Release Notes - 1.4


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
45983 Fixes an issue causing broken links from Angular "Get HTTP Service" objects to "DotNet Controller Action" objects.

Other Updates

Fixes an error: "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fd' referenced before assignment". The situations causing this error have been fixed: Contextual keyword used as identifier for member is now supported and close file properly file when exception is raised is now handled.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
44196 Fixes an issue causing missing links for REST API calls.
43765 Fixes an issue causing a mismatch of the violation count value displayed in the "Risk Investigation" view and the "Application Investigation" view in the CAST Engineering Dashboard.

Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing the following warning entry in the analysis log "Extension dotnetweb has encountered an issue "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'file'"".
Fixes an issue causing the incorrect creation of "CAST_DotNet_PostOperation" objects for Get, Delete and Put operations.

New Support

Summary Details
Support of OData Support of OData server side for ASP.NET and ASP.NETCore.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
43553 Fixes an issue where missing links were evident between "DotNet Get Resource Service" and "DotnetController Action" objects.
43392 Fixes an issue where missing "Dotnet Put Operation" objects were evident.
43516 Fixes an issue where missing "Dotnet Controller Action" objects were evident after upgrade from extension 1.4.9 to 1.4.11 and a re-analysis with the same source code.

Other Updates

Fixes an issue where a "Controller class" in a file scope namespace is not found, causing a missing "DotNet Controller Action" object.


Other Updates

Fixes an issue wherein the controllers with partial class were not analyzed correctly.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1043086 TRUE Avoid using Html.Raw() or HtmlHelper.Raw()


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
39887 Fixed the missing .NET Web operations when ApiController/Route is used.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1043012 FALSE Fixed the wrong bookmark in rule (1043012): "Avoid creating cookie without setting httpOnly option in Config file (ASP.NET)" when there are 2 tags system.web with the second without httpCookies tag inside.
1043022 FALSE Fixed the false negative in rule (1043022): "Avoid using unsecured cookie (C#)" when Secure property is not set.
1043010 FALSE Fixed the false negative in rule (1043010): "Avoid creating cookie without setting httpOnly option (C#)" when HttpOnly property is not set.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
39887 Fixes an issue where links were missing from Angular/Typescript to .NET backend.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1043024 FALSE Fixes a missing violation for the rule: "Always enable RequireSSL attribute for cookies in Config file (ASP.NET)". Fixes an issue where, Forms-authentication cookie required an SSL.


Other Updates

Technical update to extend the XML config parser so that it can be re-used by quality rules.



Rule Id New Rule Details
1101038 FALSE Fixed a false violation for the rule 1101038: "Avoid OR conditions testing equality on the same identifier in SQL WHERE clauses".



Rule Id New Rule Details
1043018 FALSE The rule: “Avoid storing passwords in the config files” was not taking into account the file appsettings.json (which is a .NET related file). Now this file (any file called appsettings.<x>.json) is taken into account. This changes the rule calculation and potentially additional violations may be found.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
37235 Fixed wrong detail check for the rule (1043082): “Avoid client provided dictionaries to have high request sizes”.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
34602 Net analysis warning: "Extension com.castsoftware.dotnetweb has encountered an issue"
33785 False positive for the rule (rule id: 1043074): Avoid creating unsecured HTTPS GET metadata endpoint in configuration.
34185 Violation for rule (rule id: 1043066): "Always use HTTPS Redirection Middleware and HSTS Middleware in your ASP.NET Core application" even though the remediation applied.

Other Updates

Performance issue in procedure SET_DotNETWeb_Controller.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1043074 FALSE Avoid creating unsecured HTTPS GET metadata endpoint in configuration.
1043066 FALSE Always use HTTPS Redirection Middleware and HSTS Middleware in your ASP.NET Core application.

New Support

Summary Details
Add support of VB files for controllers Add support of VB files for controllers.



Rule Id New Rule Details
1043012 FALSE Avoid to trigger a violation on a config file when the good config is done in csharp code
1043024 FALSE Avoid to trigger a violation on a config file when the good config is done in csharp code


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
32582 "DOTNET Get Operation" objects are not created and the links to them are missing.
33017 False positive violation of the rule 1043018 - Avoid storing passwords in the config files. <add key="PasswordLength" value="12" /> is wrongly flagged as a violation.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1043018 FALSE "Avoid storing passwords in the config files" - false positive violation caused by the code "<add key="PasswordLength" value="12" />".


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
30752 All DotNet Operation objects are missing in comparison to snapshot n-1.
31469 Broken link since there are missing CAST_DotNet_Controller_Action objects from ActionResult.
31004 Missing ASP.NET post/get operations from ASP.NET MVC support.

Other Updates

Extension [com.castsoftware.dotnetweb] Tracebacks reports in analyses's logs.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
29266 Missing link between razor service and .NET operation
29268 Missing Web API call links between JavaScript and .NET

Other Updates

Two .NET Post and Get operations are created for one single operation
Clean the url routing between client and server



Rule Id New Rule Details
1043082 TRUE Avoid client provided dictionaries to have high request sizes
1043084 TRUE Avoid XML schemas with unbounded occurrences
1043018 FALSE Avoid storing passwords in the config files : search for passwords in appSettings tag added


Other Updates

Incorrect URL in case of [controler] - this change may impact your existing analysis results (call graph resolution has been increased and object properties have changed).


Rule Id New Rule Details
1043076 TRUE Avoid disabling custom errors mode to prevent exposure of exceptions and error data
1043078 TRUE Avoid debug binaries that include detailed debug information
1043080 TRUE Avoid disabling OR not defining encryption behavior for encryption when connecting with Database
1043018 FALSE Avoid storing passwords in the config files (a missing violation was fixed - this could impact your analysis results)



Rule Id New Rule Details
1043066 TRUE Always use HTTPS Redirection Middleware and HSTS Middleware in your ASP.NET Core application
1043068 TRUE Avoid using RequireHttpsAttribute on Web APIs that receive sensitive information
1043070 TRUE Avoid disabling the XSRF/CSRF Protection (ASP.NET Core MVC)
1043072 TRUE Avoid creating unsecured HTTPS GET metadata endpoint in code
1043074 TRUE Avoid creating unsecured HTTPS GET metadata endpoint in configuration