Release Notes - 3.7
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
49250 | Mainframe related analyses: Fixes an issue causing the analysis to hang during the "run extension after analysis step, within the stage "Start calculating client server quality rules". |
49242 | IBM for i related: Fixes a false Cyclomatic Complexity value for Views based on "lf" files. |
49253 | IBM for i related: Fixes a missing table issue when the table is prefixed by a schema starting with "&", e.g. : "CREATE TABLE &VAR/OTTO (COL1 INT, …);". |
48868 | Fixes an issue causing missing links between CRUD Entity and Table. |
Other Updates
Details |
XXXL Mainframe application: Fixes a performance issue during the application level step for SQL Analyzer. Removed unuseful logged messages. |
Mainframe XXXL application: Fixes a performance issue during the application level step, impacting the calculation of client server quality rules. |
Fixes an issue causing the generation of an incorrect Missing Procedure object. |
Fixes an issue causing a runtime error at application level for a CTLProgram object. |
Minor update to add code "bookmarks" for monitor links. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
48461 | Fixed false links from SpringData Query to Tables. |
Other Updates
Details |
Fixed issue with PostgresSQL tables identified as DB2 / Oracle tables. |
Fixed Oracle built-in functions wm_concat, LISTAGG and NUMTODSINTERVAL reported as Missing Procedure. |
Fixed performance issue during application level at the step "removing UA select all properties for SQL Analyzer Objects and objects from languages having SQL Named Queries objects". |
Fixed duplicated tables when create statements are similar. |
Fixed error during application level at the step "adding missing links between SQL embedded queries and SQL Tables / Views / Procedures / Functions". |
Fixed an issue causing the property "Raw SQL Complexity" to not be generated for Java Methods. |
Fixed a performance issue in the post-application step pushing links from synonyms to aliased objects for Mainframe applications. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
48078 | PostgreSQL: fixed missing SQL objects due to a misinterpreted regular expression. |
Other Updates
Details |
Fixed Missing Table not created when the table belongs to system schema. |
Fixed SQL-002 warning raised by a "CREATE INDEX" statement with a column named "KEY" in the list of indexed columns. E.g. : "CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name, KEY)". |
Cobol SQL Query: fixed a missing link to a table column object. |
Fixed LF and PF files analyzed in RPG and SQL Analyzer. |
PostgreSQL: fixed built-in functions which are created as missing procedure / table objects. |
Fixed an issue causing SQL files to be ignored (visible in com.castsoftware.sqlanalyzer 3.6.19). |
Rule Id | New Rule | Details |
1101114 | TRUE | Added a new rule named Avoid "SELECT *" queries (SQL) which replaces the rule 7344: Avoid "SELECT *" queries for the SQL objects and also for the SQL Query objects. This quality rule reports the SQL artifacts containing queries using the "SELECT *" statement. It applies to DDL as well as DML, including embedded SQL in client code when materialized by a SQL Query object. Not all "SELECT *" queries are reported in violation, some of them are ignored. E.g.: SELECT * FROM a single table in VIEWs / MATERIALIZED VIEWs, CREATE TABLE AS SELECT * FROM a single table, SELECT * INTO table_name FROM a single table, EXISTS(SELECT *, NOT EXISTS(SELECT *, SELECT * EXCEPT(…). |
1101022 | FALSE | Fixed an issue causing false positive violations when the primary key is added in the same alter table statements with a default constraint, in the second position. E.g.: "ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT default_name DEFAULT (default_value) FOR column_name, CONSTRAINT pk_name PRIMARY KEY (list_of_the_columns)." |
1101090 | FALSE | Fixed an issue causing false positive violations when the clustered index is added in the same alter table statements with a default constraint, in the second position. E.g.: "ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT default_name DEFAULT (default_value) FOR column_name, CONSTRAINT pk_name PRIMARY KEY (list_of_the_columns) CLUSTERED". |
New Support
Summary | Details |
SQLSCRIPT-1325 | Added Raw SQL Complexity Metric for SQL Query objects. |
SQLSCRIPT-1338 | Added a specific property named "System object" for any SQL system objects detected. |
SQLSCRIPT-1339 | When PostgreSQL objects are created without specifying any schema name, by default such objects are automatically put into a schema named "public". From now on, "public" will be considered by com.castsoftware.sqlanalyzer as the DEFAULT schema for PostgreSQL objects. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
47746 | Added support for CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE statement. |
47857 | Fixed incorrect link to a table which has same name but different parent schema to the one referenced in the Dapper SQL Query object. |
Other Updates
Details |
Fixed ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '100000 00270000' during table's size loading. |
Fixed missing useSelect link between FETCH Cobol Query and Table. |
Fixed missing links between JPA Query and JPA Entity Operation and SQL Tables. |
Fixed WARNING during run extensions after analysis when adding missing links between SQL embedded queries and SQL objects. |
Other Updates
Details |
Fixed a WARNING occurring during the run extension step after an analysis, for Mainframe applications. |
Fixed missing links between JPQL Query and SQL Table objects. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
47343 | Oracle: Some SQL files, with data export / loading statements, were previously and incorrectly considered as DML. This has now been fixed. |
46682 | Fixed incorrect links created from procedure to a table named SET (MERGE INTO… UPDATE SET syntax). |
46591 | Fixed missing links between SQL Query objects and Table objects due to a crash at the application level. |
Other Updates
Details |
Fixed multiple "AttributeError" issues found in in com.castsoftware.sqlanalyzer 3.6.11-funcrel. |
Fixed and removed duplicated objects. |
Oracle : Fixed SQL-004 warning. |
Rules for Cobol SQL Embedded Query objects: removed Cobol file parsing at application level. To benefit from this fix, you should use at least the version 1.1.0-funcrel of com.castsoftware.mainframe. |
Oracle: improved the process of merging duplicate objects. |
Fixed RuntimeError ("Cannot use Object.get_property() if property has not been loaded"). |
Fixed an issue causing a SQL Missing table object to not be created and a duplicate GUID message to be logged in the application level file. |
Fixed invalid Missing Procedure object when a Package Procedure with the same name also exists. |
Rule Id | New Rule | Details |
1101026 | FALSE | T-SQL: fixed false positives for the rule "Always define column names when inserting values" when WITH tables hints are used. |
1101004 | FALSE | Fixed a random missing violation for the rule "Avoid non-indexed SQL queries". |
1101000 | FALSE | T-SQL: fixed false positives for the rule "Never use SQL queries with a cartesian product (SQL)" when a SELECT is used in dynamic SQL. |
1101008 | FALSE | T-SQL: fixed false positives for the rule "Avoid non-SARGable queries" when a SELECT is used in dynamic SQL. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
45553 | Fixes an issue causing SQL-004 warnings for 5 files during link creation phase for an Oracle analysis. |
45635 | Fixes an issue where the analysis became stuck after the "DssRun" step finished successfully. |
45659 | Fixed tables columns reported as missing procedures. |
46125 | Fixed missing links between Cobol SQL Query and Tables. |
Other Updates
Details |
Fixes an issue where some objects (Synonyms, Missing Tables) were incorrectly set as "end points" isntead of "data entities" for transaction purposes. |
Removed SQL Analyzer log messages from analysis units that are not SQL related. |
Cobol SQL Query object: fixed missing links when FETCH is used with NEXT ROWSET. |
Fixed missing links between JPQL Query and SQL Tables. |
Oracle PL/SQL scripts: a change has been implemented to ensure that a BEGIN in a PROMPT statement is no longer considered the beginning of a block statement. |
JDBC SQL Query objects: fixed incorrectly created Missing table object for CREATE TABLE statements. |
Spring JDBC Query obejcts: fixed missing links for tables that have the same name. |
CTLCode objects: fixed missing links between CTLCode and SQL Table objects when the name of the table is PRINT. |
Fixed duplicated tables. |
DotNet Enterprise Library SQL Query object: fixed an issue causing a missing Procedure. |
Fixed duplicated synonyms. |
Improved application level performance. |
Rule Id | New Rule | Details |
1101026 | FALSE | Fixed false positive violation which was occurring when the table's schema name is a parameter. |
New Support
Summary | Details |
Support for missing tables for Entity Operations | Added the support for missing tables for Entity ORM CRUD operations. You should install com.castsoftware.sqlanalyzer >= 3.7.0-funcrel if you have Entity Operations in your applications and you are already using com.castsoftware.entity >= 2.2.12-funcrel. |
Support fo IMS linking | Added support for the linking between IMS SQL Query objects and IMS DB Segment objects. Available with com.castsoftware.mainframe >= 1.4.0-alpha1 and com.castsoftware.wbslinker >= 1.7.33. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
40693 | Fixed false positive on the rule 1101106 "Avoid tables without primary key / unique key constraint / unique index". |
41969 | Fixes an issue causing missing "belongs to" links. |
44556 | Improved links for SQL DML files: DML files are now considered as data exports only when INSERTs have static data. |
Other Updates
Details |
Improved detection of DATA exports vs DML files. |
Fixed SQL-002 parsing issue raised on ALTER TABLE … RENAME statement. |
Fixed missing insert link from Spring JDBC Query to SQL Table. |
Fixed application level error. |
Rule Id | New Rule | Details |
1101106 | FALSE | Fixed false positives for the rule "Avoid tables without primary key / unique key constraint / unique index". |
New Support
Summary | Details |
ORACLE : Object Types : added call link for indirect calls | Added callLink from a Method's Type via another Method's Type when an object's method is called indirectly, via a variable. |
ORACLE : Object Types : added relyon link for parameters/variables datatypes | Added relyonLink from Type's Method to another Type/Table when parameters/variables datatypes are Type/Table Columns. |
ORACLE : Object Types : changed link type from sub Type to super Type | The link inheritLink has been changed to inheritExtendLink. |
ORACLE : Object Types : added new link between methods | Added inheritOverrideLink from a Method's Type which overrides a super Type's Method. |
Support for missing tables | Added support for missing tables for .NET/JEE ORM CRUD operations. |
Link ORM CRUD Operations with SQL Tables/Views | Moved the linking of ORM CRUD Operations with SQL Tables/Views from Universal Linker (com.castsoftware.wbslinker) to SQL Analyzer. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
44816 | Fixed incorrect missing table object "LOCKS" created for SQL statement "USE AND KEEP UPDATE LOCKS". |
44915 | Fixed an issue causing the error "ERROR: negative substring length not allowed." |
42424 | Fixed false link between SQL Server Procedures and Db2 Tables. |
Other Updates
Details |
Changed SQL Analysis objects GUID’s. The analysis unit name logged in the analysis log will no longer contain the numeric suffix. Eg.: a previous GUID "SQLScriptFunction?Main_sourcesDatabase_36645.CASTPUBS.STORENAME_PROC" will change to "SQLScriptFunction?Main_sourcesDatabase.CASTPUBS.STORENAME_PROC". During the update to the new version, all SQL Analyzer GUID’s will be migrated. |
When two missing objects with same name are created one in DEFAULT the second in a named missing schema - because the object is prefixed - the one in the DEFAULT schema should be merged in the second one, from the named schema. E.g.: for the following SQL Embedded Queries: "select * from TOTO.TATA and "select * from TATA" a single Missing Table will be created : "TOTO.TATA.TATA". |
Fixed Invalid name assigned to artifact when %SCHEMA% prefix is used in SQL script. E.g. : "CREATE PROCEDURE %SCHEMA%.TOTO" … previous to the fix the SQL Procedure was named "%" and now the name is "TOTO". |
Rule Id | New Rule | Details |
1101008 | FALSE | Fixed false positives / negatives for "Avoid non-SARGable queries". |
1101102 | FALSE | Fixed false negatives for "Avoid using LIKE conditions without wildcards". |
1101024 | FALSE | Fixed false negatives for "Avoid using dynamic SQL in SQL Artifacts". |
1101090 | FALSE | Fixed false positives for "Avoid Tables without a clustered Index (SQL)". |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
43979 | Fixed Trigger and Index fullnames when only the table name is prefixed. |
Other Updates
Details |
Fixed random metric inconsistency for metric "Max Control Statements Nested" for duplicated objects, created in different SQL files. |
Fixed false link between a procedure and a table, when table is not in the procedure scope. |
New Support
Summary | Details |
Add support for the Teradata statement DATABASE <DATABASE_NAME> ; |
The default session database is correctly detected. |
Other Updates
Details |
Fixes an issue causing the creation of a "SQL Missing Table" object when a standard SQL table obejct with the same name already exists. |
Rule Id | New Rule | Details |
1101006 | FALSE | Fixed a false positive violation on the rule 1101006 "Avoid non-indexed XXL SQL queries". |
1101008 | FALSE | Fixed a false positive violation on the rule 1101008 "Avoid non-SARGable queries". |
1101076 | FALSE | Fixed a missing violation for the rule 1101076 "Avoid unqualified column references". |
New Support
Summary | Details |
New advisor: Migrate DB2 to MySQL | Added support for "Migrate DB2 to MySQL" advisor rules in com.castsoftware.sql.movetocloud extension. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
43519 | Fixed missing Oracle procedure and package objects when the SQL file is considered as DML instead of DDL. |
Other Updates
Details |
Fixed SQL-002 analysis warning for ALTER TABLE statements. |
Rule Id | New Rule | Details |
1101006 | FALSE | Removed false positives when the table is filtered via a CASE statement. And also in the situation when multiple tables with the same name are matching for the selected table. |
New Support
Summary | Details |
Added the support for new SQL file extensions. | More file extensions are supported. You can find all details in the official documentation |