Microsoft Windows installation variables


A list and explanation of the variables available for an Installation on Microsoft Windows .

All machines

Variable Description
PUBLIC_URL Defines the “public” hostname (FQDN - fully qualified domain name) for the current machine. For example, This variable should never use localhost.

CAST Imaging Services

Variable Description
HOSTNAME_xxx Defines the hostname for communication between specific CAST Imaging services and Nodes. These variables should always be updated to the current machine’s “public” hostname (FQDN - fully qualified domain name), i.e. the same as PUBLIC_URL (note that if you are using the config-all.conf file and you DO NOT plan to add additional remote nodes, you can exceptionally leave these variables at the default localhost since all communication is within the same machine).
PORT_xxx Defines the TCP ports used by the various CAST Imaging services. CAST recommends that port numbers are left at their default unless you specifically need to make a change (i.e. when the port is in use by an unrelated third-party service).

CAST Imaging Node Service

Variable Description
ANALYSIS_NODE_HOSTNAME / HOST_HOSTNAME Defines the hostname for your Node Service. This variable should always be updated to the current machine’s “public” hostname (FQDN - fully qualified domain name), i.e. the same as PUBLIC_URL (note that if you are using the config-all.conf file, you can exceptionally leave this variable at the default localhost since all communication is within the same machine).
ANALYSIS_NODE_PORT Defines the TCP port used by the CAST Imaging Node Service. CAST recommends that this port number is left at its default unless you specifically need to make a change (i.e. when the port is in use by an unrelated third-party service).


Variable Description
CSS_INFOS Details of your local or remote CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance in the format HOSTNAME:PORT, e.g. See also Database requirements .
CSS_USER and CSS_PASSWORD Credentials (username/password) for your CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance define via CSS_INFOS.
V3_DB_NAME The database you would like to use to store the admin-center and aip-node persistence schemas (postgres or other custom database). See also Database requirements .
KEYCLOAK_DB The name of the database you would like to use to store the CAST Imaging authentication system (Keycloak) persistence database. See also Database requirements .


Variable Description
INSTALL_DIR Root installation location for this installer, e.g. C:\Program Files\CAST\Imaging. If the chosen path is anything other than C:\Program Files, it must not contain any white space.
DATA_DIR Sets the installation data folder (avoid using a network drive (even mapped)). A default data folder will be assigned if you do not provide a value here, as follows:
  • With INSTALL_DIR set to the default (or any folder in %PROGRAMFILES%), DATA_DIR will be automatically set to %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Imaging.
  • With INSTALL_DIR set to a custom location, then a folder called Data will be created in the root of INSTALL_DIR.
AIP_INSTALLDIR CAST Imaging Core component installation location (i.e. where CAST Imaging Core is installed) e.g: C:\Program Files\CAST\8.3.
DELETE_ADDITIONAL_DATA_FOLDERS Set to true if you would like the installer to delete the folders defined by the options SHARED_FOLDER, DELIVERY_FOLDER and DEPLOY_FOLDER if they exist (this is recommended when you want to perform a clean install). If the option is set to false(default) then these folders will not be deleted and will be re-used during the installation.
SHARED_FOLDER, DELIVERY_FOLDER, DEPLOY_FOLDER Details of the folder paths for analysis data storage for each node (each path must be distinct). In a multi-node installation scenario, a mapped network share drive or a UNC path of the network share must be used, for example: \\server\imaging\shared etc., so that all nodes can access common data. If you are installing only one node, these paths can point to local paths on the machine itself. If no value is assigned, the default paths will be used: C:\cast-node\common-data, C:\cast-node\delivery and C:\cast-node\deploy. See also File storage requirements and Software requirements for more information about the user account required to run the Microsoft Windows Services when using share network folders.


Variable Description
INSTANCE_ID This variable determines how the name of the Node Service is displayed in CAST Imaging in Services . If you make no change, the default is used: MACHINE_HOSTNAME:ANALYSIS_NODE_PORT
USE_IPADDRESS This variable is set to false by default. Set to true if you are using CAST Imaging on a machine which has a dynamic IP address (not recommended).
START_AS_USER, ...START_AS_USER, START_AS_PASSWORD, ...START_AS_PASSWORD These variables determine the user account used to run the Microsoft Windows services. See also Software requirements .
OPENAISERVICEPORT, nginxPort, IMGSRVPORT,imagingPort, etlPort, sourceCodePort, neo4jBackupPort, neo4jHttpPort, neo4jHttpsPort, neo4jBoltPort These variables are used by the imaging-viewercomponent. Unless advised to change these port numbers by CAST support, they should be left unchanged.