27207 SRC path references in AU configuration changes after upgrade


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
24970 Test codes are not excluded from analysis
15838 Missing link from JSP to JSF managed Bean
20909 WSDL files are not picked up by DMT