
Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-4753A known issue introduced in CAST Imaging 2.8.0-funcrel has been fixed. In 2.8.0-funcrel, a new entry (HTTP_ENDPOINT) was added to the imagingetl.bat (Windows) or etl/app.config (Docker) file to support the new license key format. This entry was not automatically added during the upgrade to 2.8.0-funcrel, which meant that users attempting to import applications after upgrading were blocked with an invalid license key error. The mitigation for this issue is described in https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/2.8.0-funcrel+only+-+Manual+update+for+instances+running+on+custom+front-end+port. This known issue is fixed in 2.8.1-funcrel in which the addition of the HTTP_ENDPOINT entry is now performed automatically during the upgrade from any previous release (including 2.8.0-funcrel). In addition the syntax of the HTTP_ENDPOINT entry has been updated in 2.8.1-funcrel and no longer uses the CAST Imaging front-end URL, instead the entry uses the URL of the login service (http://localhost:8084). Note that if the login service uses a custom port, this will also be taken into account during the upgrade process.
IMAGSYS-4754Upgraded Neo4j to 4.3.10 which includes Log4j 2.17.1

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
33887Fixed an issue where the license is shown as expired when using license with unlimited validity after upgrading to 2.8.0-funcrel.
33949Fixed an issue where an "invalid license key error" is displayed after updating the http_endpoint entry in imagingetl.bat or etl/app.config to use https.
33913Fixed an issue where the license is shown as expired when using license with unlimited validity after upgrading to 2.8.0-funcrel.



This release supports the new license key syntax progressively being introduced by CAST. All existing valid license keys will function exactly as they are intended, however, if you are using one, you may see messages in the dashboards stating that you you need to contact support. This message can be ignored, and all functionality is available.

New Features

UI - App to App Dependencies scope - Orphans featureA new right click contextual menu option has been introduced called "View orphans". Orphans are potential App-to-App objects, which are not linked to any other App-to-App objects. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+to+Application+dependencies+scope#UserGuideApplicationtoApplicationdependenciesscope-Node.
UI - App to App Dependencies scope - External Libraries featureExternal Library nodes (i.e. all items containing third party API library code) in an Application can be viewed in the App to App Dependencies view using the right click contextual menu option "View External Libraries". It is now also possible to perform a search based on the External Libraries filter provided in the search panel. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+to+Application+dependencies+scope#UserGuideApplicationtoApplicationdependenciesscope-Node and https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+to+Application+dependencies+scope#UserGuideApplicationtoApplicationdependenciesscope-Applicationsearchoption.
UI - App Insight featureA new icon has been made available on the toolbar which displays the App Insight panel. This panel provides an overview of the current application and provides direct links to specific views which can help kick-start the investigation process. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI#UserGuideGUI-Toolbarmenuoptions.

Feature Improvements

UI - Preferences - Object Search filter defaultsIn the Preferences panel, a new option called "Objects Search filter" has been added. These options allow you to set default options for the All Application search: changing an option in the Preferences panel will reflect when using the All Application search. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Configuring+display+preferences#Configuringdisplaypreferences-ObjectsSearchfilter.
UI - Preferences redesignThe Preferences dialog UI has been redesigned to improve usability. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Configuring+display+preferences.
UI - CAST license key integration - Admin CenterThe license key panel has been redesigned to accommodate a new type of global license key that is being progressively introduced. The new CAST license key restricts the number of users based on the license info, and no restriction is imposed on import of applications. See also https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Admin+Center+-+License+management+panel.
UI - Transaction and Data Call Graph filter improvementsThe UI for Transaction and Data Call Graph filters will now render the list of matching items alongside the filters, after selection of filters and clicking the 'DONE' button. Search bar will enable searching for Transaction/Data Call Graph from the list and clicking on any Transaction/Data Call Graph will load the item in the view. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Transaction+scope#UserGuideTransactionscope-Filteringthelistofavailabletransactions and https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Data+Call+Graph+scope#UserGuideDataCallGraphscope-Filteringthelistofavailabledatacallgraphs.
UI - Error handling messages improvementThe error handling messages have been redesigned: a message box is now displayed instead of a banner at the bottom of the screen. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI#UserGuideGUI-UIerrorhandling.
UI - Global search filter improvementThe filters that are available when performing a global search (using the magnifying glass on the header bar) are now persistent for the duration of the user session (i.e. until a log out occurs). In previous releases these filters reset to the default once a search action has been completed. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Search+for+items#UserGuideSearchforitems-Objectsearch.
Technical - Export feature improvementThe export feature (to CVS, XLS, JSON) has been improved to include additional information for each object: caller, callee, linked objects are now included. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Export+view+options.
UI - App to App Dependencies scope - export action improvementAn improvement has been implemented for this scope: now it is possible to select more than two applications and then export those specific details to CSV/JSON/XML. Previously the number of applications was limited to 2. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+to+Application+dependencies+scope#UserGuideApplicationtoApplicationdependenciesscope-Exportoptions.
UI - App to App Dependencies scope - TagsTags can now be associated to an Application in the App to App Dependencies scope (previously this was not possible). Application Tags can also now be used as search terms when performing an application search. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+to+Application+dependencies+scope#UserGuideApplicationtoApplicationdependenciesscope-Workingwithtags.
UI - Preferences - Notify user if object count is > XA new option has been added to the Preferences which allows a threshold to be set (10000 objects by default), after which users will be notified (via a popup message) that the resulting view contains a large number of objects (i.e. above the threshold) and that this may require some time to process and display. In this case, users can then choose to proceed or cancel. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Configuring+display+preferences#Configuringdisplaypreferences-Notifyobjectscount.
Added HTTP_ENDPOINT in the ETL-ConfigAdded HTTP_ENDPOINT which can be specified in the ETL config file, in case a custom port is being used to run imaging, other than the default port, i.e.- 8083. Default value- "http://localhost:8083/imaging"

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-4642A new entry "HTTP_ENDPOINT" has been added to the imagingetl.bat and etl/app.config files as part of the changes made to support the new CAST licensing syntax that is being progressively introduced. This entry defines the URL for the CAST Imaging front end and defaults to http://localhost:8083 as such, if you change the port on which the front end is running you must also now change this entry. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Reconfiguring+the+front+end+service+to+use+a+secure+port and https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Reconfiguring+the+front+end+service+to+use+an+alternative+unsecure+port.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
31972Fixed an issue where the import is failing with the error "error while remodelling the graph.".
33178Fixed an issue where the message "Something went wrong" is displayed when accessing the "App to App dependencies" view for non admin users.
32876Fixed an issue where it was impossible to import an application due to the error "Cannot Upload application. File not Supported".
32803Fixed an issue where CAST Imaging login is failing for a particular LDAP user.
32914Fixed an issue with object search in the "Mysampleapp" tutorial on the CAST Imaging demo website.
31854Fixed an issue where shapes inserted in CAST Imaging are not included when a view is exported to JPG format.
33127Fixed an issue where objects are isolated in CAST Imaging Transaction scope due to the presence of raw nodes and links which are are not escalated.
32187Fixed an issue where the App to App dependency link generation was running for more than 5 days.
33408Fixed an issue causing missing object documentation for linked objects.
33321Fixed an issue which was causing an application import action to fail.
32151Fixed an issue where Undo/Redo is not preserving zoom factor in the previous layout.
33408Fixed an issue where object documents do not always appear in the custom view.

Known Issues

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-00000When CAST Imaging front-end is running on a custom port (i.e. not the default 8083), an error will occur when attempting to import a new Application. The error message states that the current CAST Imaging license key is not valid (when it is). This issue is caused by the new licensing implementation introduced in this release. To resolve the issue, a manual update needs to be made to a configuration file - see https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/2.8.0-funcrel+only+-+Manual+update+for+instances+running+on+custom+front-end+port.