Apache Camel - 1.0

Extension ID


What’s new?

Please see Apache Camel - 1.0 - Release Notes for more information.

In what situation should you install this extension?

This extension should be installed when your Java application consists of Apache Camel Routes. Objects created for the components encountered in Apache Camel Route are linked to objects produced by the JEE Analyzer. This will result in better transactions and calculation of Automated Function Points.

Function Point, Quality and Sizing support

This extension provides the following support:

  • Function Points (transactions): a green tick indicates that Function Point counting and Transaction Risk Index are supported
  • Quality and Sizing: a green tick indicates that CAST can measure size and that a minimum set of Quality Rules exist
Function Points
Quality and Sizing (error)

CAST AIP compatibility

CAST AIP release Supported
8.3.x (tick)

Download and installation instructions

Include the extension using the interface in AIP Console:

There is nothing further to do. Any Apache Camel configuration defined in XML files in the application source code will be automatically detected.

What results can you expect?

Once the analysis/snapshot generation is completed, you can view the results in the normal manner (for example via CAST Enlighten):


Icon Description  Icon  Description Icon Description

Apache Camel HTTP Get Operation


Apache Camel JMS Queue Receive

Apache Camel Unknown ActiveMQ Queue Receive

Apache Camel HTTP Put Operation


Apache Camel JMS QueueCall

Apache Camel Unknown ActiveMQ Queue Call

Apache Camel HTTP Post Operation


 Apache Camel Unknown JMS Queue Receive

Apache Camel RabbitMQ Topic Receive

Apache Camel HTTP Delete Operation 


 Apache Camel Unknown JMS Queue Call

Apache Camel RabbitMQ Topic Call

Apache Camel HTTP Any Operation 


Apache Camel IBM Queue Receive

Apache Camel Unknown RabbitMQ Topic Receive

Apache Camel Route Call


Apache Camel IBM Queue Call

Apache Camel Unknown RabbitMQ Topic Call

Apache Camel Route


Apache Camel Unknown IBM_Queue Receive

Apache Camel File

Apache Camel Bean Call


Apache Camel Unknown IBM Queue Call

Apache Camel File Call

Apache Camel Process Call


Apache Camel ActiveMQ Queue Receive

Apache Camel Kafka Topic Receive

Apache Camel Database Query


Apache Camel ActiveMQ Queue Call

Apache Camel Kafka Topic Call

Apache Camel Unknown Kafka Topic Receive

Apache Camel Unknown Kafka Topic Call

Only callLinks are created between various objects created by this extension.

Code examples

XML DSL- callLink between REST POST service and Apache Camel Route Call

<rest path="restservices/sapmp/v1/cart/">
            <post uri="/addCart">
                <to uri="direct:addCart" />

Java DSL- callLink between REST POST service and Apache Camel Route Call

public void subscriberServiceRoute() {

    .log(" Determine the event type ")
    .when().simple("${body} =~ '" + SubscriberConstants.CANCEL_SUBSCRIBER + "'").to("direct:cancelSubscriber")

<delete uri="/order/modify/modifyOrder">
                <to uri="direct:modifyOrder" />            

<put uri="/order/modify/modifyOrder">
                <to uri="direct:modifyOrder" />            

<from uri="direct:submitOrder" />
    <to uri="direct:fanAuthorization" />

public void unenroll()
        .log("Unenroll Service Status Code in MobileSplit :: ${in.headers.CamelHttpResponseCode}")
        .when().simple("${in.headers.CamelHttpResponseCode} =~ "+ "'"+SubscriberConstants.RESPONSE_SUCCESS_CODE+"'"
          + " || ${in.headers.CamelHttpResponseCode} =~ '"+SubscriberConstants.ACCEPTED_CODE+"'")

public void configure() throws Exception {

XML DSL - callLinks between Rest POST service and Bean Call, Process Call

<from id="_from1" uri="restlet:/addp/v1/account/profiles?restletMethods=POST&restletBinding=#customBinding"/>
        <doTry id="_doTrymp">
            <to id="_to_MAN1" uri="bean:restServiceImpl?method=manageProfile"/>
            <process id="_manageProfileService" ref="manageProfileService"/>

Java DSL - callLinks between Rest POST service and Bean Call, Process Call

public void subscriberServiceRoute()

<from uri="direct:submitOrder" />
  <interceptFrom id="_interceptFrom2">
     <to id="submitOrderCamelInterceptor" uri="bean:camelInterceptor?method=invokepreInterceptorChain" />

<from id="_from_D4" uri="direct:fanAuthorization" />
  <process ref="prepareProfileInputData" />

public void cancelSubscriber() {
                                       .bean("inquireEnterpriseDeviceDeploymentDetails", "inquireDeviceDetailsByCtn(${body})");

XML DSL - callLinks between REST Post Service and JDBC Query

<from uri="restlet:/user?restletMethod=POST"/>
                <simple>select * from user ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1</simple>
            <to uri="jdbc:dataSource"/>        

<route id="createUser">
            <from uri="restlet:/user?restletMethod=POST"/>
                <simple>insert into user(firstName, lastName) values('${header.firstName}','${header.lastName}');  
                    CALL IDENTITY();               
            <to uri="jdbc:dataSource"/>

Java DSL - callLink between REST Post Service and JDBC Query

public void configure() {
    .setBody(simple("select * from user ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1"))

public void configure() {  
     .setBody(simple("update user set firstName='${header.firstName}', lastName='${header.lastName}' where id = ${header.userId}"))

public void configure() throws Exception 
   from("jms:JmsQueue").bean(ProcessingBean.class, "doSomething").to("jms:redirected");

<route id="fileRoute2">
    <from uri="file:home/customers/new?fileName=new.xml"/>
    <to uri="file://home/customers/old"/>

public void configure() throws Exception {
                .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "com.toyota.tme.cws.transform.route.error", "Transferring File - ${file:name}")

public void configure () throws Exception {
                .log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "com.toyota.tme.cws.transform.route.error", "Processing File - ${file:name}")
                .bean("FileBusiness", "moveToSedaQueue")

public void configure () throws Exception {

public void configure () throws Exception {


  • Unknown queue/process/bean/route/file/jms/kafka object is created in case where the exact name can’t be retrieved
  • Routes defined using route templates result in unknown route objects 
  • All other route components are ignored. Any Route starting with a component not mentioned in the Object section , the whole of the Route with its components will be ignored.
  • Any component created with a customized name will not be handled or created
  • There may be missing/multiple links instead of one between process call and process method of the target class
  • There may be multiple links instead of one between bean call and target method of the bean
  • There may be incorrect bookmarks in few call links and objects
  • One of the signature for the overloaded method idempotentConsumer method of org.apache.camel.model.ProcessDefinition is not supported. This suspends the creation of the objects for the components in that route following this method.
  • Current version does not support Kafka topic using Kafka idempotent repository
  • Consuming messages from multiple Kafka topics is not supported
  • Kafka topic receive/call object is always created by the name whatever is present in Kafka component topic. There is a possibility that name mentioned of the topic is an alias and refers to something else. Due to some design constraints, it will not be evaluated to refer to the exact value. Hence, object will be created in the name present in Kafka component.