- Release - 2.20
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- Release - 2.0
Release - 2.20
Release Notes - 2.20.5-funcrel
Customer bug fixes.
Release Notes - 2.20.4-funcrel
Customer bug fixes.
Release Notes - 2.20.3-funcrel
Minor feature improvements, internal and customer bug fixes.
Release Notes - 2.20.2-funcrel
Minor internal and customer bug fixes.
Release Notes - 2.20.1-funcrel
Minor internal and customer bug fixes.
Release Notes - 2.20.0-funcrel
UI - Reports - New report for Added/Modified objects : The new report provides information about all the added/modified objects within the application compared to the previous version.
UI -New resource for Transaction Summary: A new resource for open Transaction Summary (with working permissions similar to manage level5 and BulkImport) is added to the list of resources that have an access permission.
Cypher search - Beta : Cypher search is now available on the Global search in a new tab called 'Cypher.' The feature is currently in beta. Users can now type Cypher queries to search for objects, view them as a list, and plot them upon selection. If the user searches for anything other than objects, the checkbox selection will remain hidden. In the case of an invalid Cypher query, we show the appropriate message during query execution.
UI - AI Token usage: We are now displaying the token consumption for the AI features, making it easy to track usage for individual users.
UI - List View - As a tab on top of canvas : The 'List View' option is moved to the top of the canvas (previously ‘List View’ was available as toggle on the left menu). (Previously the right panel was closed when user switched to the “List View”). Now, the “Legends” section is not available for “List View”. The remaining sections work similar to the “Graph View”.
UI - List View - Right panel functionalities for List View : The right panel is visible on switching to the “List View”. (Previously the right panel was closed when user switched to the “List View”). Now, the “Legends” section is not available for “List View”. The remaining sections work similar to the “Graph View”.
UI - Search Modals - Alignment of all search modals as per new design : The design of the following search modals - Transaction/DCG, Saved View and App-to-App are updated to align with the design of the Global Search Modal.
UI -UI - Config Center - Transaction summary: The token usage of transaction summary is reduced, as it can now be run per transaction.
UI - Database Access view - Level 5: The Database Access view now shows a Level 5 view with drill down enabled instead of "pentagon" nodes as in previous releases.
UI - Right panel design improvements: The right panel design has been improved for a better user experience.
UI - Sticky Notes design improvements: The design of the Sticky Note feature has been improved for better usablity.
UI - Improved global search interface: The design of the global search interface has been improved for better usability.
UI - Chatbot - Visualize graph: A new option called "Visualize in a new tab" has been added to the Chatbot allow users to visualize the graph in a new tab within the chat window. To see this option, users will have to visualize the graph from the chatbot at least once.
UI - Option to Highlight Immediate Callers/Callees in right-click context menu: A new option has been added in the right-click context menu under "Highlight in view" option called "Immediate Caller/Callees". Clicking on this option will highlight the immediate callers and callees for the objects selected. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Using+the+Highlight+options and https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+scope#UserGuideApplicationscope-Actions.
UI - Admin panel - Manage AI feature: A new tile 'AI features' is introduced where users can input the API key for AI options (previously located on the license tile). This new “AI features” tile also provides an option to enable/disable AI features such as Explain Code with AI, Assistant Chatbot, and Transaction Summary per tenant. The Toggle option, which was used to enable AI features at the tenant level, is removed from the application tile. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+OpenAI+Integration#UserGuideOpenAIIntegration-EnablingOpenAIintheAdminCenter.
UI - Context menu - Add children and Add parent: Users are provided with an option to view "Children" or "Parent" objects for the selected object.
UI - Global Search Enhancements: Added filter for selecting External, Internal or All objects. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Search+for+items.
UI - Advisor source code bookmarks: Added bookmarks for advisor violation template. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Imaging+Advisor#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageImagingAdvisor-MultipleBookmarksMultipleBookmarks.
UI - View Info moved under Graph Info section: The information about the View has been moved to the Graph Info section at the bottom of the view. The graph info section now opens automatically on navigating from homepage tiles. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page#UserGuideGUIWelcomePage-Redisplayingthepop-up.
UI - Transaction and DCG Search: The Transaction and DCG Search Modal design is made consistent with the new Global-search design. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Transaction+scope.
UI - Config Center improvements: Link/Unlink Annotations option is moved from Admin Center to Config Center and is made application-specific (instead of tenant-specific) for better user experience. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Config+Center#ConfigCenter-AccessingConfigCenter.
UI - Global Search Enhancements: Added two new options to property based search: "Comment before object" and "Source Code Comments". See: https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Search+for+items#UserGuideSearchforitems-%E2%89%A52.19.
UI - App to App search improvements: App to app search UI has been improved for better user experience.
Release - 2.19
Release Notes - 2.19.1-funcrel
UI - Right panel - Sticky Notes, Tags, and Additional details: When the user selects an object, the sticky notes (annotations) and tags associated with the selected object are now seen under Characteristics (properties panel). And advanced properties are now moved to a new section called "Additional Details". See User Guide - Using the Annotate / Sticky notes feature
UI - Right Panel - Legends: In the Legends Panel, a toggle button for each line on “Object Types” and “Relationships" to hide or show the nodes or/and edges on the canvas. User Guide - GUI - Legend panel
UI - Context Menu Options: "Add tag" and "Add sticky note" options are included in the context menu.
Release Notes - 2.19.0-funcrel
- All new features and improvements added in 2.19.0-beta releases are included in this release. See the corresponding release notes for more information.
UI - Saved View - Persist graph options: We now support persisting Hide/Show of graph options - 'Isolated Nodes', 'External Libraries' and 'BelongTo links' in saved view so the user has the flexibility to resume investigation from a saved view. See User Guide - Saving and accessing saved views.
UI - Redesign of left panel and moving graph layout to toolbar: The left menu (Investigate panel) has been redesigned for better user experience, and graph layout options which were present in the left panel has been moved to the new toolbar. Object option is now available under Drill down level drop-down. Arrange Display is now available as part of the tool bar as Graph Layout. See User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel.
UI - Advisor Export: User can now download reports in CSV format for all advisor templates (five templates: inbound, outbound, missing, violations, including the default template). Depending on the violation rule type user can view different columns. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor.
UI - Chatbot: By default, five objects detail is displayed and they can be visualised. You may specify the number of objects details to be displayed of the total and the same will be displayed.
UI - Rename Context menu options and Display tooltip
UI - Investigate Panel - Enable properties panel for list view: The properties panel is enabled for List View. On selection of a node, the properties of the selected Node will be displayed in the right panel (as in Graph View). When multiple objects are selected, properties of the object selected at the end/last will be displayed. See User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel.
UI - Toolbar - Graph Display Options
UI - Added Insights Filter in Global search: As part of the global search for objects, you can now search for a set of objects associated with a particular insight.
UI - Add Technologies to Tags section on right sidebar for A2A view: A2A view introduces a new 'Technology' area in the tags section on the right sidebar. The graph will show relevant nodes as soon as a technology is chosen.. See User Guide - Application to Application dependencies scope#Legend.
UI - Imaging Advisor - Add Filters to Cloud Ready/Containerisation/Third Party Components: You can now filter Cloud Ready/Containerization/Third Party Components for a particular module.
UI - Imaging Advisor - Add Advisor Inbound Template: Added Advisor Output Table Template for Object Inbound Calls.
UI - Multiple Tabs - Updated Tab Names: Updated default Tab Names as View 1, View 2, and so on, which you can edit and update as per your need.
UI- Legends - Highlight node on Selecting Insight: Option to select one or multiple insights from the right panel to highlight the associated nodes.
UI - Add Insight filter as title in filter list: Selected filter is added as Title of the list by grouping them.
UI - Saved View: The
following features have been enabled in the saved view:
- Focus feature
- Switch To List View
- The status of 'Show Belongs To Links' is persisted to resume
investigation from a saved view.
Technical - Imaging Advisor - New checks: New checks have been added for Imaging Advisor targeting a move to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for IBM z/OS Mainframe and a move to Oracle Cloud from Oracle Server on premises. To benefit from these checks, the application must contain Mainframe objects and must be re-imported into CAST Imaging. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#MovetoAWS.
UI - Legends Panel - Associated To: In addition to the existing access to Transactions/Data Call Graphs/Projects, access to Modules, Services and Subsets associated to the current object (where applicable) is now provided. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Associatedto.
UI - Linked to other Apps badge: A minor change has been implemented for the "Linked to other Apps" badge: now when clicking this badge, a prompt is displayed asking the user whether they want to open the Application to Application Dependencies View: this prompt is to ensure that users are aware that moving to another view will mean that any changes in the current view will be lost.
UI - View - Zoom and centering for tabs: We have re-introduced the feature that persists the zoom and centering of the view after returning to a previously opened tab. The behaviour that has been re-introduced is as follows: on zooming and drilling down in tab(1) and navigating back to this tab from a different tab, the node/edge on which the drilldown was actioned will be in the center of the view with the same zoom level. In addition, if the view is moved and the user navigates back to the tab from a different tab, the zoom and centering will persist.
UI - Guided Search - New journeys: Various new journeys have been implemented in this release: 1) Make changes -> Minor changes -> Impact for change in UI: Helps the user search for Transactions directly in guided search, 2) Make changes -> Minor changes -> Impact for change in Table: Helps the user search for Data Call Graphs directly in guided search, 3) Make changes -> Minor changes -> Scope of regression: Helps the user search for Objects and takes the user to start and end point view for a selected object, 4) Discover -> Data -> Application adherence to database elements: Takes the user direct to the Database Access view. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Guided Search#Makechanges.
UI - Insights Filter - Tooltip: When a filter returns no Insight items, a roll over tooltip is available which shows information about the disabled option.
UI - Insights Filter - Count: The Insights Filter now shows a count alongside the filter name, specifying the number of insights in the list available when a filter option is selected.
UI - Object and Link Properties panel: User can now click on an object to view the properties of it,and same for the link as well. And when user clicks on an empty canvas, legends panel is displayed. And "AipId" is now moved to advanced properties.
UI - Right tab - View panel: Objects label has been now renamed to Legends under view tab. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#%E2%89%A52.19.
UI - Properties Panel - Design Enhancement: The UI of properties panel is improved. We now show object properties in two different categories (property and advanced properties). See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Object%3EProperties.
UI - Buttons/Tabs - Design Enhancement: The button design is enhanced across Imaging for a better user experience. Primary buttons are now highlighted with blue colors.
UI- Guided Search - New Journeys: The following new journeys have been added to Guided Search: "Improve" branching step. And for toggling insights directly from Guided Search Public APIs and Private APIs are added under API Inventory. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Guided Search#Improve.
UI - Structural flaw - Addition of new Tiles: New tiles are added to the Welcome Page under the new section: "Do you want to optimize your application?". The following tiles are added: Security Flaws (Identifies all the security flaws), Performance Flaws (Identifies all the performance flaws), and Error Handling Flaws (Identifies all the error handling flaws). Clicking on tiles opens the CAST Taxonomy with level 5 activated, with the associated Insight activated by default, with a specific filter activated to focus only on objects with the selected topic. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page#Doyouwanttooptimizeandsecureyourapplication?.
UI - Tooltip - Design Enhancement: Tooltip design is enhanced for better user experience. Added Tool Tip for "Select" under Global Search and Custom Node Modal.
UI - Advisor - Improve navigation: Improved the Advisor navigation. Updated the left sidebar along with some minor improvements. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#%E2%89%A52.19.
UI - Insight - Filter: The filter list now shows the unavailable list of filters as well. The unavailable items are shown as disabled and are not clickable. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#View%3EInsights.
Technical - Imaging Advisor - New checks: New checks have been added for Imaging Advisor targeting a move to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for IBM z/OS Mainframe and a move to Oracle Cloud from Oracle Server on premises. To benefit from these checks, the application must contain Mainframe objects and must be re-imported into CAST Imaging. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#MovetoAWS.
Technical - Microsoft Windows Installer: A minor improvement has been implemented in the Microsoft Windows Installer: a failure to start the Neo4j Microsoft Windows Service during the installation (usually due to lack of memory) will now not block the entire installation process. Instead, the installation will continue and the corresponding service will remain unstarted.
UI - Interaction with Badges: Clicking on the 'Annotations' badge opens the annotations panel and shows the associated Annotations and Clicking on the 'Linked to other Apps' badge opens the App to App view showing the Applications associated.
UI - Legend Panel - New section to display "Badge" details: In the Legend panel a new section is added to display details of these badges as below: Object Identifiers: Input Icon: Start Point Output Icon: End Point App to App Icon: Object Linked to other apps.
UI - Global Search - Implemention of "Multiple tab" behaviour for Global search: If user performs a custom search and opens a custom view it open as a new tab and not replace the content of existing tab, While the user is already opened a custom view and trying to append more objects it can add it to the same custom view.
UI - Export to CSV, XLSX, JSON: Three additional pieces of information will now be provided in the view export to CSV, XLSX and JSON: Module, Services and Subset. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Export+view+options.
UI - Advisor Enhancements: In Advisor, new screens are introduced for displaying intermediate branching steps for smooth navigation to the checks.
UI - Hide feature icons where not applicable: "Visual grouping" icon is hidden in Level-1 as it is not applicable. Similarly, "Group Selected Nodes" icon is hidden in Level-1, Level-2, Level-3 and Level-4 and in App-to-App view.
UI - Grouping improvements: Grouping of objects feature has been now improved. User can now see the object which are inside the grouped node all the time, and user can drag and drop the desired object to the grouped node and remove from the group.
UI - Guided Search improvements: In Guided Search, The journey for elements lets user search for elements directly from guided search instead of opening global search.
UI - Insights Filter: The user can now filter the list of Insights available in the right panel. The filter is populated with the categories of the enabled Insight. The filter is a multiselect checkbox popup. On filtering the list of insights, the highlighted nodes in the graph, signifying a link with Insights, are also updated.
Release - 2.18
Release Notes - 2.18.2-funcrel
This release comes with bug fixes.
Release Notes - 2.18.1-funcrel
UI - Advisor Enhancements: Introduced screens for displaying intermediate branching steps for smooth navigation to the checks.
UI - Global Search Improvements: An explicit search button is added to fetch the results in global search. Search can also be triggered by pressing 'Enter' key. The input text and search is disabled when search is in progress.
Release Notes - 2.18.0-funcrel
UI - Advisor - Tags and Annotations: You may now select one or multiple objects in the Advisor and Annotate and/or Tag the objects, which helps in further investigation. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#Annotateand/orTagObjects.
UI - Investigate Panel - BelongsTo Links: You now have an option to view BelongsTo Links in views with Objects and SubObjects. This option is available under "Graph Options" in the left panel. You can show or hide BelongsTo Links for any view wherever applicable. The BelongsTo Links are shown in pink color making it distinct from other links. See User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel#%E2%89%A52.18.
UI - Legend Panel - Tags - Design improvements: Tags now come with the following sections: Custom, Property, and Badges. You may now select and deselect multiple Tags by clicking on the selected Tag or on the canvas. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#View/Objects%3ETags.
UI - Insight - Source code: For Database Migration (in Advisor) and Structural Flaw view, if there are no bookmark violation/s (in absence of multiple bookmarks), the source code is displayed based on the selected object. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#StructuralFlaws:PlanyourAction
UI - Design improvements for Shortcuts section: The Shortcuts section is re-designed to improve the visibility. Now, all the shortcuts are displayed at a glance (without scrolling). See User Guide - GUI - Keyboard shortcut keys.
UI - Global Search: To do a global search, you must enter a keyword with a minimum of two characters. This helps you handle the global search lag with smaller keywords for case-insensitive searches. See User Guide - Search for items#standardAllapplication(global)searchoptions.
UI - Guided Search: All journeys in Guided Search are now app specific. The branch 'Enrich' has been added and all the branches now come with a description. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Guided Search.
UI - Application List Page: The application list page is redesigned for a better user experience. You can now see additional information such as "Lines of code", "Number of Objects" and "Number of relationships". You can now filter applications based on tenant and sort each column. See User Guide - GUI.
UI - Login page: The login page is redesigned for better user experience. See User Guide - GUI#Login
UI - Gradient Colors for nodes: A color gradient is added for nodes (object nodes) to help users distinguish between the nodes in the graph.
Technical - Integration with Azure OpenAI: It is now possible to use an Azure OpenAI API key with CAST Imaging to exploit AI with your application source code. This feature functions in the same way as the existing integration with OpenAI: add your Azure OpenAI API key in the Licenses panel in the Admin Center. See User Guide - OpenAI Integration.
Technical - NLP (Natural Language Processing) modules tool: A tool is available as a standalone extension to generate an automated functional breakdown of your application(s) as a custom aggregation. This breakdown is based on the code's wording, sentences and topics identified and correlated to the adherence of elements between them. See CAST Imaging Functional Module Assistant - 1.0.
Technical - Insight – Source code: For Database Migration (in Advisor) and Structural Flaw view, if there are no bookmark violation/s, the source code is displayed based on the selected object. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#StructuralFlaws:PlanyourAction.
Technical - Imaging Advisor - New checks: New checks have been added for Imaging Advisor targeting a move to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for IBM z/OS Mainframe and a move to Oracle Cloud from Oracle Server on premises. To benefit from these checks, the application must contain Mainframe objects and must be re-imported into CAST Imaging. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#MovetoAWS.
Technical - Icon Management for Levels: The SVGs of levels is moved from the backend (BE) to the front end (UI), across Imaging.
UI - Globalize MultiTab: Improvements are made to the MultiTab design to make it a global list. See User Guide - GUI - Multiple Tabs#Introduction and User Guide - GUI - Multiple Tabs#Savingthemulitpleviews.
UI - Advisor Improvements: Few improvements are made to the advisor design to enhance the user experience. Also, Database Migration tile is introduced to support DB rules. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#AccessingtheImagingAdvisor.
UI - Graph Navigation in new tab: Graph Navigation (Path Finder, Call Hierarchy, Start and Endpoints) opens in a new tab by default. See User Guide - Using the Get Start and End points feature.
UI - Guided Search - New flows and improvements: New flows are adeded to the Guided Search, including the link between Imaging as a Doer and Advisor. The design for the Actions tooltip is updated to make it clearer for the user. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Guided Search.
Technical - Imaging Advisor - New checks: New checks have been added for Imaging Advisor targeting a move to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for IBM z/OS Mainframe and a move to Oracle Cloud from Oracle Server on premises. To benefit from these checks, the application must contain Mainframe objects and must be re-imported into CAST Imaging. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#MovetoAWS
Technical - Insight – Multiple bookmarks in Structural flaw: Multiple bookmarks are displayed for specific objects based on selected Structural flaw rules. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#StructuralFlaws:PlanyourAction
Technical - Color Management Across Imaging: The colour management of all the nodes is moved from the backend (BE) to the front end (UI), across Imaging. There is no colour management under Neo4j or imaging-service layer. typColor.csv and techColor.csv are integrated to the front end for objects and levels respectively.
UI - Right Panel - Object Properties: You now have an associated projects dropdown in object properties that shows a list of projects the selected object is associated with. On selecting from the dropdown user would be navigated to the project view with that project displayed on the canvas. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Associatedto.
UI - Advsior - Icon to Upgrade Advisor to latest version: An icon is added in the admin panel which helps you to upgrade advisor to the latest version.
UI - Left Panel - Help icon: You now have a single icon at the bottom of the left menu clicking on it a popup menu opens with navigation options to 1. What's new, 2. Help, and 3. Documentation. See User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons#Leftsidebarmenus.
UI - Multiple Tabs - Rename/Edit Tab: You may now edit/rename the tab names and the style of the tab has been improved for better visibility. See User Guide - GUI - Multiple Tabs#Edit/Renamethetabs.
UI - Graph view - Shortcut to avoid opening of new tab/s in graph actions: You can now use the shortcut to override the default new tab behaviour while doing any graph actions. See User Guide - GUI - Multiple Tabs#OverridingopeningofMultipletabs.
UI - Imaging Advisor - Enhancements to explore advisor route and selection: You may now highlight the selected explore object along with persisting row selection.
UI - Advisor - New Flow: Integrated Advisor to support multiple branching steps along with other enhancements.
UI - Update shortcut details for multi-tab views: A new section named "On-demand Tabs" is added in the shortcuts section where "Shift + Left Click" directs to "Investigate in a new tab". See User Guide - GUI - Multiple Tabs#On-demandtabs.
UI - Shortcut key - To override the multi-tab behaviour: Under the "Global Shortcuts", a new shortcut "Shift + Alt" is added to override the multi-tab behaviour. See User Guide - GUI - Multiple Tabs#OverridingopeningofMultipletabs.
UI - Welcome Page - Guided Search enhancements: Guided search is now available on the header row. A tooltip with actions for the current view is provided which pops up when the guided search is used. The collapsible section is added to the Welcome page to show Recent searches. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Guided Search.
Technical - Imaging Advisor - New checks: New checks have been added for Imaging Advisor targeting a move to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for IBM z/OS Mainframe and a move to Oracle Cloud from Oracle Server on premises. To benefit from these checks, the application must contain Mainframe objects and must be re-imported into CAST Imaging. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#com.castsoftware.sql.movetocloud and User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#MovetoAWS.
UI - Multiple Tabs: The new multi-tab feature allows you to open multiple tabs, each displaying a graph as per user actions. As part of this update, the vignette is removed and replaced by a new tab. See User Guide - GUI - Multiple Tabs
UI - Investigate Panel - Transaction Mode: In the Investigate Panel (Left panel) we have introduced a new "Transaction Mode" to show the different modes available for the respective transaction view. Transaction Modes include Full call graph, Reduced call graph and Simplified call graph. See User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel#Introduction.
UI - Support to rename applications after updating the name in Console: Users can update the application's name in Imaging after renaming it in Console. The prerequisite for this feature is Console version ≥ 2.9.0-beta6.
UI - Legend Panel - SOS Link Description: For the SOS links created using queries.json file the "Description" field is added for the links which are found in link properties under the link tab. SeeUser Guide - GUI - Legend panel#SOSlinkSOS-link.
UI - Source code view icons: The existing source code view icons were updated and re-designed. A toggle button was introduced for 'Dark/Light mode'. ChatGPT icon pops up when the user selects a piece of code for explanation. Expand source code icon will expand the entire source code. Open in new window icon will open the source code for a selected code in a new window. See User Guide - Viewing source code.
Technical - RuleID in advisor route: RuleID is included in the advisor URL to make the link sharable. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#SharingImagingAdvisorinformation.
UI - Legend Panel - Link: A new tab “Link” is added to the right panel. The tab has a properties dropdown to show the information about the selected link on canvas. The selected link on the canvas will be in blue colour highlighting the selected nodes. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Link%3ELinkProperties.
UI - ChatGPT improvements - Explanation of a specific piece of code: You can now select a piece of source code and get explanation for that specific line of code using ChatGPT. On selection of code, ChatGPT icon pops up in the app bar and on clicking the icon the selected code will be explained using ChatGPT. See User Guide - OpenAI Integration#UsingtheChatGPTfeature.
UI - ChatGPT improvements - Explanation in both Summary and Points format: On clicking "Explain with ChatGPT", first the explanation will come up in a short summary format and then a prompt comes up asking if the user wants detailed explanation in points. If user selects "yes", then the code will be explained in points. See User Guide - OpenAI Integration#UsingtheChatGPTfeature.
UI - Handle error message for expired OpenAI API key: If you enter an expired API key, following pop-up message is displayed: "You are trying to utilize an API key that is either expired or has been disabled. To proceed, kindly provide a valid key." See User Guide - OpenAI Integration#Prerequisites.
UI - Investigate Menu: The UI of the left panel i.e the Investigate Menu is enhanced. Now all the sections in the Investigate Menu are collapsible and a new section "View Options" is added. By default, only the first section (Perimeter) is kept open. Graph (toggles) and View (actions) options are now segregated. Scope of caller/callee is moved under “Graph Options”. For reference point (Start and End points), now all the paths are displayed (previously only shortest path was displayed).
UI - Welcome Page - Guided Search: A new feature “Guided Search” is introduced to easily navigate the Imaging Application. The “Guided Search” in the Welcome Page will guide you to get the desired view by answering a set of questions. By default, “Pre-defined” tab is selected in the Welcome page which lets you use the tiles (as in previous releases) in the Welcome Page. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Guided Search.
Technical - Imaging Advisor – Multiple bookmarks in source code viewer: Multiple bookmarks are displayed for specific objects based on Imaging Advisor rules for moving to cloud. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#MultipleBookmarksinImagingAdvisor.
Release - 2.17
Release Notes - 2.17.2-funcrel
This release comes with bug fixes.
Release Notes - 2.17.1-funcrel
UI - Highlight Path Improvements: The Highlight path now works for both Callers and Callees (previously it worked only for Callees). Now, once the Target object is selected the “Path” is highlighted without further action. See User Guide - Using the Highlight options.
UI - Transaction Scope Enhancements: Now you can switch from 'Full Call Graph' to either 'Simplified Call Graph' or 'Reduced Call Graph'. See User Guide - Transaction scope#Transactioncallgraphdisplaymodes.
UI - Admin Center - Enable/Disable ChaptGPT at Tenant level: You now have the option to Enable/Disable the ChaptGPT feature at the Tenant level. With this option, you may select the Applications within the selected tenant for which this feature is to be enabled. See User Guide - OpenAI Integration#EnablingChaptGPT.
UI - Tags: We have added Modules/Services/Subset sections under tags in the right panel which will have the names of the Modules/Services that the objects in the view belong to. On clicking on these names the objects belonging to those scopes will be highlighted in the view. Option to search (like tags search) is also available if user wants to search for some specific scope name These options will be available in objects/SubObjects level wherever applicable. SeeUser Guide - GUI - Legend panel#View/Objects%3ETags.
UI - Imaging Advisor - Move to AWS: Previously for all the rules under “Move to AWS” (IBM z/OS Mainframe to Amazon EC2) only callers of the object (which satisfy the rule) were displayed. Now, for few rules callers and procedures are displayed. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#IBMz/OSMainframetoAmazonEC2
Technical - Custom Aggregation limitation: CAST Imaging is now configured automatically to limit the number of nodes in a custom aggregation to 100,000 (one hundred thousand) when the custom aggregation is configured to use an existing CAST supplied aggregation (such as CAST Taxonomy, Module, Service, etc.). An error message is displayed if you enter more than the set limit. See User Guide - Creating a custom aggregation mode#Thingstoknowaboutcustomaggregationmodes.
Release Notes - 2.17.0-funcrel
UI - Export View Options - Access Link Type: A new column "Access Link Type" is added to the exported CSV and XLSX reports for transactions and Data Cal Graph (DCG). See User Guide - Export view options.
UI - Welcome Page - Insights: A new insight type "Open-Source Safety" is added to the list of existing insights. This insight helps users to improve security by identifying third-party vulnerable components and planning an upgrade to a more secure version. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#OpenSourceSafety. You can now see all the insights by default. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Viewinganinsight.
Technical - Imaging Advisor - New checks: Five new checks have been added for Imaging Advisor targeting a move to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for IBM z/OS Mainframe. To benefit from these checks, the application must contain Mainframe objects and must be re-imported into CAST Imaging. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#checksChecksprovidedinImagingAdvisor.
UI - Layout Options - Preferred Automatic Layout: In the Graph layout, the best layout will be rendered by displaying the rendered layout added with a prefix - "Automatic" and the other layout options will be available in the drop-down and same can be selected manually. User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel#layoutLayoutoptions.
UI - Manage Complex Transaction: Now, instead of displaying all objects/sub objects of a transaction, the principle of "Get Start & End Point" approach is used for a complex transactions (Number of objects in transaction > 500) and an option is provided to update the view to display more levels of details down to the end point (instead of displaying all objects/sub objects of a transaction. See User Guide - Transaction scope#Simplifiedcallgraph.
Technical - imagingservice.bat changes on upgrade for Windows deployments: When upgrading from a previous release of CAST Imaging using the traditional Windows installer (Docker installations are not impacted), the upgrade installer will upgrade the "%APPDATA%\CAST\ImagingSystem\imagingservice\imagingservice.bat" file and create an "imagingservice.json" file (in the same folder) containing all customizable options. As a direct result of this change, any customization that you previously made to the -LOG_LEVEL, -AUDIT_TRAIL and -LOGGER_TIMEOUT options in "imagingservice.bat" will be lost and will need to be reconfigured in the new "imagingservice.json" file.
UI - Update Start and End Points - Improved rendering: Now, when you update the "Start and End Points" view, nodes, edges, and reference links are added or removed on the same view based on the number of depths/hops (earlier the graph was totally cleared, and a new graph was displayed). When you click on Update, a pop-up message is displayed if the update takes longer to fetch the data. See User Guide - Using the Get Start and End points feature#Updatingtheresults.
UI - Welcome Page - Third Party Component tile - Safer and Safest versions: You can now view the Safer-Closest and Safest Version of the Third Part packages in the application using the “Third Party Components Tile”. This update gives you an idea about the Third Party package version at a glance hence saves your time. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Modernizing Applications#ThirdPartyComponentsUpgrade/ThirdPartyComponents.
UI - Reports - New report for count of USE link between Transactions and Datasource: You now have a new report "Number of linked transactions per data source" for number of "USE" link per type (SELECT, INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE) between Transaction and Datasources. See User Guide - Reports#NumberofTransactionsperDatasource.
Technical - Imaging Advisor - New checks: New checks have been added for Imaging Advisor targeting a move to Amazon Web Services (AWS) for IBM z/OS Mainframe. To benefit from these checks, the application must contain Mainframe objects and must be re-imported into CAST Imaging. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging. Advisor#checksChecksprovidedinImagingAdvisor
UI - Welcome page - New "Inheritance between classes" tile: The "Inheritance between classes" tile (available in the "Are you new to the application/Do you want to learn about your application?" section) provides access to a dedicated view containing information about inheritance relationships between classes and interfaces in the application. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page. Note that this view is ALSO available as a specific "aggregated by" perspective in the Application scope.
UI - Call Hierarchy: Several updates have been implemented for the "Call Hierarchy" feature: 1) the maximum depth available for both caller and callee options will be displayed in the configuration panel before the results are displayed, 2) It is now possible to choose both caller and callee as a single link type (previously only caller and callee were available as separate options), 3) a new option is available that when enabled will display the maximum depth for the chosen link type, 4) the existing options "Hide external objects" and "Main objects only" have been removed and now, external objects and main + sub objects are always shown in the results. See User Guide - Using the Call Hierarchy feature.
UI - Path Finder: Several updates have been implemented for the "Path Finder" feature in order to simplify the selection of the target object: 1) The result shows the list of all objects by default, 2) New link types are added which includes Start Points, End Points and All Objects (previously only Caller and Callee were available) based on which the user can filter the result, 3) Number of hops option has been removed (all hops are now considered), 4) the existing options "Hide external objects" and "Main objects only" have been removed and now, external objects and main + sub objects are always shown in the results, 5) the "Find Path" button has been replaced with a "Load" button. See User Guide - Using the Path Finder feature.
UI - Project Structure - Source code now available for Project Structure "aggregated by" perspective: An update has been implemented to ensure that source code can now be viewed (via the right click Show > Source Code option and provided that source code has been configured) when using the Project Structure "aggregated by" Perspective in the Application scope. I.e. source code for the project file such as pom.xml for a Maven project). See User Guide - Project Structure scope#GlobalviewbyProject(aggregatedby).
UI - Reports: A new report has been added to the Data Sources option: "Number of Transactions per Data source". See User Guide - Reports.
UI - Welcome page - Database Structure tile: The Database Structure tile (available in the "Are you new to the application" section) provides access to a view dedicated to database table objects, shows their interactions, provides access to their constituent column names and foreign key information. This view can also be accessed via an Aggregated by Perspective called "Database Structure". See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Are you new to the application.
UI - Preferences - Preferred Graph Layout: A new layout called "Automatic" has been introduced as an option for the Preferred Graph Layout setting in Preferences. This option is now the default layout choice for all scopes/views. For more details about how this option functions, see Configuring display preferences.
UI - Shortcut keys information panel: A new panel has been provided (accessible from the user profile menu > Shortcut keys) that lists all shortcut keys available in CAST Imaging and where and how they can be used. See User Guide - GUI - Toolbar menu options.
UI - Saved views - Ungrouping grouped nodes: It is now possible to use the right click contextual menu "Ungroup" to split the grouped node into its constituent individual nodes even if the grouping was constructed before the view was saved. See User Guide - Saving and accessing saved views.
UI - Get Start and End points feature - Reference link details: This feature has been updated to allow access to the constituent objects of "References" type links: now when the result of the Get Start and End points option is displayed and when the depth is set to 1 (the default) clicking a "References" link will display a popup (similar to the popup displayed when clicking a standard direct link) detailing the constituent objects and links including the selected object/extremity node and all objects in between. See User Guide - Using the Get Start and End points feature.
UI - Project Structure View: This view/option helps you to identify the information such as the project name, frameworks, build settings, references to other projects, and a list of source code files that make up the project. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Modernizing Applications#ProjectStructure
UI - Internal Object Search: The UI for internal object search is enhanced for better a user experience. See User Guide - Search for items#currentCurrentviewsearch
UI - Start/End Points and Call Hierarchy Enhancements: Call Hierarchy and Update Start/End Points pop-up are improved and come with a right-hand panel. The graph loads based on the parameters provided in the right panel. The UI has been updated for a better user experience. See User Guide - Using the Get Start and End points feature.
UI - Get Start and End Points - Calculate Max Depth for selected object: Clicking on the Get Start and End points option from the context menu will load the graph with a default value of depth=1. An option to update the depths is available. Maximum depths of the path are added for a selected object along with the node name details in the update Start/End Points in the right panel. See User Guide - Using the Get Start and End points feature.
UI - Saved View improvements: The Saved views UI is improved. Now you get “GO TO SAVED VIEW” and “STAY IN THIS VIEW” options after you save a view. SAVED VIEW is now modified as UPDATED VIEW (Saved views > Graph Options > UPDATED VIEW). See User Guide - Saving and accessing saved views#Savingaview.
UI - Preferences (Object Name Limit): We now have an additional option in preferences to set the object name limit. The default value of this option would be 40, implying that if any object name is greater than 40 characters it would be trimmed on the graph with ellipses (however, on hover, user can see the full name). If the object name length is less than the specified value then the complete object name would be shown in the graph and if the name is long it would go in the next line in the graph for better visibility. See Configuring display preferences#ObjectNamelimit.
UI - APIs Inventory (Private/Public): You may now view different types of APIs used in the application, hence identify the APIs access and secure the application interactions. We now provide various filters on Access Type (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE) and API Types (Public/Private). See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Are you new to the application#In2.17.
UI - Revamp Right side pannel: The right side panel has been enhanced.
UI - Third Party Components Upgrade: Children + callers/callees and communities options in the context menu are now enabled. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Modernizing Applications#ThirdPartyComponentsUpgrade.
UI - Context Menu - Get Start and End Points: The new option 'Get Start and End Points' is added and grouped with "Path finder" and "Call hierarchy" under "Graph Navigation" label in the context menu. In custom view, this option helps you to view the selected object's Start Points, End Points and all Paths based on "Level of Path Details" provided. See: User Guide - Using the Get Start and End points feature.
UI - Investigate Panel- Legend view: Count of each object type is shown for each object and subjects listed in legend view and the Objects lable is now changed to Object Types See: User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Objects.
UI - Investigate Panel - Source Code Option: You can now view the complete source code in a single click, using the newly added button Show full source code. See User Guide - Viewing source code#Viewingfullcontentofsourcecodeinasingleclick.
UI - Source Code Window - Highlighting all the occurrences of a variable or an object name: you may highlight all the occurrences of a variable or an object (by selecting the variable/object name) in the entire source code file and also in the new window source code opened through the icon Open in New Window. See User Guide - Viewing source code#Highlightingalltheoccurrencesofavariableoranobjectname.
UI - Investigate Panel - Internal search improvements: The Object Search/Internal search option, allows you to view selected objects with a pulse effect. The selected objects are retained in the search modal and on the canvas unless you clear it off from the search modal while working on a particular view. See User Guide - Search for items#currentCurrentviewsearch.
UI - Legends Panel - Labels : Label on Legends Panel changed to Modules/Services/Layers/Object types respectively. See User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel#perspectivePerspectiveoptions.
UI – Legends Panel - Insights on level nodes: You can now view Insights for CloudReady Blocker, Containerization Blockers, CloudReady Boosters on levels (as in Structural Flaws). See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Insights.
UI - Investigate Panel- Enhancements for Reduced vs Full Call Graph: You now have an info icon added for "Full Call Graph" and "Main object only" buttons. Also, an updated toast message when switching to a full call graph (due to no reduced call graph). See User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel#layoutLayoutoptions
Release - 2.16
Release Notes - 2.16.2-funcrel
This release comes with bug fixes.
Release Notes - 2.16.1-funcrel
UI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor: In the Advisor window, the description for remediation fields is updated from Rationale to Description, Remediation to Advice, and Remediation Sample to Alternative approach. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#Getmoreinsights.
Release Notes - 2.16.0-funcrel
UI - Welcome Page - Validation message: You get the following validation message: "No data available" when the search criteria are not available. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Cloud Migration information#BoostersPanel
UI - Third Party Component - Load data on scroll to the end of a table: Loading data on scroll to the end of a table is implemented to optimize web page performance when dealing with large amounts of data. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Modernizing Applications#ThirdPartyComponentsUpgrade
UI - Admin Center - Import Multiple Applications Simultaneously: You may now import multiple apps simultaneously. The process of importing the apps runs simultaneously (without waiting in queue). See Admin Center - Application management panel#Importmultipleapplicationdatasimultaneously.
UI - Admin Center - Datasource Config: You can now remove the datasource using UI. And the newly added datasource are now stored in the database, so when you restart the sourcecode service/s datasource are not lost. See Admin Center - Configuring data source#Deleteanexistingdatasource
UI - Legend Panel - Insights: When you select a flaw type, the insight tab is set to default and the object with the flaws are highlighted throughout the app navigation. The pulse effect for the object has been reduced to few seconds. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Insights.
UI - Welcome Page - Cloud readiness, Containerization Insights, Advisor: You can now use generic node info panel for advisor, modernisation and cloud-ready tiles. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Cloud Migration information
UI- Improved performance to display large graphs: You can now view large graphs without using the "Stop layout" to halt the animation.To decrease the time taken to plot enormous graphs, some significant adjustments are made to improve the turnaround time. With this improvement, the progressive rendering behavior (where you had to click "Stop layout" to halt the animation) is eliminated from Imaging for all large graphs. See User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons#centreCentre.
UI - Login page - Login Service error message: If the login service fails, an error message is displayed instead of a blank page. See User Guide - GUI#Errormessages.
UI - OpenAI Key Configuration in Admin Panel - Incorrect GPT Key: In the Admin Panel, if you enter an invalid GPT key then you get the following error message: “Invalid GPT key, please contact administrator”. See User Guide - OpenAI Integration#Configuration.
UI - OpenAI Key Configuration in Admin Panel - No internet: In the Admin Panel, if you enter a GPT key when the device is not connected to the internet then the following message is displayed: "There is no Internet connection, please contact administrator." See User Guide - OpenAI Integration#Configuration.
UI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor - Info about Rationale, Remediation, Remediation Sample: You may now view info about 'Rationale', 'Remediation', and 'Remediation Sample' in Imaging Advisor. In Imaging Advisor, under graph view - a split screen is introduced just below the object table to display 'Rationale', 'Remediation', and 'Remediation Sample'. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor#Getmoreinsights.
UI - Visual Grouping: Visual grouping will now happen by default wherever applicable (In Module, Service, Arch Model, Custom Aggregation on edge drill down). The visual gruping by default is enabled for the newly created custom aggregations (when it is populated by option/s except CAST Taxonomy). See User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons#Leftsidebarmenus and User Guide - Creating a custom aggregation mode#Visualgroupingincustomaggregation.
UI - Admin Center - Configure Datasource: While creating Datasource you do not have to enter "?ApplicationName=Sourcecode_service" as it has been removed from the URL. See Admin Center - Configuring data source.
UI - Welcome Page - Property Panel for Modernisation and Cloud ready tiles: Property panel is added to the Modernisation and Cloud ready tiles. It is enabled through node click action available on graph view. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Cloud Migration information.
UI - Legend - Insights - Structural Flaws: Structural Flaws on objects in nodes will now be available at all levels (including Object level). Previously flaws were only available at Object level. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Insights
UI - Welcome Page - Cloud Readiness and Containerization Insights: In preview section, blockers are highlighted in red and boosters are highlighted in green thus helps you to easily differentiate between blockers and boosters. After click on Investigate button, preview graph will be displayed in custom (search) view with highlight on Cloud Ready blockers/boosters and Containerization blockers. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Cloud Migration information
UI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor - Cloud Migration: You may now now do migration to following cloud providers: AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Oracle Cloud. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor
UI - Investigate View - Context Menu: Highlight > Callers and Callees are now renamed as Callers Graph and Callees Graph in the contextual menu. See User Guide - Using the Highlight options
UI - Welcome Page - Tutorial: You get improved tutorial message after completing the tutorial. See User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons#Leftsidebarmenus
UI - Open AI - Context Menu: The 'Explain' option is hidden from the context menu, if you don not configure the OpenAI API key in the Admin page. See User Guide - OpenAI Integration#Configuration
UI - Open AI - Error Handling: Notifications are added in Open AI to handle errors such as: No internet connection, Source code too large, GPT servers busy and Invalid GPT key. See User Guide - OpenAI Integration#Errorhandling
UI- Login Page - License message: Removed the following warning message: "A new license policy now exists for CAST Imaging, please contact CAST Sales Service or Support for more details" which was displayed in case of an old licesnse key.
UI - Third Party Component Upgrade – Support for analysis of npm packages: You can now see the npm packages linked with object and level 5 under Third Party Component Upgrade. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Modernizing Applications
UI - Third Party Component Upgrade – Advisories CVE: You now have Advisories CVE, in Third Party Component Upgrade along with Critical, High, Medium and Low.
- UI - Welcome Page - API Inventory: You may now filter the API Inventory using the newly added "Type of Access" filter option. It supports GET/PUT/POST/DELETE filter options. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Are you new to the application.
- UI - Welcome Page - Lines of code for Languages: You may now view the Lines of code for the Languages if applicable in app overview. Lines of Codes for the technologies are displayed if Lines of Codes (LOC) for Language/s is not present.
- UI - Investigate Panel - Show List View: "Show Tabular View" is renamed to "Show List View". See User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel#drillcommunitiesDrilldown/Communitiesmodeoptions
- UI - Admin Center - OpenAI: OpenAI Key is moved to the admin panel's license tab. Now you may use manual procedure for adding OpenAI it to the service configuration. The OpenAI API key can be added to or updated using this feature by the administrator. See User Guide - OpenAI Integration
- UI - OpenAI - Annotations: You may now store the OpenAI description as annotations.
UI - App Insights - CloudReady boosters in Could Readiness: Cloud Ready boosters are now available using HL2MRI extension. You may now view cloudReady boosters on Cloud Readiness of Welcome Page. Also, cloudReady boosters highlight is added in App Insights.
- UI - Insights - CAST Engineering Dashboard and CAST Highlight subscription: You will be notified if you don't have access to CAST Engineering Dashboard (Structural Flaw) or CAST Highlight (CloudReady and Containerization flaw) when you try to view the flaws.
- UI - Third Party Components Upgrade - CVE: You can now see the Components CVEs based on their Criticality, and clicking on these buttons will show a popup that contains the list of CVEs of that particular criticality. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Modernizing Applications
- UI - Investigate view - Visual Grouping: Visibility of the selected node and edges on click after applying visual grouping is improved. The nodes are now not dimmed, and the width of the edges are increased. The type of edge is now shown on the edge. The size of the nodes not belonging to any of the group is updated to be of the same size as of other nodes. Changing the display by changing the layout or by changing the direction or other options is supported with visual grouping. See User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons
- UI - Investigate view - Advance Search: Advance configuration options are made consistent across Imaging, you now have Regex pattern and SearchBy (Name and FullName) in Transaction, Data Call Graph, Path finder and saved view search.
- UI - Tag based Search for Transaction scope and Data Call Graph (DCG): You may now search for Transaction scope and Data Call Graph (DCG) based on tags. The Advance Configurations option allows you to search for Transaction scope and Data Call Graph based on Tags. (Filter by > Tags). See User Guide - Transaction scope#Filteringthelistofavailabletransactions
UI - Legends - Status Property: In objects level, you may now view the status property (modified/added/unchanged). When you click on a Status, all the objects with that status are highlighted. See User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Interactivity and User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Objects
- UI - Selection Tools - Reverse Selection: You may now do a reverse selection using the option "Reverse Selection". You may use this option to select all the unselected nodes and deselect the selected nodes from the current view. See User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons#Leftsidebarmenus
- UI - Welcome Page - Feedback Button: You may now give your feedback/suggestion about the product using the new icon (Product feedback / Suggestion) added in the Welcome page header. See User Guide - GUI - Toolbar menu options.
- UI- Welcome Page - OpenAI Integration: The OpenAI feature (an cutting-edge technology) gets you an access to the source code explanation. This feature is currently in beta and is available for limited use. See User Guide - OpenAI Integration
- UI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor BETA: Beta icon is added for Imaging advisor. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page#OptionsintheWelcomepage
- UI - Document Tags - Prefix restriction: You are restricted from saving documents with tags having following prefix: Status-, CloudReady -, Containerization -, StructuralFlaw.
- UI - Explore APIs Inventory: You can now explore overview of the API Inventory with scope as Private and Public.
- UI - Visual Grouping: You can now visually group the objects in Module, Service, Architecture Model aggregated by scopes on drill down of EDGES. Visual grouping can be triggered from the left menu visual group option and can also be removed from there. The edges or links between visually grouped objects can be seen onClick of those objects. See User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons.
- UI - App to App - Search based on properties: In App to App dependency view, you may search based on these three properties: Number of Decision Points, Lines of code and Number of Artifacts. See User Guide - Application to Application dependencies scope#Applicationsearchoption
Release - 2.15
Release Notes - 2.15.0-funcrel
- UI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor: The “Imaging Advisor” provides specific insights and recommendations (Note: Only to the applications containing Mainframe code) to accelerate the transformation of "legacy" applications to the Cloud. In this release, you will get 'Retire' phase recommendations during Cloud migration. See: User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Imaging Advisor.
- UI - Welcome Page - Third Party Components upgrade: The “Third Party Components Upgrade” tile, now available in Welcome page, lets you to get modernization info from Welcome Page based on the info from Highlight to MRI extension. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page#ThirdPartyComponentsUpgrade
- UI - Config Center - Manage Application Level-5 nodes: The "Config Center" lets the user (users with the role admin/architect) hide/unhide nodes available in level 5. In the Config Center, tenants and associated applications are available for selection - and the corresponding level-5 nodes of the selected application are listed and can be shown/hidden individually or in group/s. After performing the action (hide) the nodes will not be visible in the view for all the users and the same reflects in levels 1 to 4. See: Config Center Admin Center - Configuring data source
- UI - Admin Center - Configure Datasource: Admin/super admin users can now configure (add and edit) the data sources for source code service from the UI in the Admin Centre. See Admin Center - Configuring data source
- UI - Legend panel - Insights tab: The "Insights" tab, added to the Legends panel, allows users to view an object's critical violations, vulnerabilities, flaws, etc. Upon selecting a specific type of vulnerability, the objects in the view that have this type of flaw are highlighted. Selecting the highlighted objects will then display details about the specific flaw or vulnerability in the object. See: User Guide - GUI - Legend panel#Insights
- UI - Annotations: The "Document" feature is renamed as "Annotations". All existing references in the UI to "Document" have been changed to "Annotations". In addition, Badges have been added for nodes with associated annotations (documents) and the number of associated annotations (documents) are now displayed in the tool tip. See: User Guide - Using the Annotate / Sticky notes feature
- UI - Highlight Caller, Callee and Path: The newly added Highlight Callers option highlights all the objects that are calling the selected object, the Highlight Callee option highlights all objects that are called by the selected object, and the Highlight path option highlights all paths between selected objects - if a path exists. See User Guide - Using the Highlight options.
- UI - Internal object search improvement: The new feature update lets you search multiple objects at once in custom aggregation. See User Guide - Creating a custom aggregation mode#Searchinganinternalobject
- UI - Graphical view - ALT+R: A shortcut ALT+R can now be used for reverse selection in graphical view. On pressing ALT+R the selected nodes would get unselected whereas the remaining nodes would get selected on the canvas. . User Guide - GUI - Keyboard shortcut keys
- UI - Icon/Badge for Annotations: An icon/badge is now displayed on objects/nodes to indicate that they have an associated annotation. See: User Guide - Using the Annotate / Sticky notes feature
- UI - Display of the source code in a pop-up window - New icon: A new icon is added in source code viewer tab to allow users to view source code in a new pop-up window. See User Guide - Viewing source code
- UI - Investigate menu - Tabular view: In Investigate view users can now switch to a tabular view. The table will display the following information: objects name, types, children count and external type. See User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel
- UI - Maintain zoom level state: The zoom level set by users in the view is now maintained and reflected in the "vignette" as well as the main view on drilling down and closing the objects/sub-objects view. Previously, the zoom state was not maintained, which meant on returning to the main view after investigating an object, the view needed to be manually set again.
- UI - Node Selection Color: The selection, hover and highlight colors of nodes have been changed from red to blue.
- UI - Welcome Page - Version Date: Version date has been added in the app info section of Welcome Page. For apps without version date ‘-’ is displayed.
- UI - Pop-up "toaster" messages: Pop-up "toaster" messages are now displayed in the top center of the screen to improve visibility. Previously these pop-up messages were displayed in the bottom right corner.
- UI - Legends panel - Insights tab: A new tab called Insights has been added to the Legends panel which functions at Object level and allows user to view an object's critical violations, vulnerabilities, flaws and blockers, etc. Upon selecting a specific type of vulnerability, the objects in the view that have this type of flaw or blocker are highlighted. Selecting the highlighted object will then display details about the specific flaw or blocker in the object:
In order to view this information, the following prerequisites exist:
- Structural Flaws - these are essentially Critical
Violations identified during a snapshot, therefore to see
- A corresponding license for CAST Dashboards is required
- A snapshot will need to have been run
- CloudReady Blockers and Containerization
Blockers - this information is determined by CAST
Highlight, therefore the application must be:
- Analyzed with CAST Console ≥ 2.4 (and fields in Administration Center - Settings - Highlight Settings are populated)
- Analyzed with the extension com.castsoftware.highlight2mri ≥ 1.0.0-beta
In all cases, the application will ALSO need to be re-imported into CAST Imaging.
- UI - Config Center - Manage Level-5 nodes: The new feature Config Center can be used to hide/unhide a single node, group of nodes or an isolated node in level-5, thus helps user to view the only required nodes while analyzing an application. This feature is accessible only by the users with the role admin/architect. In the Config Center admin/architect can select the tenant and the associated apps. All the level-5 nodes of the selected app are listed and can be shown/hidden individually or in group/s. After performing the action (hide) the nodes will not be visible in the graph for all the users and same would reflect in level 1 to 4.
- UI - All scope views and all level: The existing options available on the view called Show Callees and Show Path have been renamed to Highlight Callee and Highlight Path and moved into the right click contextual menu. In addition a new option called Highlight Caller has been implemented and added in the contextual menu with the other two options. These three options are enabled on all scopes and levels in Imaging. See: User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons#Toprightcorner and User Guide - Using the Highlight options
- UI - Maintaining the Zoom state of graph: A new feature - Zoom state of graph is implemented which helps to maintain the zoom state as well as the drilled down node/edge in the graph. This zoom and drilled down node/edge now reflects in the vignette as well as the main graph when returning from its drilled down view.
- UI- Feature update: An icon or a badge for Annotations/Notes is displayed on the nodes to indicate that it is associated Annotations/Notes:
- UI - Feature update - internal object search improvement: Custom aggregation search has been improved, now you can search for multiple objects at once:
- UI - Welcome page - Imaging Advisor: The new feature "Imaging Advisor" provides specific insights to accelerate the transformation of "legacy" applications (Note: Only applications containing Mainframe code) to the Cloud. It also provides a set of recommendations and in this release, you will get 'Retire' phase recommendations.
- Feature update: Annotations: The "Document" feature (where notes can be added to the view) has been renamed as "Annotations". All existing references in the UI to "Document" have been changed to "Annotations". In addition, Badges have been added for nodes with associated annotations (documents) and the number of associated annotations (documents) are now displayed in the tool tip:
Release - 2.14
- UI - Welcome page - Cloud Migration information: A new section and tiles has been added to the Welcome Page to support application cloud migration. See User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page - Cloud Migration information and User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page. This information is generated in conjunction with CAST Highlight.
- UI - Welcome page - Version number: The version number is displayed in app info section. For apps without version name ‘-’ is displayed. Refer: User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page
- UI - Search in view - Object full name: Objects can now be serached either by entering the Object name or Object full name. Refer: User Guide - Search for items
- UI - Admin center - All Applications: If/when all applications are selected for a non-admin role, the drop-down will display “All applications” instead of listing all the applications.
- UI - Pagination dropdown - Search modal: You may now set the limit for number of search results to be displayed in Pagination search modal. Selecting ‘All’ lets you view all the results. Refer: User Guide - Search for items#Objectsearch
- UI - Global Search - Custom properties: Configure option in Properties Panel for Object view lets admin user to add custom properties to the global search. Refer: Admin Center - Search panel
UI - Reports – New reports to identify patterns and roadblocks in modernisation: Two new reports, "Most Referenced Data Objects" under Reference and "Lines of Code Per Technology Artifact" under Application are added. The newly added report types help you to pull only the most referenced data objects and Application Info, Technology vs LOC, a link to see LOC per artifact for each technology, where LOC per technology is also provided. Refer: User Guide - Reports
- UI - App to App view - Enable App to App View for individual applications: A new application selector panel has been enabled when accessing the Application to Application Dependencies scope. You may now select any two applications, multiple applications or all the applications to view their App to App dependencies. Refer: User Guide - Application to Application dependencies scope
- Feature update: You may view the sub-links in relationships legends. You may also hide/unhide the sub-links for direct links. Refer: User Guide - GUI - Menus and Icons
Release - 2.13
- UI - Feature Updates - Welcome page:
- Loader screen: If there is a delay in loading the Welcome page, loader screen is displayed to let you know that the page is in the process of loading.
- App size: App size, in the application overview section, displays the size of the selected application based on the number of lines of codes (LOC), giving you a quick info about the size of the application. Tooltip is displayed when the mouse is hovered on S, M, L, XL, and XXL. Refer: User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page
- Welcome Guide: The Welcome guide option (provided in the Preferences) allows you to view a detailed description of the selected view. Refer: Configuring display preferences#WelcomeGuideWelcomeGuide
- Configuring landing page: Using Preferences, you can set the preferred landing page. By default the landing page is 'Welcome Page' but it can be switched to 'Imaging Menu'. Refer: Configuring display preferences#Preferredlandingpage
- View Information: Is visible when you click on any tab/link from the Welcome page which navigates to Imaging Menu section. View Information lets you view a brief description about the selected tab/link. Refer: User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel
- Feature Update - App to App Dependencies tile: In App to App Dependencies tile following tabs: "Applications," "App to App linkages," and "Rules definition" are now available by default. "Rules definition" tab allows you to make changes to the rules even when the links are not displayed. Refer: Admin Center - Application to Application Dependencies management
- UI - Transaction and Data Call Graph (DCG) scope - Drill mode options: The new drill down option lets you to drill-down using "Children only, group by communities" or "Children only" found in context menu or "Drill mode options" in Transactions or Data Call Graph (DCG) scope. Refer: User Guide - Data Call Graph scope and User Guide - Transaction scope
UI - Admin Center - Application Management - Version column: Version column is added to Application Management panel. This Column indicates the name of the version as defined in CAST Console when the application was analyzed. Refer: Admin Center - Application management panel
Note: The version column displays the version name only when:-
The application is analyzed with com.castsoftware.applicationinformation extension and
If you have upgraded to Imaging ≥ 2.12 but retained applications imported with older releases.
- UI - Call Hierarchy - Improvements: The Call Hierarchy feature decoupled from the Path Finder feature now has its own entry in the right click contextual menu at Objects level and with its own dedicated dialog box. Refer: User Guide - Using the Call Hierarchy feature
- UI - Improvements - Document-It: Document-It documents are now available in a new tab in the right hand panel with a newly introduced search option. Refer: User Guide - Using the Annotate / Sticky notes feature#Viewingexistingdocuments.
- UI - Application to Application Dependencies - multi app badge: The newly added badge to objects (at object level) indicates whether the object belongs to another application. Clicking the object displays the applications to which the object belongs to and selecting the application will load the Application to Application Dependencies. Refer: User Guide - Application to Application dependencies scope.
- UI - Feature Updates - Standardize Search Modals:
- Standardization: Search modal across the application are now standardized.
- Precise search option: Helps user to search objects precisely. Refer: User Guide - Search for items
Release - 2.12
New features
- Welcome page: Takes the user to the new insight page which gives an overview about the technical aspects of the selected application. Refer: User Guide - GUI - Welcome Page
- Scope of callers/callees: Provides "scope of callers/callees" for the current scope view and application level view. This helps user to get callers/callees of current view only, or of all callers/callees. Refer: User Guide - GUI - Investigate panel#perspectivePerspectiveoptions
- Save a view in App to App dependencies: Save view" functionality has now been enabled when App to App dependency scope is used. Refer: User Guide - Saving and accessing saved views#Savingaview
- Path Finder Enhancements: Path Finder search is enhanced and now “search for object type” displays only the objects which have relevant paths and helps user to avoid landing in an empty canvas. Refer: User Guide - Using the Path Finder feature
Release - 2.11
New features
- Removal of "virtual" input and output nodes: The "virtual" input and output nodes displayed at the object level (in the Transaction and Data Call Graph scopes) caused confusion as they were considered real input or output nodes. To avoid confusion, the "virtual" input and output nodes have been removed.
- Custom Scope - Undo removed objects: When using the Custom scope (results of a global object search), it is now possible to use the Undo/Redo options in the bottom left corner of the view to re-instate an object that has been removed hence helps the user to retrieve/recover the deleted object.
- Admin - Preferences - Preferred Graph Layout: The Preferred Graph Layout option is now applied to the Custom scope, and the Application scope.
- Preferences - Advanced Search Configurations: The "Object Search filter" settings have been renamed to "Advanced Search Configurations". Now, these settings are also valid for the new Transactions and Data Call Graph scope filter result search mechanism. See
- UI - Saved view: When a view is saved, the view is saved with the username (who creates it) and the timestamp (the date and time when the view was created). Whenever the saved view is updated (either by the same user or another user) it is saved with username (who updates it) and the timestamp (the date and time when the view was updated).
- A Note added to the Path Finder feature: When a user is in Path Finder mode, they will get the following note: "You are currently using a beta feature and CAST would like to hear your feedback. Write to us at beta-imaging@castsoftware.com".
- Transaction and Data Call Graph scopes - search filter options: Two options previously available in the filter settings (Case Sensitivity and Position) have been removed and have now been added to a new "search" mechanism available for the results of a filtering action.
- View legend: Changes have been made to the "Legend" in the main view: 1) Objects are now displayed in two separate groups: Objects and External Objects (new in this release) to make it easier to distinguish between objects that are considered external to the application scope. 2) The Select All/Unselect All options have been renamed as Hide All/Show All.
- Pop-up message - Large Transactions: The pop-up message, which appears when user tries to download large transactions, has been updated.
- Random node colours are generated for views: Random node colours are generated for views. In the previous releases, a significant number of nodes used only blue colours..
- Removal of overlap of nodes (Sequential Layout): In case of a large number of Nodes, they would overlap making it difficult for the user to get a clear view of the nodes. The overlap of nodes issue has been fixed.
- Middle ellipses for the bigger class names: Class names with more than 60 characters had initial characters followed by ellipses. This caused confusion when there was more than one classname with similar initial characters. This issue has been fixed, now Class names with more than 60 characters are having middle ellipses. The following pattern is followed: 10 character + ellipses + 49. character
Release - 2.10
New features
- Path Finder and Call Graph (beta) feature: A new feature is added that allows a Call Graph to be displayed from the selected source object (rather than having to choose a target/destination object).
- Large graph rendering stop button: A new Stop Layout button has been implemented which replaces the existing stop icons in the bottom right corner and has the same behaviour as those icons.
- Show path improvements: Now ALL the available paths from source to target node are highlighted and the source and target objects are selected directly in the view.
- Data Call Graph scope filter based on link types: When filtering in the Data Call Graph scope, the option to filter on link types accessing the output has been added.
- Notify objects count popup changes: Now a .CSV file can be downloaded, containing the list of objects that would be displayed in the resulting view.
- Saved views - Avoid using existing name: Imaging now will not allow users to save a view with a name that already exists. A warning message is now displayed when this is attempted.
- Current view search: It is now possible to select all (using a "Select All" checkbox) items returned by the current view
- Transaction and Data Call Graph filtering improvements: The UI design of the Transaction and Data Call Graph filtering mechanism has been improved and sort icons added (alphabetical/and by number of objects in the Reduced Call Graph)
- Minor change to Input/Output items: The highlighting used for Input/Output items in the Transaction and Data Call Graph scopes has changed slightly: instead of "flashing" red circles around the items, the red circles are static.
- App to App Dependencies - External Libraries: When an Application search includes an External Library, any matching Applications will be displayed along with the External Library object.
- Right hand panel improvements: The UI design for the right hand panel has been changed for a better user experience. We now show "Legends", "Object Properties" and "Source Code" under the same panel. The panel can also be resized, closed completely or popped out into a standalone dialog box.
- Full Call Graph Count: Count is added to the Full Call Graph option in Graph Options button.
- Change node and object icons from SVG to font rendering: All icons used for nodes and objects in the view now use font rendering instead of SVG files. This has been done primarily to improve performance when the view is loaded, which is particularly useful when a large number of nodes/objects are present in the view.
- Application to Application link count notification: Following the successful generation of Application to Application links, a notification will be displayed listing the total number of links (not new links) that have been generated between applications.
Release - 2.9
New features
- Search by properties - it is now possible to perform an application object search based on the values of specific properties assigned to each object, such as Line of Code or Cyclomatic Complexity values.
- Show callees and Show path options - on screen options at Object level to highlight all objects being called by the selected object and any paths between the selected object and another object currently present in the view.
- Path Finder (beta) feature - a feature to find and highlight paths (the shortest or all paths) between any two given objects.
Release - 2.8
New features
- Improvements to App
to App Dependencies scope:
- view Orphans feature
- view API Nodes feature
- App Insight feature - provides an overview of the current application and provides direct links to specific views which can help kick-start the investigation process
- Admin Center - license key UI improvements
- Preferences dialog UI improvements
Release - 2.7
New features
- Report generation
- Configure the double-click drill down behaviour for nodes at Level 5
- Improvements to App
to App Dependencies scope:
- Custom scope
- Application search
Release - 2.6
New features
- Navigation through object properties
- Filter list of available Transactions or Data call graphs
- New "ABAP Packages" aggregation mode for applications containing SAP ABAP source code
- Several UI improvements in various scopes and views, notably App to App Dependencies
Release - 2.5
New features
- App to App Dependencies - link exclusion rule definitions
Release - 2.4
New features
- New Node Snapping option
- Undo or Redo graph actions
- Visual Grouping - BETA
- Custom Aggregation mode improvements
- Enrich saved views
- Source code viewer - light/dark theme, formatting improvements
- Provide more details on "References" links
- Application to Application Dependencies scope - hide links
Release - 2.3
New features
- Custom aggregation mode
- Level slider for Application scope and CAST Taxonomy aggregation mode
- Improved handling of ETL Jobs for Import, Update, Remove, ETL Automation and Link generation for App to app dependencies: multi-action jobs
- Global search improvements
- Handling of multiple source code occurrences across different files
- Shortest Path option now available by default
- App to App Dependencies scope - link improvements
- App to App Dependencies scope - application authorizations
- App to App Depdencies scope - improved management of jobs
- Improved source code viewer
- Comment feature updates and improvements
- New legend for Application scope aggregation modes
Release - 2.2
New features
- New Service scope in the GUI.
- New Inter Application Dependencies scope in the GUI
- New Tutorial feature in the GUI.
- New design for Document-It feature
- New Scope investigation using aggregation modes - CAST Taxonomy, Modules, Services and list of Architecture Models.
- Investigate panel redesigned
- Levels have been implemented for Modules and Architectural Models views
- Role/permissions creation and management now supported in all authentication modes
Release - 2.1
New features
- New Admin Center GUI.
- New Investigate panel GUI.
- New Hide/Unhide options.
- Node properties displayed on single click on node.
- exporter.exe: new options --database and --limitedscope. See Export the CSV data.
- Preferences have been removed from the Admin Center and placed in a floating menu, accessible from the user menu.
- Views can be saved in drill down mode (beyond Level5) and vignettes, legends, hidden objects etc. will be retained.
- Saved views can be exploited like any standard view.
- Communities expand options have been moved into the Investigate panel GUI.
- Add Linked Objects right click option now includes method objects.
- CAST Imaging now available for Docker on Microsoft Windows and Linux. Requires Docker Installer extension. See CAST Imaging installation for Docker on Linux or Microsoft Windows.
Release - 2.0
New features
- Investigate details of the objects like paragraph, methods.
- Add tags option has been enabled on Saved views.
- Using successive view, users can create a view workflow.
- Export/Import data from one CAST Imaging instance to another. This feature is mainly aimed at supporting pilots and assessments and also for System Integrators who support CAST Imaging for multiple customers.
- Object info displays more information about the object - mutability, inherited class, mapping strategy, polymorphism, table name, extended Type.
- Edge grouping on multiple edges between nodes.
- Packages based grouping on Objects using multiple grouping algorithms- Keep immediate, Group others and Keep all.
- New graph layouts added - Grid and Radial Layout.
- Linux Docker Installer introduced to help users install CAST Imaging, export/import application data and copy data from one CAST Imaging instance to another on Linux operating systems.
- Link investigation implemented for Modules and Architecture model views.
- User Preferences screen is added to configure language, maximum number of views, node limit, edge limit, cypher search, application walkthrough(animation), source code alias etc.
- Investigate on callers/callers of multiple objects at a time.
- User can configure batch size to improve application import performance, assuming additional memory to Neo4j also allocated.
- View and Objects documentation will help user to create documents on views or set of objects.
- Audit trail logs for user actions now implemented out of the box.
- External/isolated filters on objects.
- Imaging Helper to guide users through different types of available drill-downs.
- Search linked objects of objects before adding it to the view.
Health status indicators to keep users informed on running status of all the services.
- Other UI changes to improve user usability, such as:
- comments background color configuration
- different expand children with callers/callees, communities
- hide nodes option on object right click
- object search
- paginations
- highlights