Transitioning from the CAST AIP Db2 Analyzer to the SQL Analyzer extension


If you have been actively analyzing Db2 (z/OS or LUW) with the Db2 Analyzer (provided out-of-the-box in CAST AIP) you can transition to using the SQL Analyzer extension to analyze your Db2 source code. The process of transitioning is described in this page.

Note that it is only possible to analyze Db2 when using the SQL Analyzer extension ≥ 2.x.

Step 1: Take a snapshot

Take a snapshot of the existing Application prior to making any further changes.

Step 2: Backup CAST AIP schemas and Delivery/Deployment folders

  • To backup the CAST AIP schemas use the CSSBackup tool (located in the CSSAdmin folder in the CAST AIP installation folder) use the following scripts adapted to your environment:

Backup CAST AIP schemas

CSSBackup.exe -schema db2_udb_local -password CastAIP -file c:\temp\DB2\db2_udb_local.cssdmp -log c:\temp\DB2\db2_udb_local.log
CSSBackup.exe -schema db2_udb_central -password CastAIP -file c:\temp\DB2\db2_udb_central.cssdmp -log c:\temp\DB2\db2_udb_central.log
CSSBackup.exe -schema db2_udb_measure -password CastAIP -file c:\temp\DB2\db2_udb_measure.cssdmp -log c:\temp\DB2\\db2_udb_measure.log
CSSBackup.exe -schema db2_udb_mngt -password CastAIP -file c:\temp\DB2\db2_udb_mngt.cssdmp -log c:\temp\DB2\\db2_udb_mngt.log
  • Then ZIP the Delivery and Deployment folders for easy restoration:

Step 3: Check results and grades

Before proceeding, check your results and grades using the CAST dashboards. Example below show a Db2 LUW analysis:


Quality and size evolution

Violated rules by technology

Step 4: Download and install the latest version of the SQL Analyzer extension

This will be automatic when using CAST Console.

Note that you need to install the extension into the CAST AIP schemas that you were using previously to host your Application containing the Db2 analysis results.

Step 5: Retrieve existing Db2 LUW connection details

This step is only relevant for those analyzing Db2 LUW online.

Use the following query, run against your CAST AIP Management Service schema, to retrieve the connection details to the live Db2 LUW databases that are used during the analysis with the Db2 Analyzer (provided out-of-the-box in CAST AIP). This information can be reused when extracting the DDL for use with the SQL Analyzer extension:

For Oracle and CSS (postgreSQL) Management databases::

select partdetails.Object_Name PackageName, UserName, Host, Port, DbName, projdetails.Object_Name SchemaName 
(select * from CMS_DynamicFields where Entity_GUID = 'dbtwoserver.DatabaseServerParticipatingDB2') part,
(select * from CMS_DynamicFields where Entity_GUID = 'dbtwoserver.DB2UDBSourceCodeRepository') proj,
CMS_INF_PARTP_DBUDB partdetails, 
CMS_UDB_Project projdetails
where part.Field_Value like proj.Field_Value || '%'
and partdetails.Object_ID = part.Object_ID
and proj.Object_ID = projdetails.Resource_ID
order by Host, DbName, SchemaName

For Microsoft SQL Management databases:

select partdetails.Object_Name PackageName, UserName, Host, Port, DbName, projdetails.Object_Name SchemaName 
(select * from CMS_DynamicFields where Entity_GUID = 'dbtwoserver.DatabaseServerParticipatingDB2') part,
(select * from CMS_DynamicFields where Entity_GUID = 'dbtwoserver.DB2UDBSourceCodeRepository') proj,
CMS_INF_PARTP_DBUDB partdetails, 
CMS_UDB_Project projdetails
where part.Field_Value like proj.Field_Value + '%'
and partdetails.Object_ID = part.Object_ID
and proj.Object_ID = projdetails.Resource_ID
order by Host, DbName, SchemaName

The output of the above queries will result in similar output

CAST DMT Package Name Db2 login Host name Host port Database Name Schema Name
UDB_Package db2admin UDBSERVER 50000 TEST CASTPUBS

Step 6: Generate SQL source

This step explains how to generate the DDL from the Db2 database that will be fed into the CAST Delivery Manager Tool for analysis with the SQL Analyzer extension.  

  • See also SQL Analyzer - generate DDL for a Db2 database for more information.
  • Note that the db2look tool is only available with an installation of a Db2 LUW instance. If you are using a Db2 z/OS instance, CAST recommends the use of the RC/Migrator tool which is part of the CA Database Management Solution for Db2 for Z/OS, Version 19. There are no instructions provided for this.

db2look command line

The tool used to achieve this is the db2look tool provided with the Db2 LUW server (see the full documentation for the tool here: This example will generate an .SQL file containing the DDL for the CASTPUBS schema on the TEST database accessed with the db2admin/db2admin credentials:

Generate db2look commands:

db2look -d TEST -z CASTPUBS -i db2admin -w db2admin -e -o E:\tmp\SQL_DB2\TEST_CASTPUBS.sql

You can view example DDL output generated by db2look in the attached files:

Generate db2look commands using a query

This section is only relevant for those analyzing Db2 LUW online.

If you need to generate DDL for multiple schemas use the following query (run against your CAST AIP Management Service schema) to automatically generate commands that can be used with the db2look tool:

For Oracle and CSS (postgreSQL) Management databases:

select 'db2look -d ' || DbName || ' -z ' || projdetails.Object_Name || ' -i ' || UserName || ' -w db2admin -e  -o ' || DbName ||  '_' || projdetails.Object_Name || '_DDL.sql' batch
(select * from CMS_DynamicFields where Entity_GUID = 'dbtwoserver.DatabaseServerParticipatingDB2') part,
(select * from CMS_DynamicFields where Entity_GUID = 'dbtwoserver.DB2UDBSourceCodeRepository') proj,
CMS_INF_PARTP_DBUDB partdetails, 
CMS_UDB_Project projdetails
where part.Field_Value like proj.Field_Value || '%'
and partdetails.Object_ID = part.Object_ID
and proj.Object_ID = projdetails.Resource_ID
order by batch

For Microsoft SQL Management databases:

select 'db2look -d ' + DbName + ' -z '+ projdetails.Object_Name + ' -i ' + UserName + ' -w db2admin -e  -o ' + DbName + '_' + projdetails.Object_Name + '_DDL.sql' batch
(select * from CMS_DynamicFields where Entity_GUID = 'dbtwoserver.DatabaseServerParticipatingDB2') part,
(select * from CMS_DynamicFields where Entity_GUID = 'dbtwoserver.DB2UDBSourceCodeRepository') proj,
CMS_INF_PARTP_DBUDB partdetails, 
CMS_UDB_Project projdetails
where part.Field_Value like proj.Field_Value + '%'
and partdetails.Object_ID = part.Object_ID
and proj.Object_ID = projdetails.Resource_ID
order by batch

The result of the above querieswill be as follows - one db2look command per schema on the target Db2 server. Each command will output the specified schema as DDL into one .SQL file:

Resulting db2look commands

db2look -d TEST -z CASTPUBS -i db2admin -w db2admin -e -o E:\tmp\SQL_DB2\CASTPUBS.sql
db2look -d TEST -z DB2_DIAGS -i db2admin -w db2admin -e -o  E:\tmp\SQL_DB2\DB2_DIAGS.sql

Step 7: Add a new version

  • In the CAST Management Studio, add a new version for the existing Application in which the online Db2 LUW analysis or the z/OS analysis is configured*.* Examples below show “Db2 LUW online” (click to enlarge):

  • In the CAST Delivery Manager Tool, remove the existing Db2 LUW online or z/OS package as shown below (click to enlarge):

  • Add a new package to deliver the Db2 DDL that you have already generated, using the Files on your system option (click to enlarge):

  • Configure the package and define the path to the folder that contains the .SQL files generated by the db2look tool (click to enlarge):

  • As shown below, the new package called ddl udb is listed along side the existing “cobol” package (click to enlarge):

  • Run the packaging action (click to enlarge):

  • Deliver and then set as the current version in the CAST Management Studio (click to enlarge):

  • Once the “set as current version” action is complete, the delivered .SQL files can be seen in the Deployment folder:

  • Add a new Universal Analyzer Analysis Unit pointing to the .SQL files in the Deployment folder, ensuring the SQL Analyzer language is ticked (click to enlarge):

  • Modify the dependencies if you necessary. In this example we have a Mainframe Cobol Analysis Unit and therefore we will replace the existing Mainframe / IBM Db2 LUW auto created dependency with  custom cobol / ddl udb dependency (click to enlarge):

Step 8: Recalibrate your Application

Take two new snapshots (ensure that you run an analysis as well) and then check the results in the CAST dashboards:


Quality and size evolution

Note that new Quality Rules will be calculated for the SQL Analyzer extension in comparison to the online Db2 analyzer:

  • Avoid unreferenced Functions
  • Avoid redundant indexes
  • Avoid Tables without Primary Key