System Objects


System objects are specific to the database vendor. Sometimes they are stored in a specific database(s), otherwise in specific schema(s). Starting with the version 3.5.8-funcrel we exclude System Objects from metric calculations, and consider them as external. The names of the system database / schema can be changed directly in the configuration files, located in the system_objects subdirectory. Starting with the version 3.7.4-funcrel, system objects have a new property named “System object”.

System objects by vendor

Some vendors store system objects in specific databases, this is the case for Microsoft SQL Server and ASE Sybase, which are identified as “SQL Server”. Other vendors store system objects in specific schemas, and this is the case for almost all other vendors. In the table below we list the names of System Database / Schema by vendor. They are now considered as external and we systematically exclude them from metric calculations.

Vendor System Database : system_databases.config System Databases that begin with a prefix : prefixes_system_databases.config System Schema : system_schemas.config System Schemas that begin with a prefix : prefixes_system_schemas.config

information_schema syscat systat sysfun sysibm sysibmadm sysproc syspublic sysadm systools qsys qsys2 sysstat system sysibminternal sysibmts
Db2 for i

information_schema syscat systat sysfun sysibm sysibmadm sysproc syspublic sysadm systools qsys qsys2 sysstat system sysibminternal sysibmts

MySQL *)

mysql information_schema performance_schema sysmysql sys

anonymous appqossys ctxsys dbsnmp dip exfsys ix mddata mdsys mgmt_view oe olapsys oracle_ocm orddata ordplugins ordsys outln owbsys owbsys_audit si_informtn_schema spatial_csw_admin_usr spatial_wfs_admin_usr sys sysman system wmsys xdb xs$null


Sqlserver ) master model msdb resource tempdb sybsystemprocs sybsystemdb sybsecurity pub2 pubs3 dbccdb sybmgmtdb

CockroachDB system
information_schema crdb_internal pg_catalog pg_extension
NonStop SQL
  • *) MySQL and MariaDb
  • **) Microsoft SQL Server and ASE Sybase