ASP.NET MVC Razor support


ASP.NET MVC Razor is supported via the HTML5 and JavaScript extension, therefore you should ensure that a HTML5 and JavaScript Analysis Unit is configured to cover the relevant source code.


  • Creates objects specific to Razor corresponding to requests to the .NET server, as services, embedded in .cshtml files.
  • Creates objects specific to ASP.NET corresponding to operations which are methods of controllers in the .NET server, embedded in .cs files. This part of the extension is launched by the .NET analyzer.
  • Creates call links between these two kinds of objects through the Universal Linker. These two kinds of objects are identified by a URL, in order to be compatible with the Universal Linker../../multi/com.castsoftware.wbslinker/).

Server part (without specific routing)

The following objects are created:

Icon Description
Alt text ASP.NET Any Operation
Alt text ASP.NET Get Operation / HTML5 Razor Get service
Alt text ASP.NET Put Operation
Alt text ASP.NET Post Operation / HTML5 Razor Post service
Alt text ASP.NET Delete Operation

URL creation

URLs are created as follows:

“Course/Edit” for the Edit method of this CourseController class. This is an operation which may correspond to any type of request from the client, then a CAST_AspDotNet_AnyOperation is created:

public class CourseController : Controller
    public ActionResult Edit(int? id)

“Course/Edit”  for the Edit method of this CourseController class, first Edit corresponds to a POST operation, then a CAST_AspDotNet_PostOperation is created.  The second Edit corresponds to any of the other operation types,and depending on this a CAST_AspDotNet_GetOperation object, CAST_AspDotNet_PutOperation object or CAST_AspDotNet_DeleteOperation are created:

public class CourseController : Controller
    public ActionResult Edit(int? id)

    public ActionResult Edit(other params)

“Course/Edit”  for the Edit method of this CourseController class, this is a POST operation:

public class CourseController : Controller
    [HttpPost, ActionName("Edit")]
    public ActionResult EditPost(int? id)

In this case, the url is “CourseEdit”, and not “CourseEditPost” because of the attribute “ActionName” presence, which contains an alias (click to enlarge):

Alt text

Server part (with specific routing)

This section is the same as the previous one (Server part (without specific routing)), except that URLs are modified depending on a specific config routing. Specific routings are present in the following files:

App_Start/RouteConfig.cs files:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;

namespace ContosoUniversity
    public class RouteConfig
        public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

                name: "Default",
                url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
                defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

or some files named <name>AreaRegistration.cs files:

using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace XL.XLI.ScoringWebAppTool.WebUI.Areas.DesignProfessional
    public class DesignProfessionalAreaRegistration : AreaRegistration 
        public override string AreaName 
            get { return "DesignProfessional"; }
        /* Order is important, as the engine uses fall-through matching logic. */
        public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context) 
                    controller = "PreRenewal",
                    action     = "Index",
                    id         = UrlParameter.Optional
                    controller = "PreRenewal",
                    action     = "Index",
                    id         = UrlParameter.Optional

Razor Client part

Creates object specific to Razor corresponding to requests to the NET server, as services, embedded in .cshtml files. The following objects are created:

Icon Description
Alt text HTML5 Razor Get service
Alt text HTML5 Razor Post service

Code examples

This code in a .cshtml file located in a directory named “Course” will create an object of type CAST_HTML5_Razor_GetService whose URL is “Course/Delete/{}”. The presence of “{}” is due to the presence of a parameter of type “new {}” containing a word equals to “id” or ending with “id”:

@Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id = item.CourseID })

Alt text

Url.Action call

This code in a .cshtml file located in a directory named “Student” will create an object of type CAST_HTML5_Razor_GetService whose URL is “Student/Index”:

@Html.PagedListPager(Model, page => Url.Action("Index",
    new { page, sortOrder = ViewBag.CurrentSort, currentFilter = ViewBag.CurrentFilter }))

Alt text

Html.ActionLinkWithAccess call

This code in a .cshtml file located in a directory named “StaffIncreaseProfilePeriod” will create an object of type CAST_HTML5_Razor_GetService whose URL is “StaffIncreaseProfilePeriod/Create”:

<li>@Html.ActionLinkWithAccess(__("Add increase profile"), "Create", null, new { @class = "btn popupLink", data_popupsize = "big" })</li>

Html.Action call

This code in a .cshtml file located in a directory named “Account” will create an object of type CAST_HTML5_Razor_GetService whose URL is “Account/ExternalLoginsList”.

@Html.Action("ExternalLoginsList", new { ReturnUrl = ViewBag.ReturnUrl })

This code in a .cshtml file located in a directory named “NotificationMessenger” will create an object of type CAST_HTML5_Razor_PostService whose URL is “NotificationMessenger/Delete/{}”.

@Ajax.ActionLink("x", "Delete", "NotificationMessenger", new { notific.Id }, new AjaxOptions() { HttpMethod = "POST", OnComplete = "DismissNotification" }, new { @class = "notification-close" })

Html.RenderAction call

This code in a .cshtml file located in a directory named “Holidays” will create an object of type CAST_HTML5_Razor_PostService whose url is “Holidays/ColorsLegend”.

@{ Html.RenderAction("ColorsLegend"); }

Html.BeginForm call

This code in a .cshtml file will create an object of type CAST_HTML5_Razor_PostService whose url is “Student/Index”.

   @using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Student", FormMethod.Get))
        Find by name: @Html.TextBox("SearchString", ViewBag.CurrentFilter as string)
        <input type="submit" value="Search" />

Ajax.BeginForm call

This code in a .cshtml file will create an object of type CAST_HTML5_Razor_PostService whose url is “Missions/SynthesisAjaxHandler/{}”.

@using (Ajax.BeginForm(
"SynthesisAjaxHandler", //actionName
"Missions", //controllerName
new { //routeValues
missionId = Model.Mission.Id,
dayId = Model.MissionDayId,
new AjaxOptions { //Ajax setup
UpdateTargetId = "synthesisLinesDiv",
HttpMethod = "GET",
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
new { //htmlAttributes
Id = "form-selectSynthesis",