Using CAST-ServerManager.jar


CAST-ServerManager.jar is a command line tool provided with CAST Imaging Core 8.4.x (com.castsoftware.imaging.coreexternal link).

What does it do?

The tool is primarily used by CAST Imaging to perform various database related activities, such as:

  • creating/updating application schemas
  • managing records of extensions used with applications

It can also be used in command line mode by end-users to perform the same type of actions. These actions are considered “advanced” and should only be attempted if you are certain you understand what you are doing, or you have been instructed to by CAST Support.

Where can I find the tool?

Operating System Location
Microsoft Windows %PROGRAMFILES%\CAST\8.4\CAST-ServerManager.jar
Linux via Docker In the analysis-node container: /home/carl/caip/CAST-ServerManager.jar

How do I run the tool?

The tool is exclusively run via the command line, for example:

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action [options]

Command line options


Installs new application schemas:

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action Install -url <ConnectionURL> -schema <Schema> -schemaKind "<SchemaKind>" -user <User> -password <Password> -logFilePath "<LogFilePath>"


  • -url is a JDBC connection URL with the syntax jdbc:postgresql://[Host]:[Port]/[Database]:
    • [Host]: the FQDN or the IP address of the CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance
    • [Port]: the CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance port number (2284 for CAST Storage Service 4.x)
    • [Database]: the database name (usually postgres)
  • -schema is the name of the schema(s) to be created (depending on the value chosen for the -schemaKind parameter). This is a prefix which will be automatically converted to the full schema name by adding the following suffixes:
    • _local
    • _mngt
    • _central
    • _measure
  • -schemaKind is one of the following:
    • Combined (default, if not set on the command line, installs Management Base, Knowledge Base and Central Base)
    • Management Base (single schema)
    • Knowledge Base (single schema)
    • Central Base (single schema)
    • Measurement Base (single schema)
  • -user is the CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL login (usually operator)
  • -password is the CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL password to match -user
  • -logFilePath is a path to a text output file


Install a “triplet” of application schemas called application1_mngt, application1_central, application1_local:

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action Install -url jdbc:postgresql:// -schema application1 -schemaKind "Combined" -user operator -password mypassword -logFilePath "C:\temp\log.log"


Updates the target application schema(s) to a new release of CAST Imaging Core (com.castsoftware.imaging.coreexternal link):

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action Upgrade -url <ConnectionURL> -schema <Schema> -schemaKind "<SchemaKind>" -user <User> -password <Password> -logFilePath "<LogFilePath>" -assesmentModelMigrationMode "<MigrationMode>"


  • -schema is the name of the schema(s) to update. If -schemaKind is set to Combined (or omitted entirely) then you must reference the name of the Management Base (_mngt), this will also update the associated _local and _central schemas.
  • -assesmentModelMigrationMode is one of the following, see Defining the Assessment Model Upgrade Strategy for more information:
    • Replace by new Assessment Model (default, if not set on the command line)
    • Activate new rules
    • Disable new rules
    • Leave unchanged


Update a “triplet” of application schemas called application1_mngt, application1_central, application1_local to the new release of CAST Imaging Core:

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action Upgrade -url jdbc:postgresql:// -schema application1_mngt -schemaKind "Combined" -user operator -password mypassword -logFilePath "C:\temp\log.log"

Manage Extensions

Install, update or remove extensions associated to the target application schema(s). Extensions to be managed are specified in a .txt file:

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action "Manage Extensions" -url <ConnectionURL> -schema <Schema> -schemaKind "<SchemaKind>" -user <User> -password <Password> -logFilePath "<LogFilePath>" -extensions "<ExtensionFilePath>"


  • -schema is the name of the schema(s) to work with. If -schemaKind is set to Combined (or omitted entirely) then you must reference the name of the Management Base (_mngt), this will also reference the associated _local and _central schemas.
  • -extensions is a path to a text file containing a list of the extensions (using the extension ID) to manage. To update the extension to a new release, specify the target release number, and to remove an extension, use remove. Extensions that will remain unchanged do not need to be referenced. For example, removing two extensions and updating two to new releases:

Dependency Strategy

The default strategy to select the best version of a dependent extension listed in the target extension’s .nuspec file, is to take the maximum available release that matches any release constraints.

It is possible to change the strategy in order to take the minimum available release by adding the -minimalDependency option to the command line.


Update two extensions to new releases and remove two extensions for a “triplet” of application schemas called application1_mngt, application1_central, application1_local, where the extensions.txt file contains the same as above:

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action "Manage Extensions" -url jdbc:postgresql:// -schema application1_mngt -schemaKind "Combined" -user operator -password mypassword -logFilePath "C:\temp\log.log" -extensions "C:\temp\extensions.txt"


“Refreshes” the target application schema(s), i.e. it rebuilds the indexes, the stored procedures, and performs various repair operations on the existing data.

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action Refresh -url <ConnectionURL> -schema <Schema> -schemaKind "<SchemaKind>" -user <User> -password <Password> -logFilePath "<LogFilePath>"


  • -schema is the name of the schema(s) to work with. If -schemaKind is set to Combined (or omitted entirely) then you must reference the name of the Management Base (_mngt), this will also reference the associated _local and _central schemas.


Refresh a “triplet” of application schemas called application1_mngt, application1_central, application1_local:

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action Refresh -url jdbc:postgresql:// -schema application1_mngt -schemaKind "Combined" -user operator -password mypassword -logFilePath "C:\temp\log.log"

Remove Locks

Removes the various locks that may be put on the schemas associated to an existing application (this unlock action is not available in the UI):

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action "Remove Locks" -url <ConnectionURL> -schema <Schema> -schemaKind "<SchemaKind>" -user <User> -password <Password> -logFilePath "<LogFilePath>"


  • -schema is the name of the schema(s) to work with. If -schemaKind is set to Combined (or omitted entirely) then you must reference the name of the Management Base (_mngt), this will also reference the associated _local and _central schemas.


Remove locks on a “triplet” of application schemas called application1_mngt, application1_central, application1_local:

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action "Remove Locks" -url jdbc:postgresql:// -schema application1_mngt -schemaKind "Combined" -user operator -password mypassword -logFilePath "C:\temp\log.log"

Check Packages

Checks the consistency of the .PCK files available in the CAST Imaging Core distribution, optionally complemented with a list of extensions. It does not require to be connected to a triplet of schemas, nor a single schema:

java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action "Check Packages" -logFilePath "<LogFilePath>" -extensions "<ExtensionFilePath>"


java.exe -jar CAST-ServerManager.jar -action "Check Packages" -logFilePath "C:\temp\log.log" -extensions "C:\temp\extensions.txt"

Additional options

For all the above command lines, it is possible to add special options, to be used in specific situations:

  • -legacyPath "<LegacyDirectoryPath>": force the use of a specific CAST Imaging Core distribution.
  • -logtime-: remove the date prefix on each log comment
  • -v: verbose log mode

Error codes

Error codes are different under Microsoft Windows and Linux, because they are stored as long integers under Microsoft Windows, while as single bytes under Linux.

Windows Code Linux Code Name Comment
2000 208 CONNECTIONERRORCODE Unable to connect to the server
3000 184 ERROR_CODE_ACTION_PARSE_ERROR Unable to parse the action
3001 185 ERROR_CODE_CREATE_SCHEMA Unable to create a schema
3002 186 ERROR_CODE_RECONNECT Unable to reconnect to the schema after schema(s) creation
3003 187 ERROR_CODE_COLLECT_EXTENSIONS Unable to collect the extensions
3004 188 ERROR_CODE_LOAD_PACKAGES Unable to load the packages
3005 189 ERROR_CODE_COLLECT_SCHEMAS Unable to collect the schemas to modify
3006 190 ERROR_CODE_MODIFY_SCHEMAS Unable to modify the collected schemas
3007 191 ERROR_CODE_SET_LOCKS Unable to set the locks
3008 192 ERROR_CODE_REMOVE_LOCKS Unable to remove the locks
3009 193 ERROR_CODE_CHECK_PACKAGES Some packages are invalid