Release Notes - 2.1


Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing the extension to fail when analyzing angular objects defined through classes instead of functions.
Fixes an issue causing controller model functions to fail to be detected when declared through "$scope.my_func = my_func" and "my_func" is defined elsewhere.
Fixes an issue causing Http resource services to fail to be identified when $http is called through a redefined variable.
Fixes an issue causing erroneous link resolution when several services with same name are present.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
48668 Fixes an issue causing a missing AngularJS http service object from $http when the http service is in a controller inside a directive.
48282 Fixes an issue causing a missing link between html source code and AngularJS Model functions.

Other Updates

Fixes issues causing traceback errors in the analysis log file.
Added support for AngularJS controllers in ASP and ASPX files.
Fixes an issue causing aspx/html files to be linked to the wrong controller when several controllers, services or directives exist with the same name (objects with same name were not supported, only one was created).


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
44656 Fixed the missing AngularJS post resource service objects.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
42281 Fixes the missing Angular resource services with this.httpClient.get.
42636 Fixes the missing Angular resource services with this.httpClient.get.
42835 Fixes the missing links when dynamic buttons are used.

Other Updates

Fixes an issue wherein the AngularJS was not registering links created in order and the HTML5 extension did not create default links.
Fixes an issue wherein the log file was too large (>100GB) due to unnecessary logging in file.


Other Updates

Fixes an issue where some model functions which had a name with a prefix prevented some links to be created.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
39674 Fixes an issue causing a missing AngularJS Post Http Service object when "modelResource.verify" is used.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
39674 Fixed missing Angular Post operation object from modelResource.verify.

Other Updates

Create resource service even if url is empty.
Urls present in json files are not always taken into account.
Urls present in json files may be taken into account when there is one.


Other Updates

Replaced the reference to Objects.IdShortNam with Objects.IdNam (bug in post application step).


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
38126 Updated few rules according to the policy. It was found that few critical rules were found to have less weight and non-critical rules with low weight, these rules have been fixed.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1020550 FALSE Updated the rule (1020550): "Avoid using "ng-repeat" loop without "track by" option" according to the policy. The critical rule was found to have less weight, it is fixed now.
1020504 FALSE Updated the rule (1020504): "Avoid using the call of web service with AngularJS $http inside a loop" according to the policy. The critical rule was found to have less weight, it is fixed now.
1020534 FALSE Updated the rule (1020534): "Avoid using a web service with AngularJS $resource inside a loop" according to the policy. The critical rule was found to have less weight, it is fixed now.


Other Updates

Fixes an issue where an erroneous traceback error was displayed in the log file: "AttributeError: 'AstString' object has no attribute 'values'"
An internal technical bug fix to ensure that the category CAST_AngularJS_ServiceCategory does not inherit from the category HTML5.
The dependency with the HTML5/JavaScript Analyzer has been changed from 2.0.17-funcrel to 2.1.13-funcrel to take advantage of enhanced evaluation support.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
35970 After the HTML analysis, Angularjs resource service is not created.
35993 Onboarding: Missing link from HTML page to function in Angular controller when controller model functions are initialized in "$onInit" function.

Other Updates

Remove Traceback errors in tests.
Correction on http services after a correction in evaluation in HTML5.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
34938 Missing link from HTML page to Angular JS model function.
34932 Encountered analysis warning Extension com.castsoftware.angularjs.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
34191 Fixed missing links from AngularJS Directive to "$onInit" HTML5 JavaScript Function.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
30809 Onboarding: Missing link from html to function angular controller.


Other Updates

ANGULARJS-006 TemplateUrl not found for .pug file


Other Updates

Some AngularJS applications should not be created.
No AngularJS application were found.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
27486 AngularJS POST Http Service Object Deleted due to crash in Angular extension.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
26463 Missing links between javascript method and spring MVC POST operation
26686 [PB] Missing links between javascript method and spring MVC POST operation

Other Updates

Remove direct links from "$state.go()" to html contents
Remove traceback errors from logs
Some controllers are badly handled
Some directives are badly handled
Some links from states to html contents are missing



This release of the extension contains a large number of rule related improvements, which will have a significant impact on any existing analysis results generated with a previous release of the extension. When re-analyzing existing and unchanged source code with this new extension, you should therefore expect grade and violation changes. When using AIP Console, if you do not want this extension to be used, you should ensure that you implement an extension strategy to prevent the automatic download and installation of the extension. If you are onboarding a new application, CAST actively encourages you to use this new release to take advantage of the improvements that have been implemented.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1020550 FALSE Avoid using "ng-repeat" loop without "track by" option (updated criticity)
1020554 FALSE Avoid using unsecured cookie (AngularJS) (updated contribution)
1020556 FALSE Avoid creating cookie with overly broad domain (AngularJS) (updated contribution and criticity)
1020558 FALSE Avoid creating cookie with overly broad path (AngularJS) (updated contribution)
1020504 FALSE Avoid using the call of web service with AngularJS $http inside a loop (updated thresholds)
1020534 FALSE Avoid using a web service with AngularJS $resource inside a loop (updated thresholds)
1020542 FALSE Enable Content Security Policy when creating an AngularJS application (updated thresholds)
1020544 FALSE Avoid disabling Strict Contextual Escaping (SCE) when created (updated thresholds)
1020546 FALSE Avoid using unsanitized AngularJS application (updated thresholds)
1020548 FALSE Avoid disabling withCredentials option for the httpProvider (updated thresholds)
1020550 FALSE Avoid using "ng-repeat" loop without "track by" option (updated thresholds)
1020552 FALSE Avoid enabling dangerous protocols in whitelist APIs (updated thresholds)