Apache FreeMarker - 1.0

Extension Id


What’s new?

Please see Apache FreeMarker - 1.0 - Release Notes for more information.


This extension provides support for Apache FreeMarker Framework. 

In what situation should you install this extension?

If your Java application uses the Apache FreeMarker Framework and you want to view these object types and their links, then you should install this extension. More specifically the extension will identify:

  • “callLink” from HTML source code objects (.ftl and similar files) to CallToFTL objects.
  • “callLink” from CallToFTL objects to Java methods.

Technology support

Component Version Supported Supported Technology
Apache FreeMarker Framework 2.3.x (tick) JAVA

AIP Core compatibility

AIP Core release Supported
8.3.x (tick)

Download and installation instructions

The extension will not be automatically downloaded and installed in CAST Console. If you need to use it, should manually install the extension using the Application - Extensions interface.

What results can you expect?

Once the analysis/snapshot generation is completed, you can view the results. The following objects and  links will be displayed in CAST Enlighten:


Icon Description
Java Freemarker FTL Parameter
Java Freemarker FTL Call 
Link Type Source and destination link
callLink Between HTML source code objects(.ftl and similar files) and CallToFTL objects.
callLink Between CallToFTL objects and JAVA methods.
relyonLink Between Java Freemarker FTLParameter and its JAVA class

Code Examples


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
        String content = null;

        cfg.setClassForTemplateLoading(MainTest.class, "templates");
        cfg.setIncompatibleImprovements(new Version(2, 3, 20));

        Map<String, Object> input = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        input.put("title", "Dummy example");

        List<ValueExampleObject> systems = new ArrayList<ValueExampleObject>();
        systems.add(new ValueExampleObject("Android", "Google"));
        systems.add(new ValueExampleObject("iOS States", "Apple"));
        systems.add(new ValueExampleObject("Ubuntu", "Canonical"));
        systems.add(new ValueExampleObject("Windows7", "Microsoft"));
        input.put("systems", systems);

        Cal cal=new Cal();
        input.put("cal", cal);

        input.put("exampleObject", new ValueExampleObject("Java object", "me"));

        Template template = cfg.getTemplate("helloworld.ftl");

        template.process(input, consoleWriter);


public class Cal {
    public int add(int a, int b) {
        return a+b;
    public int mul(int a, int b) {
        return a*b;


      <p>${exampleObject.name} by ${exampleObject.developer}</p>
        <#list systems as system>
          <li>${system_index + 1}. ${system.name} from ${system.developer}</li>
        2+3= ${cal.add(2,3)}
        10/2= ${cal.mul(10,2)}

    <#assign multiplied = cal.mul(40,20)>