Release Notes - 1.0


Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing an error in the analysis log "No link for System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReader() - Traceback TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'".
Fixes an issue where ADO.NET Query objects are not created.
Study ADO extension performance on XXXL application and update based on findings.
Fixes various issues causing "traceback" messages in the analysis log.
Fixes an issue causing the creation of an "CAST_DotNet_ADO_SqlQuery_Unknown" object where "CAST_Dotnet_ADO_SqlQuery objects should be created instead.
Fixes an issue causing a traceback message in the analysis log "RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object".


Other Updates

Improve evaluation via the addition of new heuristic rules to avoid the recurrence of the message "Reached limit Max states" in the log file.
Fixes an issue causing a traceback error in the analysis log during string value conversion. In addition, improvements have been made to ensure that unnecessary information is not logged.
Fixes an issue causing the creation of multiple "Unknown SQL Query" objects.
Fixes an issue where the analysis contained messages such as "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'replace'" caused by unresolved SQL queries.


Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing the "ZeroDivisionError: division by zero" warning to appear in the analysis log.
Fixes an issue causing the "TypeError: Can't convert 'tuple' object to str implicitly" warning to appear in the analysis log.
Fixes an issue causing the "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'replace'" warning to appear in the analysis log.
A change has been implemented that replaces the end-of-line special character (CrLf) with any empty space to improve string value conversion.
Fixes a conversion traceback error found in the run_analysis step.
An update to the plugin.nuspec file has been applied to improve the description of the extension displayed in CAST Extend.


Other Updates

Fixes an issue where a new ADO.NET object ID clashed with an object generated by the SAP extension.



This is a re-release of 1.0.2-funcrel which has now been withdrawn and includes all updates published in 1.0.2-funcrel.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
45322 Fixes an issue where the com.castsoftware.dotnet.ado extension generated log files exceeding 100GB for several applications. As a result of this fix, some log messages that were set as “INFO” are now set to “DEBUG”.

New Support

Summary Details
Add unknown object A new object called "DotNet Unknown ADO Query" has been added and set as a standard end point.
Improve bookmark data Bookmark data for existing objects has been updated to improve accuracy.



The extension (1.0.2-funcrel) is withdrawn.


Other Updates

This update completes the support for SQLite from Praeclarum: SQLite.SQLiteConnection / SQLite.SQLiteAsyncConnection methods for sending a SQL query.
This update adds vendor name property to ADO objects: vendor naming depends on package containing method call.
This update adds properties for incomplete SQL queries for create / insert / update in case of missing values.
This update allows more object bookmark values to be retained.



Moved to funcrel.

Other Updates

Keep parameter {X} in String.Format() call if {X} fail to return a definite value

New Support

Summary Details
ADONET-47 Added support for CommandType.TableDirect in Ole Db and SqlServerCe.

Performance Improvements

Simplified the the process of evaluation and improved the string bookmarks.


Other Updates

The extension has been improved to ensure that the analysis results are now more precise in comparison to previous releases: additional objects may now be created for identical delivered source code.

New Support

Summary Details
Support new APIs The following APIs are now supported: Devart.Common, Devart.Data.MySql, Devart.Data.SQLite, Devart.Data.PostgreSql, Devart.Data.Linq, IBM.Data.Informix, SQLite, Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.
Add support for missing classes from existing supported APIs The following classes from existing supported APIs are now also supported: OracleBulkCopy (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client + Oracle.DataAccess.Client), DB2BulkCopy (IBM.Data.DB2.Core), MySqlBulkCopy / MySqlBulkLoader (MySqlConnector), SqlStatement / DbScript (Devart.Common), MySqlHelper (Devart.Data.MySql).

Performance Improvements

Create more objects in client apps


New Support

Summary Details
Add support for additional data providers The following data providers are now all supported: IBM, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle Server, PostgreSQL, SAP ASE, Teradata, LiteDB, SnowFlake, Spring. See link.

Performance Improvements

Improve evaluation quality with more method parameter priorities
Support basic addition operator in concatenation
Support new System.Text.StringBuilder methods that work with string


New Support

Summary Details
Add support Added support for Devart.Data.Oracle ( link.
Add support Added support for Oracle.DataAccess.Client ( link.
Add support Added support for Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client ( link.
Add support Added support for System.Data.EntityClient ( link.
Add support Added support for System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityClient ( link.

Performance Improvements

The performance of the value conversion for System.Data/System.String has been improved.


New Support

Summary Details
Support for SQL queries under ADO.NET Objects are created for SQL queries performed by API methods and properties working under ADO.NET framework. Created Query objects are linkable to available SQL tables.