Release Notes - 1.14


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
46971 Support export and import using the type keyword to improve analysis performance.

Other Updates

Fixes the error "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'member_access' referenced before assignment" seen in the analysis log.


Other Updates

Provides a fix to prevent an analysis job from hanging.


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
45361 Fixed false positive for rule 1020928: "Always unsubscribe events in Angular onDestroy method".

Other Updates

Make extension compatible with Linux node deployments.
Improve resolution between JavaScript and TypeScript.
Fix GUIDs of some objects.
The behaviour of this extension has been changed: links between SQL queries and SQL tables are no longer created by this extension. This task is now handled by com.castsoftware.sqlanalyzer.

New Support

Summary Details
Tedious is now supported Tedious framework is now supported. See hereexternal link.
SQLite3 is now supported SQLite3 framework is now supported. See hereexternal link.


Callee Type Caller Type Details
TypeScript Class TypeScript Class Add "inheritExtendLink" for extended classes instead of an "inheritLink" which was used previously.
TypeScript Interface TypeScript Class Add "inheritImplementLink" for implemented interfaces instead of an "inheritLink" which was used previously.
TypeScript Interface Method or TypeScript Abstract Method TypeScript Method Add "inheritImplementLink" between method signatures in interfaces(or abstract) and their implementations in subclasses.
TypeScript Method TypeScript Method Add "inheritOverrideLink" for method overrides of extended classes.
Typescript Class or Typescript Interface Callable Add "relyonLink" from callables to resolved types of parameters, returns or variables.
TypeScript Field Callable or TypeScript ClassInitializer An "accessWriteLink" is created whenever a value is assigned to a class field.
TypeScript Field Callable An "accessReadLink" is created whenever a field's value is read.

Other Updates

Improvement of modelisation based on the reference of Java and support for devirtualisation.

New Support

Summary Details
TypeScript Field Symbols for class fields are added.
TypeScript Built-in Objects Symbols for "Built-in TypeScript Objects" are added, if they are instantiated at least once.