Proxy Settings


Proxy settings allow you to configure CAST Imaging (and all nodes) to interact with your organization’s internal proxy server (such as (Squid)[]). When a fresh installation of CAST Imaging is initialized, proxy settings are referenced: these settings are displayed in this panel.

You can therefore use the panel to update the proxy settings, or if you want to completely disable the use of a proxy.


When the proxy option is changed, CAST Imaging will attempt to connect to CAST Extend or CAST Extend local server - if it cannot connect, then an error will occur and it will not be possible to change the option.

No proxy

Default setting. No proxy required.

Manual proxy configuration

Configure these settings if you need CAST Imaging to interact with your on-premises proxy server:

Host / Port / Credentials

Enter the IP address/fully qualified domain name, port number (where applicable) and credentials of the proxy server you need to use.

Excluded Address

The value of this property is a list of hosts, separated by the semicolon ; character. In addition, the wildcard character * can be used for pattern matching. For example *;localhost will indicate that every host in the domain and localhost should be accessed directly even if a proxy server is configured.

CAST highly recommends excluding the following URLs when you are using the Manual Proxy option:

  • CAST Dashboard URL defined in Dashboard Integration
  • If your nodes are configured to use CAST Extend local server and the nodes are also configured to pass all outgoing connections through a proxy, then you may need to also whitelist the IP address/fully qualified domain name of the machine on which CAST Extend local server is installed in order to route connections correctly.