Release Notes - 2.0
Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases.
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Fixes an issue where some "CAST_Java_Lambda" type objects are missing in v3/8.4 when compared to the same source code analyzed with v2/8.3. |
An internal technical change to add improved verbose mode logging for JEE analyses. |
Fixes an issue where some "CAST_Java_Service_CallToPost" type objects are missing in v3/8.4 when compared to the same source code analyzed with v2/8.3. |
Fixes an issue causing the error "[TRACEBACK] Extension com.castsoftware.jeerules has encountered an issue with jee-2.0.8-build927 During start_xml_file on File" to appear in the analysis log. |
Fixes an issue where there is a difference in the number of "SPRING_BEAN" type objects in v3/8.4 when compared to the same source code analyzed with v2/8.3. |
Fixes an issue causing "JSP_BEAN_PROP_TILES_DEF_ATTRIBUTE" type objects to be recorded as added/deleted during the first rescan post migration to v3/8.4. |
Fixes an issue causing modified object GUIDs for many JEE related objects (and therefore added/deleted objects) during the first rescan post migration to v3/8.4. |
Fixes an causing a missing bookmark on "JSP_PROPERTY_MAPPING" objects. |
Fixes an issue causing missing links to "Entity" type objects. |
Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases.
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Fixes an issue where some objects of type "CAST_Java_Lambda" are missing in CAST Imaging V3 when using com.castsoftware.jee 2.0.5 and comparing to results generated with CAST Imaging V2 and com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. |
Fixes an issue where some objects of type "CAST_Java_Service_CallToPost" are missing in CAST Imaging V3 when using com.castsoftware.jee 2.0.5 and comparing to results generated with CAST Imaging V2 and com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. |
Fixes an issue causing the JEE analysis to fail with "Cannot compute sets from analysis units that have not been analyzed or that are not up to date". |
Fixes an issue causing an error in the analysis log: "[TRACEBACK] Extension com.castsoftware.jeerules has encountered an issue". |
Fixes an issue causing the object GUIDs to change for many objects when performing a full rescan of an application in CAST Imaging V3 post migration V2 to V3. |
Fixes an issue causing some objects of type "JSP_BEAN_PROP_TILES_DEF_ATTRIBUTE" to be recorded as deleted and then added. |
Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases
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Fixes an issue where JEE Lombok environment profile configuration was missing from previous releases of the extension, causing some objects to be missing from the analysis results. |
Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases
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Fixes an issue where the analysis fails with an "out of memory" error in the "external link" step for application source code containing both java and SQL. |
Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases.
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
50409 | Fixes an issue causing the JEE analyzer (release 2.0.4-funcrel, specifically when used in a Linux via Docker installation) to fail when a second analysis unit is analyzed. |
Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases.
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Fixes an issue identified in the previous release of this extension (2.0.3-funcrel) where attempting to install the extension with CAST Imaging Core 8.4.0 on Linux via Docker fails with the error "Incompatible version on extension dependency: CAIP.8.4.1, actual version: 8.4.0". |
Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases.
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Fixes an issue where when comparing the results of an analysis of the same source code with v2/1.3.19 there are differences in the number of objects, specifically for JSP_BEAN, JPA_ENTITY_PROPERTY, JV_PACKAGES objects, in turn causing missing links to JPA_ENTITY objects and virtual methods. |
Fixes an issue where when comparing the results of an analysis of the same source code with v2/1.3.19 there are differences in the number of Hibernate objects |
Fixes an issue where when comparing the results of an analysis of the same source code with v2/1.3.19 there are differences in the number of objects such as CAST_Java_JPA_Entity, CAST_Java_JPA_Entity_Operation, CAST_Java_JPA_SQLQuery, CAST_JAVA_JDBC_SQLQuery, CAST_Java_JPA_JPQLQuery, CAST_Java_Unknown_JPA_SQLQuery, CAST_Java_Unknown_JPA_Entity and CAST_Java_Unknown_JPA_Entity_Operation. |
Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases.
Note also that this release requires CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4.1 when working with CAST Imaging 3.x installed on Linux via Docker (due to a change in the compilation engine). When working with CAST Imaging 3.x installed on Microsoft Windows, CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4.0 is supported.
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Fixes an issue causing a missing devirtualisation call. |
Fixes an issue causing missing links between jee objects and SQL table columns. |
Fixes an issue causing a bad comment line number for JSP page objects. |
Fixes an issue causing JSP page objects to have no checksum property. |
Fixes an issue causing missing links between JSP and java objects. |
Fixes an issue causing a bad name for the webDirectory folder. |
Fixes an issue causing the tag "<%@ taglib" to not be correctly managed. |
Fixes an issue causing the generation of an erroneous GUID for "taglib". |
Fixes an issue causing the analyzer to fail to find taglib references in jar files when used in JSP pages. |
Rule Id | New Rule | Details |
2232 | FALSE | Fixes an issue causing missing violations for the rule "Pages should use error handling page". |
8220 | FALSE | Fixes a missing violation for the rule "Avoid using deprecated method, constructor, field, type or package" due to an incorrect property. |
A release of the JEE Analyzer to support installation on Linux and Windows with CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4. Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.19. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases.
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Fixes an "XPath error" when analyzing XML files: "Undefined namespace prefix". |
Fixes differences found in results produced in 1.3.18 and 2.0.0 regarding CAST_JEE_StrutsPackage and JSP_ATTRIBUTES_SCOPE objects. |
Fixes a regression introduced between release 1.3.18 and 2.0.0 on JPA objects. |
Fixes a regression between release 1.3.18 and 2.0.0 with regard to JPA Entity Operation objects. |
Fixes an issue where Java Resource Services objects were duplicated. |
Fixes an issue where in 2.0.0 some objects were created with ID and _jsp in their object names contrary to the results generated in 1.3.18. |
Fixes an issue where CAST_JAVA_JDBC_SQLQuery object for truncate tables (sql code in java classes) were missing in previous releases. |
Fixes an issue where extracted files associated to objects related to Struts, OpenSymphony and Java Faces frameworks differed with 1.3.18. |
Fixes an issue where JSP_XMLCONFIG_FILES were missing in 2.x when compared to results generated with 1.3.18. |
Fixes an issue where JSP Bean objects were missing in 2.x when compared to results generated with 1.3.17. |
Fixes an issue where STXX objects were missing in 2.x when compared to results generated with 1.3.18. |
Fixes an issue (related to activation.xml files) causing missing objects and differences related to environment profile jars. |
Fixes an issue where metamodel icons were not shipped in "configuration/Languages/java/res" causing missing icons. |
A new release of the JEE Analyzer to support installation on Linux and Windows with CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4. Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.17. Please take note of which explains some of the result changes in comparison to previous releases.
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Fixes an issue causing a difference in the number of violations (structural flaws) produced, compared with 1.3.x and CAST AIP 8.3. Previously, the rule "Avoid using deprecated method, constructor, field, type or package" was not computed on anonymous classes. |
Fixes an error during the analysis when incorrect UTF-8 is identified in the source code. |
Fixes a traceback error in the analysis log with regard to extensibility: "traceback on start_type". |
Fixes an issue where some logs generated by the extension are not visible in CAST Imaging UI. |
A new release of the JEE Analyzer to support installation on Linux and Windows with CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4. Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.17.
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Fixes an issue causing an error when several applications are analyzed at the same time. |
Fixes an issue where the com.castsoftware.securityforjava extension fails to run therefore causing the com.castsoftware.securityanalyzer to fail. |
Fixes two issues: 1) fixes an issue with the JEE environment profile "Log4J 1_2_14" which contained an incorrect JAR file and caused the "[WARNING] JAVA048: %CAUSE%" message to appear in the analysis log, and 2) fixes a secondary problem with the "[WARNING] JAVA048: %CAUSE%" message itself. |
A new release of the JEE Analyzer to support installation on Linux and Windows with CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4. Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.17.
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Manage upgrade between 1.3.x and 2.0.0 releases of the extension and also between AIP Core 8.3.x and Imaging Core 8.4.x |
A new release of the JEE Analyzer to support installation on Linux and Windows with CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4. Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.17.
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Fixes an issue where the analyzer fails to run on Microsoft Windows 10. |
A new release of the JEE Analyzer to support installation on Linux and Windows with CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4. Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.17.
A new release of the JEE Analyzer to support installation on Linux server with CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4. Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.16, however, some functionality has been removed (see documentation).
A new release of the JEE Analyzer to support installation on Linux server with CAST Imaging Core ≥ 8.4. Functionally equivalent to com.castsoftware.jee 1.3.10, however, some functionality has been removed (see documentation).