Release Notes - 1.0


Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing the incorrect release date to be displayed for third-party components.
Fixes an issue specific to Linux deployments (CAST Imaging v3) where the extension is not able to see the JRE embedded in the CAST Imaging Core install folder within the container..
Fixes an issue where application names containing blank spaces generate an erroneous output folder.
Fixes an issue causing the extension to fail if an old version of "Highlight Code Reader" is installed on the same machine.



The Perl runtime (required by the extension) is no longer embedded and shipped with the com.castsoftware.highlight2mri, therefore significantly reducing the overall extension size. The Perl runtime is now delivered in a newly created extension called com.castsoftware.perl.runtimeexternal link and as a result the com.castsoftware.highlight2mri extension now has a new dependency to com.castsoftware.perl.runtime.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
50567 Fixes an issue where the wrong local file path location was indicated within Highlight for OSS Third-Party vulnerabilities.
49741 Fixes an issue where Highlight data was not visible in CAST Imaging due to warnings encountered during the com.castsoftware.highlight2mri analysis while processing "green ready" data.

Other Updates

Fixes an issue where CloudReady results were inconsistent from one run to another.
Added Highlight options "–mavenRepository" and "–includeAllDependencies" in order to improve third-party discovery.
Removed Perl runtime from the extension and created a new dedicated extension com.castsoftware.perl.runtimeexternal link (and a dependency to it).
Fixes an issue where the Highlight analysis was not correctly running in a Linux environment.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1200242 TRUE Detect Docker files in application
1200006 FALSE Perform Directory Manipulation
1200007 FALSE Perform File Manipulation
1200025 FALSE Using file system

New Support

Summary Details
Violation bookmarks now specify file, start column and end column Specifying the object is not enough, as an object may have several source files. The source file is now specified. Moreover bookmarks are now more accurate as we specify the start column and end column.
Extension now working in Linux environments The extension has been tested on Rocky Linux.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
48470 Fixes an issue that occurs when handling long paths leading to missing results.

New Support

Summary Details
Support for Green Deficiencies Green Deficiencies rules are now supported by the extension.



This release contains one update to fix an issue with the 1.0.7-funcrel which has been withdrawn. All fixes and updates included in 1.0.7-funcrel are also included in 1.0.8-funcrel.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
47666 Provides a fix for the issue identified in 1.0.7-funcrel that is preventing the extension from running when called during an analysis.
47684 Provides a fix for the issue identified in 1.0.7-funcrel that is preventing the extension from running when called during an analysis.



This extension has been withdrawn and is no longer available. All fixes and updates included in 1.0.7-funcrel are also available in 1.0.8-funcrel.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
47273 Fixes an issue where multiple apps are using same TEMP folder for result storage causing analysis failure.
46635 An update has been implemented to ensure the extension function correctly with regard to changes made to the Console proxy configuration.

Other Updates

A change has been introduced to ensure that minified JS files (the generated CSV exceeds max column length), and the vendor folder (as it is not part of the application) are excluded from the analysis.

New Support

Summary Details
Connection to Highlight through a Proxy Server with or without authentication (Console v2.11.6 or higher required) It is now possible to connect to Highlight through a proxy server. The proxy connection data (host, port, possibly user and password) should be set in Console (v2.11.6 or higher required).



This is the first version compatible with Imaging Cloud.The extension can be used in both Cloud and non-Cloud contexts.

Other Updates

Fixes a regression introduced in 1.0.5-funcrel where some rule violations for SQL objects were missing.
Improved support for long paths: folders that are not relevant to the Highlight analysis, such as the "node_modules" folder created by the Node.js framework, are no longer copied to the working folder.

New Support

Summary Details
Imaging Cloud compatibility First release that is compatible with CAST Imaging Cloud.



Contains Highlight Agent 5.5.25-RELEASE

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
43990 Provides a circumvention of the long path issue. See the section "New Support" below for more details.
45586 Fixes an issue causing the extension to crash with the message "RuntimeError: Analysis ran with errors" caused by the CLI hanging with dbgMatchPatternDetail flag. Fixed by including 5.5.25-RELEASE version of the Highlight agent.
46375 Fixes the message "RuntimeError: Property was not declared as handled for that type " by ensuring that the category "metric" (1041) now inherits from the category "CloudReady_Metrics".

Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing the message "[INFO] [ERR4] HighlightAutomation". Fixed by including 5.5.25-RELEASE version of the Highlight agent.
Provides a circumvention of the long path issue. See the section "New Support" below for more details.
Due to a change in the documentation URLs for CloudReady patterns, the method for processing links to this documentation has been updated.

New Support

Summary Details
Support of files with long paths If long paths are spotted in the source code, and if enough disk space is available, the extension will copy the source to a tmp folder, then assign new short names to subfolders, and keep a map between new short paths and original paths.



Contains the Highlight Agent 5.4.91 and replaces the previous 1.0.3-funcrel release that has been withdrawn.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
42150 Fixes an issue causing an API error on GET: "HTTP Error 400: highlight.server.client.campaignApplication.update.NoAnalysis".

Other Updates

Fixes an issue causing the log warning message "RuntimeError: Analysis ran with errors" and causing the HLAutomation.log to not be created.
Fixes an issue causing the log warning message "RuntimeError: Analysis ran with errors".

New Support

Summary Details
Additional data for Third Party Component feature in CAST Imaging Added "Safer Closest Version" and "Safest Version" - see also: link.



This extension has been withdrawn.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
41248 Fixes an issue causing a warning entry in the analysis log: "No CloudReady patterns found for Mainframe". This fix ensures that Mainframe related technologies are now supported correctly.
40661 An update has been implemented to ensure that the log file contains information about which Java JRE the extension is using.

New Support

Summary Details
CloudReady support for Mainframe technologies Added bookmarks for CloudReady blockers/boosters for Mainframe technologies.



This release fixes a breaking change added to the Highlight Agent when introducing Green IT. As a result, a new Highlight Agent (5.4.64) is provided in this release.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
40076 Fixes an issue causing the Highlight to MRI extension to fail to load data into CAST Highlight with the error "Highlight API Error on GET".


Other Updates

Fixes an issue where the analysis of source code containing a folder called "node_modules" takes too much time. This folder is now excluded.
Update hardcoded links to Highlight documentation.



Please note that Highlight Agent requires at least Java 11 runtime in system path. Java 8 runtime is no longer supported by Highlight Agent.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
38281 Fixes an issue where it is not possible to find highlight tags after importing application into CAST Imaging.

Other Updates

The error message to explain that the extension requires a minimum release of Java 11 has been updated and clarified. In previous releases of the extension, using an older release of Java caused an error with an unclear message in the log.
The Highlight Agent has been updated from 5.4.29 to 5.4.43.


Rule Id New Rule Details
1200124 TRUE New CloudReady pattern definition: "Use of Active Directory / LDAP authentication is not fully compatible with cloud providers (AWS, Azure…)".



Please note that Highlight Agent version 5.4.29 requires at least Java 11 runtime in system path. Java 8 runtime is no longer supported by Highlight Agent.

Other Updates

Update Highlight Agent from 5.3.76 to 5.4.29.

New Support

Summary Details
Added additional CloudReady patterns CloudReady patterns for Google Cloud Platform have been added.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
35420 Fixed an issue where a warning error was seen in the log during the analysis "IndexError: list index out of range".

Other Updates

Fixed an issue causing a crash when long paths are involved. As part of the fix, the extension calls the Highlight agent only on source code and no longer on Maven/Nuget/.NET assembly folders (which often contain long paths).


Other Updates

Fixed an issue where the following error is displayed: "plugin has encountered the following error : IndexError: list index out of range while running com.castsoftware.highlight2mri.1.0.0-alpha1".



This is the first release of this extension.