Log messages


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.01
Message Unresolved Reference to '<CALLEE_NAME>' found in object '<CALLER_NAME>'.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a reference to an object called <CALLEE_NAME> and was not able to find out that object in the source code to be analyzed. 
User Action

Select the object <CALLEE_NAME> in the list of objects in the Unresolved folder of the technical browser in CAST Enlighten. Check the source code with the application team. If this is an application specific component, then it is recommended to add it to the analysis scope. Missing components could affect reference resolution and potentially quality rules.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.02
Message Unresolved Include '<INCLUDE_NAME>' found in object '<CALLER_NAME>'.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a reference to an include file called <INCLUDE_NAME> and was not able to find out the corresponding file in the source code to be analyzed. 
User Action

Select the object <INCLUDE_NAME> in the list of objects in the Unresolved folder of the technical browser in CAST Enlighten. Check the source code with the application team. If this is an application specific include, then it is recommended to add it to the analysis scope. Missing components could affect reference resolution and potentially quality rules.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.03
Message Include resolution completed.
Severity Information
Explanation All the include file references have been processed. The analyzer will now start the analysis. 
User Action Nothing special to do.  


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.04
Message Unsupported syntax found at line <LINE> and column <COLUMN> in file '<FILENAME>' (<CODE>).
Severity Warning

The analyzer is not able to parse the piece of ABAP source code <CODE> correctly. The parsing of the source file <FILENAME> will not complete and only the corresponding object will be created without any properties and children objects.


- Unsupported syntax found at line 230 and column 28 in file 
SELECT changenr tabname tabkey fname chngind INTO TABLE icdocs
      FROM cdpos
      FOR ALL ENTRIES IN icdhdr
      WHERE objectclas = 'MATERIAL'
        AND objectid   = icdhdr-objectid
        AND changenr   = icdhdr-changenr
        AND tabname    in ('MARA',
        AND chngind    <> 'I'.
User Action Identify with the application team whether it is an incorrect syntax on the customer side (the source code should compile correctly). If not, then contact CAST Support.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.05
Message Duplicated object ‘<OBJECT_NAME>’ found in file ‘<FILENAME>’.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found 2 objects with the name <OBJECT_NAME> and same type in the source file <FILENAME>. Only the first one is taken in account.
User Action Identify with the application team the ABAP element and check if the source code compile correctly. If yes, then contact CAST Support.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.06
Message Starting macros resolution. This action may take a while…
Severity Information
Explanation The analyzer starts to process the macro directives in the source code. 
User Action Nothing special to do. 


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.07
Message Macros resolution completed.
Severity Information
Explanation All the macro directives found in the source code have been processed. 
User Action Nothing special to do. 


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.08
Message The following file will not be processed ‘<FILENAME>’: duplicated program or report ‘<PROGRAM_NAME>’.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a source file containing a program called <PROGRAM_NAME> that has been already analyzed in another source file. In order to avoid duplicates, the second source file is not analyzed. This situation can occur when 2 versions of the same program have been delivered.
User Action Identify the duplicated object with the application team. Exclude the file from the next analysis.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.09
Message The following file will not be processed ‘<FILENAME>’: duplicated include ‘<INCLUDE_NAME>’.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a source file containing a include called <INCLUDE_NAME> that has been already analyzed in another source file. In order to avoid duplicates, the second source file is not analyzed. This situation can occur when 2 versions of the same include have been delivered.
User Action Identify the duplicated object with the application team. Exclude the file from the next analysis.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.10
Message The following file will not be processed ‘<FILENAME>’: duplicated function-pool ‘<FUNCTION_POOL_NAME>’.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a source file containing a function pool called <FUNCTION_POOL_NAME> that has been already analyzed in another source file. In order to avoid duplicates, the second source file is not analyzed. This situation can occur when 2 versions of the same function pool have been delivered.
User Action Identify the duplicated object with the application team. Exclude the file from the next analysis.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.11
Message The following file will not be processed ‘<FILENAME>’: duplicated type-pool ‘<TYPE_POOL_NAME>’.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a source file containing a type pool called <TYPE_POOL_NAME> that has been already analyzed in another source file. In order to avoid duplicates, the second source file is not analyzed. This situation can occur when 2 versions of the same type pool have been delivered.
User Action Identify the duplicated object with the application team. Exclude the file from the next analysis.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.12
Message The following file will not be processed ‘<FILENAME>’: duplicated user-exit ‘<USER_EXIT_NAME>’.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a source file containing a user-exit called <USER_EXIT_NAME> that has been already analyzed in another source file. In order to avoid duplicates, the second source file is not analyzed. This situation can occur when 2 versions of the same user-exit have been delivered.
User Action Identify the duplicated object with the application team. Exclude the file from the next analysis.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.13
Message Loading SAP tables . . .
Severity Information
Explanation The analyzer is loading the extraction files containing the information on database tables. The number of files depends on the size of the extraction.
User Action Nothing special to do.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.14
Message <DB_TABLE_NUMBER> tables <DB_VIEW_NUMBER> views have been loaded.
Severity Information
Explanation This message presents the number of database tables and database views that have been identified in extraction files. This information can be used to validate the number of database tables that have been created in the Local base compared to the database tables that are used by the ABAP code.
User Action Nothing special to do.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.15
Message No file to parse.
Severity Error
Explanation The analysis settings are not correct and no ABAP source files has been selected for being analyzed. 
User Action Review the Analysis Unit configuration and the source file settings.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.16
Message Unresolved SAP database table or view: '<DB_TABLE_NAME>' called in object '<CALLER_NAME>'.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found an Open SQL query refering to a database table or a database view called <DB_TABLE_NAME> that has not been identified in the extraction files. 
User Action

Select the object <DB_TABLE_NAME> in the list of objects in the Unresolved folder of the technical browser in CAST Enlighten. Check the SAP table extracted files with the application team and investigate why these tables or views have not been extracted. Missing components could affect reference resolution and potentially quality rules.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.17
Message Unresolved Class or Interface: '<NAME>' called in object '<CALLER_NAME>'.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a reference to a class or an interface called <NAME> that is not defined in any ABAP source file belonging to the analysis scope.  
User Action

Select the object <NAME> in the list of objects in the Unresolved folder of the technical browser in CAST Enlighten. Check the source code with the application team. Missing components could affect reference resolution and potentially quality rules.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.18
Message Unresolved Method: '<METHOD_NAME>' in class '<CLASS_NAME>' called in object '<CALLER_NAME>'.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a reference to a class method called <METHOD_NAME> for which no source code has been identified in the analysis scope. This could also occur when a parent class in which the method is defined has not been delivered.
User Action

Select the object <METHOD_NAME> in the list of objects in the Unresolved folder of the technical browser in CAST Enlighten. Check the source code with the application team. Missing components could affect reference resolution and potentially quality rules.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.19
Message Unresolved Member: ‘<MEMBER_NAME>’ in class ‘<CLASS_NAME>’ called in object ‘<CALLER_NAME>’.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a reference to a class member called <MEMBER_NAME> for which no source code has been identified in the analysis scope. This could also occur when a parent class in which the member is defined has not been delivered.
User Action Select the object in the list of objects in the Unresolved folder of the technical browser in CAST Enlighten. Check the source code with the application team. Missing components could affect reference resolution and potentially quality rules.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.20
Message Unresolved Events: '<EVENT_NAME>' in class '<CLASS_NAME>' called in object '<CALLER_NAME>'.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a reference to a class event called <EVENT_NAME> for which no source code has been identified in the analysis scope. This could also occur when a parent class in which the event is defined has not been delivered.
User Action

Select the object in the list of objects in the Unresolved folder of the technical browser in CAST Enlighten. Check the source code with the application team. Missing components could affect reference resolution and potentially quality rules.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.21
Message <MESSAGE>
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer is not able to read a LIST file that contains the information on SAP transactions and various cases can be described by this message. This occurs when the file is not correctly generated by the CAST SAP Extractor.
User Action Identify the LIST file for which the message has been produced and contact CAST Support.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.22
Message Light processing file ‘<FILENAME>’.
Severity Information
Explanation The analyzer processes the source files in 2 steps. The first one aims to identify the different objects across the source files. The second one parses the code and resolves references. This message appears when the first step starts.  
User Action Nothing special to do.  


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.23
Message Processing file ‘<FILENAME>’.
Severity Information
Explanation The analyzer processes the source files in 2 steps. The first one aims to identify the different objects across the source files. The second one parses the code and resolves references. This message appears when the second step starts.  
User Action Nothing special to do.  


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.24
Message Unresolved Transaction: ‘<TRANSACTION_NAME>’ called in object ‘<CALLER_NAME>’.
Severity Warning
Explanation The analyzer found a reference to a transaction called <TRANSACTION_NAME> that has not been identified in any extraction file. This can occur when the package in which the transaction is defined has not been delivered or is not part of the analysis scope.
User Action Select the object in the list of objects in the Unresolved folder of the technical browser in CAST Enlighten. Check the source code with the application team. Missing components could affect reference resolution and potentially quality rules.


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.25
Message Loading SAP database tables file ‘<FILENAME>’. . .
Severity Information
Explanation The analyzer is loading one of the extraction files containing the information on database tables.
User Action Nothing special to do.  


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.26
Message Resolving SAP database table Foreign Keys. . .
Severity Information
Explanation The analyzer creates links between database tables by following the Foreign Keys relations. 
User Action Nothing special to do.  


Info Explanation
Identifier ABAP.27
Message SAP database table Foreign Keys resolved.
Severity Information
Explanation The analyzer completed the creation of links between database tables. 
User Action Nothing special to do.