Release Notes - 1.0


Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket Id Details
47661 Fixes a traceback issue reported in the analysis log: "RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded".

Other Updates

Fixes a traceback issue reported in the analysis log: "TypeError: join() missing 1 required positional argument: 'path'".


Other Updates

Parsing improvement to fix an issue causing the error "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_fullname'".

Performance Improvements

Upgrade internal application-level API to version 1.6.13
Upgrade Internal string evaluator to version 1.2.24


Other Updates

Reintroduce String Evaluation in modelization.
Add Heuristic to enhance performance of StringEval.

Performance Improvements

Heuristic preventing string evaluation to evaluate unnecessary values (greatly enhance performance and precision).


Callee Type Caller Type Details
Java Method HTML5 source code Specific "onInitialize" and "onDetach" Java Method of the Apache wicket API are now also linked to HTML5 source code.

New Support

Summary Details
Support of onSubmit and onClick handler New object 'Apache Wicket Event Handler' improvements.
Support of Action chained within single add(…) statement New object 'Apache Wicket Event Handler' improvements.


Callee Type Caller Type Details
Java Constructor HTML5 source code Links are now conditioned by their properties 'Use Apache Wicket'. Where an implicit declaration of a 'Java Constructor' does not have this property set, then no link will be created.

New Support

Summary Details
Enhance resolutions of the Apache Wicket framework Creation of callLink from 'Java Constructor' to 'HTML5 source code' (same package and same name). Creation of callLink for 'Java Methods' named onInitialize or onDetach to 'HTML5 source code' (same package).
Enhance resolutions of Apache Wicket framework Creation of new objects and callLinks between 'HTML5 source code' -> new object 'Apache Wicket Event' -> 'Java Method'.


New Support

Summary Details
Support Apache Wicket transactions between HTML and Java Creation of callLink between HTML and Java file pairs in same folder when Apache Wicket tags are located in the HTML files.