
Feature Improvements

UI - Path Finder feature (beta)It is now possible to enable the Path Finder feature (in beta) using a slider in the Preferences menu. Previously, it was necessary to manually update the app-config.js file to enable this feature. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Using+the+Path+Finder+feature#UserGuideUsingthePathFinderfeature-Enabling/disablingthefeature and https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Configuring+display+preferences.
Technical - New object search propertiesFour new global search properties have been added in this release: GDPR, PCI DSS, Sensitive Data and Very Sensitive Data. Objects can now be searched using these specific properties. These properties are not available in the global search by default, instead they need to be manually configured in the Admin Center before users can exploit them - see https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Admin+Center+-+Search+panel.
UI - Transaction scope - Full/Reduced Call Graph option at Objects levelBy default, at Objects level in the Transaction scope, a reduced/simplified call graph (not all objects and links will be visible) will now be displayed by default to improve view loading time particularly for large applications. When the full call graph needs to be viewed a new button "Full Call Graph" in the left hand investigate panel must be clicked. Previously the behaviour was reversed: the full call graph was displayed by default and a button "Reduced call graph" was available to display the simplified/reduced call graph. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Transaction+scope#UserGuideTransactionscope-Full/reducedcallgraph and https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Investigate+panel#UserGuideGUIInvestigatepanel-layoutLayoutoptions.
UI - Transaction scope - Objects level - default filteringThe default filtering for transactions at object level has been changed to "WITH" from "ALL". "WITH" ensures that only transactions with end-points are displayed. See also: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Transaction+scope#UserGuideTransactionscope-Filteringthelistofavailabletransactions.
UI - Transaction scope - Full/Reduced Call Graph option at Objects level - NotificationIf the full call graph contains more objects/nodes than the number defined in the "Notify objects count" setting configured in the "Display preferences" panel, then a notification will be displayed to prompt you to choose whether to proceed. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Transaction+scope#UserGuideTransactionscope-Full/reducedcallgraph.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-5051Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add or update the license key when CAST Imaging was configured to use SAML authentication.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
35259Fixed an issue where synchronizing data with CAST Imaging was no longer working with the standalone version of AIP Console caused by an incorrect location of the exporter.


New Features

UI - Path Finder - Beta featureThis new feature can be used to find paths between any two given objects. Using the provided options you can choose to find the shortest or all paths. There are other options provided to customize, such as the number of hops and the number of paths. Note that this feature is currently disabled by default. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Using+the+Path+Finder+feature.
UI - Search by propertiesIt is now possible to perform an application object search based on the values of specific properties (chosen by ADMIN/SUPER ADMIN) assigned to each object. For example, Line of Code, Cyclomatic Complexity, Essential Complexity etc. Searches can combine multiple properties. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Search+for+items#UserGuideSearchforitems-Objectsearch and https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Admin+Center+-+Search+panel. Note that in order for this feature to work, at least one application in CAST Imaging must have been exported/imported with CAST Imaging ≥ 2.7.0-funcrel.
UI - Show callees and Show path optionsClicking an object at Object level view in any scope will show two new options in the upper right corner of the view: "Show callees" (show all objects being called by the selected object) and "Show path" (show any paths between the selected object and another object currently present in the view). See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Menus+and+Icons#UserGuideGUIMenusandIcons-Toprightcorner.
UI - New keyboard shortcut keysIt is now possible to access an object's property information (ALT+P) and an object's source code (ALT+S) using keyboard shortcut keys. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Properties+panel and https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Viewing+source+code.

Feature Improvements

UI - Internal object searchWe now show the full name of objects along with the existing object name, and UI for the object search has been improved for better user experience.
UI - Legend improvementsThe Legend UI (located to the right in all scopes/views) has been improved as follows: 1) addition of a dropdown to navigate to specific sub sections where many objects are listed, 2) tags and properties sections have been added, 3) font and layout has been improved. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Menus+and+Icons#UserGuideGUIMenusandIcons-Legend.
UI - Custom aggregation mode - Parent aggregationWhen using a custom aggregation to view an application, the legend on the right hand side of the view now includes a section called "Parent Aggregation" which indicates which parent node an object belongs to. This is only visible at Object level. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Creating+a+custom+aggregation+mode#UserGuideCreatingacustomaggregationmode-WorkingatObjectslevelwithacustomaggregationbasedonModules.
Technical - log rotationLog rotation has been implemented for the logs "imaging-etl.log" and "imaging-service.log" to prevent them from becoming too large. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Logging.
UI - Custom aggregation modeIt is now possible to add an object/node (via right click menu) to a published custom aggregation mode view. Previously it was only possible to add an object/node to an unpublished custom aggregation mode view. In addition a new option has been added when associating objects: "Remove objects from other existing nodes" which ensure that the object you are associating is removed from any other custom nodes in the target custom aggregation. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Creating+a+custom+aggregation+mode#UserGuideCreatingacustomaggregationmode-associateAssociateobjectstoacustomnodefromanotherscope.
Technical - granting of roles/permissions to groups in SAML authentication modeIt is now possible to grant roles/permissions to groups when using SAML authentication. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Admin+Center+-+Users+panel.
UI - Add Linked Objects - improvementsThe Add Linked Objects feature has been improved as follows: 1) It is now possible to filter objects based on tags, 2) the filter dialog box has been redesigned to be more user-friendly. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Using+the+Add+Linked+Objects+feature.
UI - Escalated links between objects represented as dashed linesEscalated links (indirect links between objects) are depicted in CAST Imaging using dashed lines to make it more easy to differentiate between real links (depicted with solid lines) and escalated links. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Understanding+Links.
UI - Saved views - Save As optionWhen working with saved view, a new option "Saved view" is now available allowing you to save the existing saved view with a new name (the existing name is not retained). See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Saving+and+accessing+saved+views#UserGuideSavingandaccessingsavedviews-Save/SaveAsoptions.
UI - Document-It - Clickable linksIt is now possible to create clickable links in Document-It items. When the Document-It is saved, the link can be accessed by holding down the CTRL key and clicking the link. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Using+the+Document-It+feature#UserGuideUsingtheDocumentItfeature-Addingclickablelinkstodocuments.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGETL-161Fixes an issue where "C++ Class Template" objects were incorrectly located in an 'Unassigned' node at Level 4.
IMAGETL-156An update has been made to filter specific module configurations during the export/import process: "full content" and modules automatically configured by Technologies are no longer available in CAST Imaging.
IMAGETL-71Fixes and issue in the Data Call Graph where too many OUT links were displayed for Cobol related technologies.
IMAGSYS-4861The internal graph visualization library (Ogma) has been upgraded to 4.0.8.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
34718Fixed an issue where a message displayed when generating links for the App to App Dependencies view, states that the action is completed and that links have been generated successfully even if no links are present between applications. As a result of this, the message has been changed to "Interactions between applications is computed".
34882Fixed an issue where renaming of grouped node was not possible.
34113Fixed an issue where the Application update fails due to a Java heap space error.
33833Fixed an issue where the application import failed due to insufficient buffer size.
34259Fixed an issue causing inconsistency when adding nodes into custom aggregation feature.
34442Fixed an issue where the application import is failing at the step "Removal of unwanted <Anonymous> functions".
34350Fixed an issue where publishing to Imaging via AIP Console fails with an error.
34588Fixed an issue where the "reduced call graph" option in Transaction object view is not displaying all nodes.
34568Fixed an issue where "DB2 Database" and "Db2 Database" nodes appear side by side - within same transaction in CAST Imaging.
33971Fixed an issue where the entry point in a transaction is isolated in CAST Imaging.
34653Fixed an issue where the entry point in a transaction is isolated in CAST Imaging.
33007Fixed an issue where the Line of Code value reported by the Engineering Dashboard and CAST Imaging differed.
34681Fixed an issue where duplicate entries in the "Add Linked Objects" feature were offered for "Use (delete)" and "Use (insert)" link types.
34714Fixed an issue where adding expanding nodes (using the Add Children option) in the Architecture Model view failed.
34612Fixed an issue where deleting text in a Document-It object document with the DELETE key deletes all the highlighted objects and nodes.
34689Fixed an issue where "Text" and "Shape" additions cannot be moved to another place in the view.
31670Fixed a bug of Getting error "Failed to get graph data" when loading module(Dotnet) containing large number of objects.
34620Fixed an issue where the Input/Output legend is not visible in the Transaction scope.
34091Fixed an issue of Inconsistency when adding nodes into custom aggregation.
34033Fixed an issue of Dropdown overflow the main window.
34571Fixed the issue where the Reporting functionality (Module's Complexity) was not showing the CC, IC or ES complexities for a module that contains many Cobol Programs
34546Fixed inability to see source code of some objects.
34772Fixed the error "Failed to get graph data" when loading level 1.

Known Issues

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-4992Parent aggregation legends check and uncheck not working as expected for custom aggregations created before 2.9.0-funcrel.
IMAGSYS-00000A known issue is present in 2.9.0-funcrel (fixed planned for 2.9.1-funcrel) deployed from the Microsoft Windows installer which causes a failure during the application export/import process specifically when synchronizing data directly from AIP Console. If you are facing this issue, see https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/2.9.0-funcrel+-+Manual+update+for+Microsoft+Windows+users+synchronizing+data+from+AIP+Console for more information about how to resolve it.