Release Notes - 1.0
Other Updates
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Fixes an issue causing an error in the analysis log "No link for System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReader() - Traceback TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'". |
Fixes an issue where ADO.NET Query objects are not created. |
Study ADO extension performance on XXXL application and update based on findings. |
Fixes various issues causing "traceback" messages in the analysis log. |
Fixes an issue causing the creation of an "CAST_DotNet_ADO_SqlQuery_Unknown" object where "CAST_Dotnet_ADO_SqlQuery objects should be created instead. |
Fixes an issue causing a traceback message in the analysis log "RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object". |
Other Updates
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Improve evaluation via the addition of new heuristic rules to avoid the recurrence of the message "Reached limit Max states" in the log file. |
Fixes an issue causing a traceback error in the analysis log during string value conversion. In addition, improvements have been made to ensure that unnecessary information is not logged. |
Fixes an issue causing the creation of multiple "Unknown SQL Query" objects. |
Fixes an issue where the analysis contained messages such as "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'replace'" caused by unresolved SQL queries. |
Other Updates
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Fixes an issue causing the "ZeroDivisionError: division by zero" warning to appear in the analysis log. |
Fixes an issue causing the "TypeError: Can't convert 'tuple' object to str implicitly" warning to appear in the analysis log. |
Fixes an issue causing the "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'replace'" warning to appear in the analysis log. |
A change has been implemented that replaces the end-of-line special character (CrLf) with any empty space to improve string value conversion. |
Fixes a conversion traceback error found in the run_analysis step. |
An update to the plugin.nuspec file has been applied to improve the description of the extension displayed in CAST Extend. |
Other Updates
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Fixes an issue where a new ADO.NET object ID clashed with an object generated by the SAP extension. |
This is a re-release of 1.0.2-funcrel which has now been withdrawn and includes all updates published in 1.0.2-funcrel.
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id |
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45322 |
Fixes an issue where the com.castsoftware.dotnet.ado extension generated log files exceeding 100GB for several applications. As a result of this fix, some log messages that were set as “INFO” are now set to “DEBUG”. |
New Support
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Add unknown object |
A new object called "DotNet Unknown ADO Query" has been added and set as a standard end point. |
Improve bookmark data |
Bookmark data for existing objects has been updated to improve accuracy. |
The extension (1.0.2-funcrel) is withdrawn.
Other Updates
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This update completes the support for SQLite from Praeclarum: SQLite.SQLiteConnection / SQLite.SQLiteAsyncConnection methods for sending a SQL query. |
This update adds vendor name property to ADO objects: vendor naming depends on package containing method call. |
This update adds properties for incomplete SQL queries for create / insert / update in case of missing values. |
This update allows more object bookmark values to be retained. |
Moved to funcrel.
Other Updates
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Keep parameter {X} in String.Format() call if {X} fail to return a definite value |
New Support
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Added support for CommandType.TableDirect in Ole Db and SqlServerCe. |
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Simplified the the process of evaluation and improved the string bookmarks. |
Other Updates
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The extension has been improved to ensure that the analysis results are now more precise in comparison to previous releases: additional objects may now be created for identical delivered source code. |
New Support
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Support new APIs |
The following APIs are now supported: Devart.Common, Devart.Data.MySql, Devart.Data.SQLite, Devart.Data.PostgreSql, Devart.Data.Linq, IBM.Data.Informix, SQLite, Microsoft.SqlServer.Server. |
Add support for missing classes from existing supported APIs |
The following classes from existing supported APIs are now also supported: OracleBulkCopy (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client + Oracle.DataAccess.Client), DB2BulkCopy (IBM.Data.DB2.Core), MySqlBulkCopy / MySqlBulkLoader (MySqlConnector), SqlStatement / DbScript (Devart.Common), MySqlHelper (Devart.Data.MySql). |
Summary |
Create more objects in client apps |
New Support
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Improve evaluation quality with more method parameter priorities |
Support basic addition operator in concatenation |
Support new System.Text.StringBuilder methods that work with string |
New Support
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The performance of the value conversion for System.Data/System.String has been improved. |
New Support
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Support for SQL queries under ADO.NET |
Objects are created for SQL queries performed by API methods and properties working under ADO.NET framework. Created Query objects are linkable to available SQL tables. |