Data Sensitivity

Technical information about how CAST handles sensitive data in your application…


Database related technologies allow the storage of data, and some of this data may be sensitive in nature, for example, confidential information such as:

  • Salary
  • Bonus
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Contact details
  • etc.

When analyzing this type of data, CAST has the ability to tag a resulting object with a specific sensitivity level property, and this property can then be seen and exploited in CAST Imaging Viewer, for example:

How does it work?

There are various types of sensitive data that CAST can detect during an analysis:


A list of key words (i.e. names of objects that contain sensitive data) together with their sensitivity level must be configured in a plain text file with the extension .datasensitive before the analysis is run and this file must be delivered with the source code. When a key word defined in the .datasensitive file matches an object created during an analysis, a property will be added to the object that flags it with the defined sensitivity level. This property can then be seen and exploited in CAST Imaging Viewer.

Built-in for Table Columns

The com.castsoftware.datacolumnaccess extension provides a predefined list of key words to match data sensitive table column objects. The list of key words is documented in the extension itself. The extension also supports custom key words.

GDPR and PCI-DSS specific

GDPR and PCI-DSS - this is automatically detected by CAST Imaging Console ≥ 1.26 for all supported technologies (see below) using a predefined list of key words. The list of key words provided on each node is as follows:

GDPR key words

# Name: "Sensitive" data
# Phone numbers: "Sensitive" data
# Payment card data: "Very sensitive" data
#---- Primary Account Number
PAN=Very sensitive
#---- Cardholder Name
CardholderName=Very sensitive
Cardholder-Name=Very sensitive
#---- Expiration Date
ExpirationDate=Very sensitive
Expiration-Date=Very sensitive
#---- Service Code
ServiceCode=Very sensitive
Service-Code=Very sensitive
# ID numbers: "Very sensitive" data
IdCard=Very sensitive
Passport=Very sensitive
SSID=Very sensitive
# Location data: "Sensitive" data
# Online identifiers: "Very sensitive" data
Login=Very sensitive
Password=Very sensitive
# Criminal convictions: "Highly sensitive" data
CriminalRecord=Highly sensitive
Criminal-Record=Highly sensitive
Offences=Highly sensitive
# Race, Gender, Birthdate: "Very sensitive" data
Race=Very sensitive
Sex=Very sensitive
Gender=Very sensitive
Birthday=Very sensitive
Birthdate=Very sensitive
# Medical information: "Very sensitive" data
MedicalExamination=Very sensitive
Medical-Examination=Very sensitive
MedicalReport=Very sensitive
Medical-Report=Very sensitive
MedicalIssue=Very sensitive
Medical-Issue=Very sensitive

PCI-DSS key words

# Category 1 - Cardholder Data
# Primary Account Number: "Very sensitive" data
PAN=Very sensitive
# Cardholder Name: "Very sensitive" data
CardholderName=Very sensitive
Cardholder-Name=Very sensitive
# Expiration Date: "Very sensitive" data
ExpirationDate=Very sensitive
Expiration-Date=Very sensitive
# Service Code: "Very sensitive" data
ServiceCode=Very sensitive
Service-Code=Very sensitive
# Category 2 - Sensitive Authentication Data
# Track data (magnetic-stripe data or equivalent on a chip): "Sensitive" data
# CVV numbers: "Sensitive' data
# PIN/PIN blocks: "Sensitive' data

Which technologies are supported for data sensitivity detection?

Technology Custom key words Built-in key words GDPR/PCI-DSS Targeted object types Required extension
Mainframe ✔️ ✔️ Cobol File Link, JCL Dataset, IMS Segment com.castsoftware.mainframe.sensitivedata
NoSQL for Java ✔️ ✔️ Collections com.castsoftware.nosqljava (≥ 1.6.16)
NoSQL for .NET ✔️ ✔️ Collections com.castsoftware.nosqldotnet (≥ 1.7.0)
SQL ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Table Columns com.castsoftware.datacolumnaccess - note that this extension provides a default list of key words for data sensitive table columns, but custom key words can also be added.
SQL ✔️ ✔️ Tables com.castsoftware.sqlanalyzer (≥ 3.6.10) - see also SQL Analyzer - RDBMS Table Sensitive Data.
Cloud Storage ✔️ ✔️ AWS Buckets, Azure Blob Container, GCP Cloud Storage Bucket com.castsoftware.nodejs (≥ 2.10.2), com.castsoftware.typescript (≥ 1.13.0), com.castsoftware.awsdotnet (≥ 1.0.4-funcrel), com.castsoftware.awsjava (≥ 1.2.5-funcrel)

Configuration instructions

Custom key words

Define the .datasensitive file

First define the key words which will be used to identify the corresponding objects which you want to flag. To do this, you will need to create an empty text file with the extension .datasensitive (it can be named anything). You should then fill this file with your key word definitions, using the format shown below:

  • one key word per line
  • three levels of sensitivity - these are case sensitive and must respect the format listed below otherwise they will be ignored:
keyword=Highly sensitive
keyword=Very sensitive

For example:

UserDetails=Highly sensitive
UserContacts=Very sensitive

Deliver the .datasensitive file

The .datasensitive file must be delivered with your source code. It should be located in as follows:

Extension Location
com.castsoftware.mainframe.sensitivedata In a dedicated folder called Database specifically for the .datasensitive file.
com.castsoftware.nosqljava In the root folder along side the source code.
com.castsoftware.nosqldotnet In the root folder along side the source code.
com.castsoftware.datacolumnaccess In the root folder along side the source code.
com.castsoftware.sqlanalyzer In the root folder along side the source code.
com.castsoftware.awsdotnet In the root folder along side the source code.
com.castsoftware.awsjava In the root folder along side the source code.

For example:

Note that CAST Imaging Console does not expose the .datasensitive file in the Overview panel:

GDPR and PCI-DSS files

There is no configuration required for GDPR and PCI-DSS: CAST Console will automatically retrieve the necessary files before analysis, so you do not need to provide them (as they are standard files).

What results can we expect?

Once the analysis/snapshot generation has been completed, you can view the results in the normal manner (for example via CAST Imaging). Some examples are shown below:

Custom sensitive property

When an object name matches a key word defined in the .datasensitive file delivered with the source code:

Built-in sensitive property

These are provided by the com.castsoftware.datacolumnaccess extension for Table columns - note that CAST Imaging Viewer does not currently expose Table columns in the view interface:

GDPR sensitive property

When an object name matches a GDPR key word:

PCI-DSS sensitive property

When an object name matches a PCI-DSS key word: