Blazor support


Blazorexternal link is partially supported via the com.castsoftware.dotnet extension. This section explains how this support is provided.


  • Creates objects specific to Razor embedded in .razor files.
  • Creates links between objects created in .razor files.

Files analyzed

Icon File Extension
.NET Razor *.razor


The following objects are created:

Icon Description
Razor source file
Generated C# class

The Blazor component class full name is created using the default convention, for example: TestProject.Pages.Counter:

  • the project name
  • a dot
  • the folder path of the component
  • the component name (component name must begin with an upper case character)

Except where the syntax @namespace my.component.namespace is used inside the razor file and in this case the full name will be my.component.namespace.ComponentName.

Objects created inside @code{} block

Objects created inside @code{} block syntax, such as fields, properties and methods are created for all C# classes in .cs files.

Links from code inside @code{} block syntax such as method/getter/setter calls or field accesses are created for all C# class in .cs files.

Injecting component field/property value in a tag content

The syntax @member will include the value of the underlying class member in the html content:

<p role="status">Current count: @currentCount</p>

The analyzer will create an access read link from the Razor source file Counter.razor to the field:

<Component> tag

You can include a Blazor component inside another component just by using a tag with the component name. For example a component named Counter:

<Counter IncrementAmount="10" />

The analyzer will create an accessExecLink link from the razor file to both the constructor of the C# class Counter and to the setter of the IncrementAmout property. It will also create a relyonLink to the C# class Counter:


A Blazor component will use all the namespaces referenced in the _Imports.razor files in its hierarchical tree. The analyzer will create an includeLink from the component file to the import file:

@using namespace syntax

The syntax @using My.Namespace in a razor file will generate the code using My.Namespace in the C# file and include the namespace, for example:

@using BlazorApp.Components

The analyzer will create a link from the razor file to the namespace object and add the bookmark on the razor file:

Data binding using @bind syntax

The syntax @bind="field" will bind a field/property of the component to an input/outout of the page, for example:

<input @bind="text" />

The analyzer will create accessRead and accessWrite links from the razor file to the field/property object and add the bookmark on the razor file:

Events with @on{event} syntax

The syntax @on{event}="MethodName" or @on{event}="() => {}" will call a method or the lambda when the event is triggered (e.g.: onclick):

<button @onclick="() => text = string.Empty">Clear</button>
<input @onchange="InputChanged" />

The analyzer will create an accessExecLink from the razor file to the method object and add the bookmark on the razor file:

Component inheritance with @inherits syntax

The syntax @inherits ... will add inheritance to a component:

@inherits LayoutComponentBase

The analyzer will create a InheritExtendLink from the razor file to the class inherited (in the example LayoutComponentBase) and add the bookmark on the razor file:

Interface implementation with @implements syntax

The syntax @implements ... will add an interface to a component:

@implements IDisposable

The analyzer will create a InheritImplementLink from the razor file to the interface implemented (in the example IDisposable) and add the bookmark on the razor file:

Component using attribute with @attribute [NameAttribute] syntax

The syntax @attribute […] will add an attribute to a component:

@attribute [StreamRendering]

The analyzer will create an accessExecLink from the razor file to the constructor of the attribute (in the example StreamRendering) and add the bookmark on the razor file:

Routing with @page “/route/syntax/{parameter}” syntax

The syntax @page "/route" in a razor file will generate the code to add the RouteAttribute to the component in the C# file:

@page "/counter"

The analyzer will create an accessExecLink from the razor file to the constructor of the attribute (in the example StreamRendering) and add the bookmark on the razor file:

Not currently supported

  • Templated components
  • EditForm component
  • EditContext component
  • NavigationManager.NavigateTo (method to navigate to the specified URI)

Quality rules

None specific to Blazor.