How can I replace my CSS/PostgreSQL instance?


This document describes how to replace an existing CAST Storage Service(CSS)/PostgreSQL instance that has been associated and used with your CAST Imaging installation, with a new instance - for example, a situation where you want to retire an existing instance.

This process involves backing up all databases/schemas used by CAST Imaging and moving them to the new replacement instance and then updating your CAST Imaging installation to use the new instance.

This document assumes that the new replacement CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance is already installed and functioning and that CAST Imaging Console is installed direct on Microsoft Windows.

Which databases/schemas are involved?

Not all databases/schemas may need moving - this depends on how you have deployed CAST Imaging. For example the instance you want to retire may only be used to store some schemas/databases, in which case you need to identify which items are involved, as listed below:


  • keycloak_v3


  • application schemas (per application):
    • <application_name>_local
    • <application_name>_central
    • <application_name>_mngt
  • CAST Health Dashboard schema:
    • general_measure (or other custom name)
  • persistence data schemas
    • admin_center
    • analysis_node

Step 1 - Backup and restore your Application schemas

Use the CombinedTransfer.bat batch file provided with CAST Imaging Core on any of your nodes, located here:


This tool is described in more detail here.

This tool will only backup and restore application schemas (<application_name>_local,<application_name>_central,<application_name>_mngt).

Step 2 - Backup and restore other schemas

Use the CSSBackup.exe and CSSRestore.exe tools provided with CAST Imaging Core on any of your nodes, located here:


These are command line tools that can be used to backup and restore (to a different instance) any of the following schemas:

  • general_measure
  • admin_center
  • analysis_node

These tools are descibed in more detail here.

Step 3 - Backup and restore the keycloak_v3 database

Use PostgreSQL’s freely available tools to perform the backup and restore of the keycloak_v3 database:

Step 4 - Stop all CAST Imaging services

Use the Microsoft Windows Services control panel to stop all CAST Imaging related services:

Stop services

Step 5 - Update the analysis_node schema

On the new CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance, run the following query against the table database_connection_settings located in the analysis_node schema to update the host name of your CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance (i.e swap the existing host name with the new host name) so that the node(s) are aware of where the application schemas are located. Update new_host_name to match the host name/IP address of the replacement CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance:

UPDATE analysis_node.database_connection_settings
set host = 'new_host_name' where database_name='postgres';

This query assumes that your application schemas are stored in the postgres database.

Step 6 - Update references to the keycloak_v3 database

Locate the keycloak.conf file in %PROGRAMFILES%\CAST\Imaging\CAST-Imaging-SSO\conf and open with a text editor. Edit the following lines to match the details of the replacement CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance:

# The username of the database user.

# The password of the database user.

# The full database JDBC URL. If not provided, a default URL is set based on the selected database vendor.

Step 7 - Restart all CAST Imaging services

Use the Microsoft Windows Services control panel to restart all CAST Imaging related services.

Step 8 - Add the new CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance into CAST Imaging Console

Add your replacement CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance to CAST Imaging Console via Settings > Global Configurations > CSS and Measurement Settings. Enable at a minimum the CSS option and also the Measurement option (if you are storing the general_measure on the replacement CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance):

Add new instance

Step 9 - Final check - run analysis

As a final check, run a new analysis on an application whose schemas you have moved from the old to the new CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance:

New analysis

Step 10 - Remove existing CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance

If the new analysis is successful, you can now safely remove the existing CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance from CAST Imaging Console:

Remove existing instance