Release Notes - 2.0


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Corrects an issue where upgrading to 2.0.2 fails while dropping the view "OMGTD_METRIC_EFFORT".


Other Updates

Fixed an issue where different effort values in AED_REMEDIATION_EFFORT for METRIC_ID=61029 were generated. Where a duplicate exists, the minimum effort is now considered.
If there is no complementary object(s) for violations the main object is now considered as an occurrence. In previous releases, the occurrence was missing for this use case which was resulting in an incomplete computation for the adjustment factor. The missing parts were: Complexity, Exposure, Concentration. This correction impacts the value of adjustment factor and therefore an increase in remediation effort (the technical debt) is to be expected. Note that it is mostly the Complexity value which tends to increase as before this was set to 1, its default value. The exposure and concentration will tend to have a value less than 0 instead of the default 1. Combining all these missing factors, the Technical Debt value will increase when upgrading to this release and generating a new snapshot on unchanged source code.
Fixed an issue where in previous releases, for the metric "7156 - Avoid Too Many Copy Pasted Artifacts", objects were counted twice (as main and complementary objects) causing erroneous results. In this release, only the main object is considered. This fix will impact the Technical Debt value after upgrading to this release and generating a new snapshot.


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Fixes an issue where Application level Technical Debt was not aggregated correctly. This fix does not impact existing results.
Fixes issues when rebuilding the Technical Debt in the Dashboard schema following the installation of a new extension installation where the assessment model is desynchronized in the Dashboard schema. In addition, this fix also retains the correct metrics for the Technical Debt computation based on the snapshot when reconsolidating. Impacts to existing results are to be expected after upgrading to this release.
Fixes an issue that occurs when the assessment model is updated by extensions - in this situation, the scope of metrics for Technical Debt calculations can change between two snapshots. The fix ensures that the historized assessment model is used when consolidating the snapshot which therefore means that the Technical Debt of the snapshot will no longer change because the same set of metrics for past snapshots are now always used.
Fixes an issue where rules that have a result type as integer or no value were not considered for Technical Debt computation. Impacts to existing results are to be expected after upgrading to this release.



Release ≥ 2.x of this extension uses CTDM (Contextual Technical Debt Measure) to calculate Technical Debt values. CTDM is a recognised nomenclature for a customized ATDM (Automated Technical Debt Measure) as described in chapter 6.3 of the OMG ATDM specification 1.0, see: For this extension, CTDM uses a combination of remediation effort produced by the ISO-5055 measure and remediation effort produced by AIP Core.

This means that the number of rules taken in to account by this release of the extension is higher than in release 1.x of the extension (ATDM), which only considered "CISQ" Business Criteria. As a direct result, Technical Debt values will be higher for release ≥ 2.x of the extension and are therefore not comparable with release 1.x.

The extension requires AIP Core ≥ 8.3.34, optionally any release of the ISO-5055 Index extension and CAST Dashboards ≥ 2.3.1. If you need to see ATDM values, you should also install any release of the CISQ Index extension.

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Summary Details
Implementation of CTDM (Contextual Technical Debt Measure) Release ≥ 2.x of this extension uses CTDM (Contextual Technical Debt Measure) to calculate Technical Debt (OMG) values. Technical Debt is calculated in the same way as for v 1.x (ATDM), i.e. at the object/rule level and then aggregated at Rule, Technical Criterion, Business Criterion, Module and Application level. However, the extension uses Technical Criteria from ISO-5055 and AIP Core (TQI) as the base measures, with CISQ (if the extension is installed). See