CPP Compilation Database Discoverer - 1.1

Extension ID


Extension description

This discoverer detects projects based on the presence of specific build compilation output files and their content. It can be used in conjunction with:

In what situation should you install this extension?

If your C/C++ source code is designed to compile on Linux, you can use a compilation logging tool called Scan Buildexternal link (freely available from CAST - instructions included) while compiling the source code to output two files compile_commands.json and compile_config.json that will contain all the information necessary to compile your source code. These two Scan Build files should be delivered as input with your source code in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool: as long as you have also installed the CPP Compilation Database Discoverer, then the Scan Build output files will be taken into account when you package the source code and projects will be created based on what is found in the Scan Build files (compile_commands.json and compile_config.json).

What’s new?

1.1.0 - funcrel

Macros without a value (e.g.: -DMACRO_NAME instead of DMACRO_NAME=MACRO_VALUE) are now supported.

1.1.0 - beta 3

  • The following specific include paths are now supported:
    • -isystem
    • -iquote
    • -idirafter

CAST AIP compatibility

This extension is compatible with:

CAST AIP release
8.3.x (tick)
8.2.x (tick)
8.1.x (error)
8.0.x (error)
7.3.x (error)

Packaging your source code with the CAST Delivery Manager Tool

When you use the CAST Delivery Manager Tool to package the source code, please ensure that you tick the following option in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool to activate the extension:

Note that:

  • this option will be disabled (unticked) in all pre-existing packages - you need to check it before starting the packaging process otherwise it will be ignored.

  • for new packages created after the extension’s installation, the option will be enabled by default

Packaging results

The use of the discoverer will not result in a specific CPP Compilation Database Discoverer “project” - instead, based on what has been delivered in the Scan Build tool output files, projects may be identified (such as Visual Studio projects), or may not, in which case you will need to manually create an Analysis Unit for your analysis requirements.

Note also that:

  • if your source code includes vcproj files and the Visual Studio C++ discoverers (embedded in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool) are active (ticked) as well as the CPP Compilation Database Discoverer, then you may need to carefully check the results of the packaging.
  • you may need to create additional source code packages in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool to deliver the header folders

Errors during packaging

The directory ‘xxx’ used in commands inside the compile_config.json file is not matching the selected root ‘yyy’

The following error may be visible following a packaging action when the CPP Compilation Database Discoverer is installed:

The directory 'xxx' used in commands inside the compile_config.json file is not matching the selected root 'yyy'.
The source code must be packaged in its development location or you should define a value for the Development root folder.

This error occurs if you are packaging the code (i.e. running the CAST Delivery Manager Tool) on a machine different from the one where the compilation took place and indicates that the commands found by the CAST Delivery Manager Tool in the compile_config.json file (output of the Scan Build tool) do not match the path defined in the Root Folder field. 


The solution to this error is as follows:

  • Either run the CAST Delivery Manager Tool on the machine on which the compilation took place
  • Or, use the Development Root Folder option in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool to remap the paths:

Other warnings and errors

ERROR invalidRoot

invalidRoot %DIR%="some/path" %ROOT%="some/path"

Typically this error occurs when CAST identifies the path specified by %DIR% in the source code (i.e. the compilation processes use this path), whereas the root path (specified by %ROOT%) is the path defined in the CAST Delivery Manager Tool itself under Root folder: the error is displayed because the two paths do not match. To resolve the issue, input the path specified in %DIR% into the Development root folder field. This will ensure that CAST can resolve the dependencies specified in the source code.

This error can also occur if you input the wrong path into the Development root folder.

WARNING invalidCommand

invalidCommand %LINE%="line_number" %FILE%="some/path"

Typically this warning occurs when CAST is processing the Scan Build files (compile_commands.json and compile_config.json) and indicates that an inconsistency has been discovered in one of these files. These warnings will not stop the process and can usually be ignored but deserve some investigation of the specific line numbers noted in the warning.


noFile %PATH%="some_file"

Typically this warning occurs when CAST is processing the Scan Build files (compile_commands.json and compile_config.json) and indicates that a path to file specified in %PATH has been discovered but the file cannot be found. These warnings will not stop the process and can usually be ignored but deserve some investigation.