Using the CAST Imaging Core upgrade option


The Upgrade option allows you to perform an Application/schema upgrade on one or multiple applications.

By default the icon is disabled until you select an application that is eligible for upgrade, and will then enable as shown in the image above.

When is an application eligible for upgrade?

When the CAST Imaging Core release running on the node is older than the CAST Imaging Core release available on ANY node managed in CAST Imaging.

How do I start a CAST Imaging Core upgrade?

Use the icon highlighted in the image at the top of this page, or use the Upgrade Application option:

What happens when I start an upgrade?

A warning is displayed before the upgrade action is started. You can also choose the target CAST Imaging Core release - this drop down box will list all the AIP Core releases available on all nodes managed in CAST Imaging that are NEWER than the CAST Imaging Core release used for the current application.