Release Notes - 1.1


New Support

Summary Details
Support for Android Volley Added support for Android Volley HTTP library - see the documentation for details.


Other Updates

Fixes a traceback error in the analsyis log "AttributeError: 'TypeAlias' object has no attribute 'find_method'".
Fixes a traceback error in the analsyis log "AttributeError: 'Member' object has no attribute 'find_member'".
Fixes multiple traceback errors in the analsyis log "AttributeError": 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'children'".
Fixes a traceback error in the analsyis log: "IndexError : list index out of range".
Fixes a traceback error in the analsyis log "RuntimeError: property is not registered for given object type".
Fixes a traceback error in the analsyis log "AttributeError: 'TypeAlias' object has no attribute 'get_kb_object'".
Fixes a traceback error in the analsyis log: "AttributeError: 'StringVar' object has no attribute 'get_fullname'".


Other Updates

False positives for rule (1030000): "Avoid "when" statement or expression without an else (Kotlin)".
Included jakarta.* references corresponding to javax.* usage.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1030000 FALSE The rule: Avoid "when" statement or expression without an else (Kotlin), is deactivated and marked DEPRECATED.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
42533 Fixes the missing Links between Kotlin methods and Database objects with Spring JDBC.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
40901 Fixes false positive for Avoid artifacts having recursive calls Kotlin technology.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
40560 Fixed the missing links between methods referenced in inheritance.


Other Updates

Provided a fix for missing links from Kotlin to Java.

New Support

Summary Details
Support of getters and setters See link.