
Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-8676Fixes an invalid API node appearing at Imaging front end.
IMAGSYS-8816Fixes an issue where the ETL tool (built into Imaging and Docker installer) failed to work when used directly from the command line and the export failed to start and the following error message was displayed: "an only concatenate str (not "_io.TextIOWrapper") to str".

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
38174Fixes an issue where the Imaging UI did not respond when user tried to add callers/Callees which had more than 400 objects/relations.


Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-8674In the Advisor window, the description for remediation fields is updated from Rationale to Description, Remediation to Advice, and Remediation Sample to Alternative approach. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Imaging+Advisor#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageImagingAdvisor-Getmoreinsights.
IMAGSYS-8774Fixes an issue where "Error 401" was displayed when tried to modify the datasources.
IMAGSYS-8772Fixes an issue where "Unauthorized Error Code 401" message was displayed when clicked on an application in Imaging.
IMAGSYS-8715Fixes an issue where the Default datasource list was empty.
IMAGSYS-8675Fixes an issue where installation of imaging failed with the error "ERROR: postinstall.py:305 - handleMissingNeo4jFiles()".
IMAGSYS-8040Fixes an issue where the recently added CSV files appeared outside the archive folder for any application.
IMAGSYS-8646Fixes an issue where the custom-levels.json was not emptied when upgrading to latest funcrel.
IMAGSYS-8683Fixes an issue related to Propagate value of property Kind when merging nodes. When merging a node with Kind in a node without Kind, the "receiving" node should have Kind = 1.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
39798Fixes an issue where the import failed. Error fetching cypher summary for removal of `Cobol Data/File Link` nodes.
41172Fixes an issue where the Transaction Main objects view was taking long time to load for few large transactions.
41063Fixes an issue where the Application Name was missing while deleting an app on CAST Imaging Dashboard.
41219Fixes an issue where the application export was failing due to the error: 'duplicate key value violates unique constraint "pk_aaa_is_cfg_object_properties". This error was caused by the HTML5/JavaScript extension which created duplicate checksums for some JavaScript obejcts (this specific issue will be fixed in a future release of the HTML5/JavaScript extension).



All new features and improvements added in previous 2.16 beta releases are also included in this release. See the corresponding release notes for more information.

Feature Improvements

UI - Admin Center - Datasource configUsers can now remove the datasource from UI. And the newly added datasources using UI are now stored in the database, so when user restarts the sourcecode service the datasources are not lost. See: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Admin+Center+-+Configuring+data+source#AdminCenterConfiguringdatasource-Deleteanexistingdatasource.
UI - Admin Center - Import Multiple ApplicationsUsers can now import multiple applications simultaneously. A loader is added in the 'Import Logs' column to represent the same. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Admin+Center+-+Application+management+panel#AdminCenterApplicationmanagementpanel-Importmultipleapplicationdatasimultaneously.
UI - Third Party Component - Load data on scroll to the end of a tableUsers can now use loading data on scroll, on Third Party Component Pages, to optimize web page performance when dealing with large amounts of data See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Modernizing+Applications#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageModernizingApplications-ThirdPartyComponentsUpgrade.
UI - Legend Panel - InsightsWhen a flaw type is selected, the insight tab is set to default and the object with the flaws are highlighted throughout the app navigation. And the pulse effect for the object has been reduced to few seconds. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Legend+panel#UserGuideGUILegendpanel-Insights.
UI - Welcome Page - Cloud readiness, Containerization Insights, AdvisorUsers can use generic node info panel for the advisor, modernization, and cloud-ready tiles. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Cloud+Migration+information#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageCloudMigrationinformation-Introduction.
Technical - Authentication via CAST Console (SSO)It is now possible to configure a single sign-on between CAST Console (Enterprise edition) and CAST Imaging, i.e. using the CAST Console authentication service (Keycloak) to authenticate in CAST Imaging. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Configure+authentication#Configureauthentication-consolessoConfiguringSSOwithCASTConsole. Note that when CAST Console and CAST Imaging are hosted on separate servers the configuration process is more complex.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-7585"Create view" feature is removed from the custom and saved view.
IMAGSYS-7143Graph instances are recentred on split screen.
IMAGSYS-8467Duplicate API calls are removed - scope (overview).
IMAGSYS-8470Generic node info panel is used for: Advisor, Modernisation and Cloud-ready tiles.
IMAGSYS-8532A validation message is displayed when the search criteria are not available.
IMAGSYS-6241Fixes an issue related to View Document Not Saving in Saved View. Now the document can be saved.
IMAGSYS-7051A validation message is displayed when a search criterion is not available in Modernization.
IMAGSYS-7737Fixes an issue where the Object status was incorrect for the same source code analyzed twice.
IMAGSYS-8433Fixes an issue where the Blockers list was displayed in boosters table.
IMAGSYS-8242Fixes an issue where Windows Setup Failed to update from beta2 to beta3.
IMAGSYS-8193Fixes an issue where the Third Party component graph was not Zoomed-in.
IMAGSYS-8381Fixes an issue related to resizing the view panel on left side for CloudReady/ThirdPartyUpgrades views.
IMAGSYS-8363Fixes an issue wherein the Highlight and Add option was available when drilling from welcome page.
IMAGSYS-8393Fixes an issue where the Link generation was running despite not having apps.
IMAGSYS-8422Explore call graph option is removed from Cloud Readiness nodes.
IMAGSYS-8431Fixes an issue where an UI crashed when the user searched for an object in legends and changed the level to L4.
IMAGSYS-8474Loading icon or reload animation is provided on selection of another node.
IMAGSYS-8515Fixes an issue where the Home page scroll was going to end by default due to technology section.
IMAGSYS-8417Fixes an issue where the Cloud readiness tiles moved graph to the bottom while displaying loading icon
IMAGSYS-8360Fixes an issue where Imaging redirected the user to login page during investigation.
IMAGSYS-8522Fixes an issue wherein on closing of transaction search the transaction dropdown was empty. After the fix, transaction dropdown shows the total count after closing advanced transaction search.
IMAGSYS-8351Fixes an issue where the total LOC did not correspond to sum of LOC per technology.
IMAGSYS-6203Fixes an issue where Add callees did not respect the layout.
IMAGSYS-8551Fixes an issue where the component Upgrade package API failed when the search package was not available.
IMAGSYS-8517Fixes an issue wherein the graph was seen even when no data was available in component upgrade.
IMAGSYS-8278Fixes an issue wherein the Gap/CVE column was empty after sorting (in Third Party Components Upgrade).
IMAGSYS-8538Fixes an issue where the Edge sub-objects were not visible on click for apps with special character.
IMAGSYS-8415Fixes an issue wherein the added callees were not in focus.
IMAGSYS-8524Fixes a node positioning issue on search view.
IMAGSYS-8406Fixes an issue where the plotting nodes in custom view displayed nodes away from each other (Large graph enhancements).
IMAGSYS-8471Fixes an issue related to Cloudreadiness graph, wherein a mismatch of links on investigate was found.
IMAGSYS-8597Fixes an issue where Imaging 2.16.0-beta4 did not work on SSO connection.

Resolved Issues

Customer Ticket IdDetails
38027Fixes an issue where the Aiplinktype property was not created when object was set to Raw and link is escalated.
38375Fixes an issue where the App to App dependencies link generation was taking around 2 days to complete when 1169 apps were imported to Imaging.
39236Fixes an issue where wrong App to App dependency links were created in Imaging.
39719Fixes an issue wherein due to huge number of “References Call” graph was not loading to Imaging and 504 error was displayed.
39732Fixes an issue where the input node was missing in transaction reduced and full call graph as object was set as Raw node.
39895Fixes an issue where user could not view source code of objects due to the error "Request header is too large" in sourcecodeservice.log.
40020Fixes an issue where few isolated nodes were found in a transaction as some objects in transaction were linked to raw nodes.
40307Fixes an issue where the App search in admin center is failing due to exception "org.neo4j.exceptions.ParameterNotFoundException".
40755Fixes an issue where the User Admin view was disabled.
40181Fixes an issue where the embedded Java package in Imaging had vulnerabilities.
40576Fixes an issue where the rendering was taking more time in transaction objects view.
40294Fixes an issue where the Transaction end point is set as ignored in Imaging export.


Feature Improvements

UI - Welcome Page - Info about Rationale, Remediation, Remediation Sample added to Imaging AdvisorIn Imaging Advisor > Graph view - Split screen is introduced below the object table to display information such as: 'Rationale', 'Remediation', and 'Remediation Sample'. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Imaging+Advisor#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageImagingAdvisor-Getmoreinsights.
UI- Improved performance to display large graphsTo decrease the time taken to plot enormous graphs, some significant adjustments are made to improve the turnaround time. With this improvement, the progressive rendering behavior (where you had to click "Stop layout" to halt the animation) is eliminated from Imaging for all large graphs. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Menus+and+Icons#UserGuideGUIMenusandIcons-centreCentre.
UI - Welcome Page - Property panel for modernisation and cloud ready tilesIntroduced property panel for modernisation and cloud ready tiles. It is enabled through node click action available on graph view.
UI - Visual Grouping ImprovementsVisual grouping will now happen by default wherever applicable (In Module, Service, Arch Model, Custom Aggregation on edge drill down) which can be removed or applied using the left menu options or keyboard shortcuts that we already have. In this update we have visual grouping in custom aggregation(only the ones created after this update) edge drill down as well (if its not populated by CAST Taxonomy). See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Menus+and+Icons#UserGuideGUIMenusandIcons-Leftsidebarmenus
UI - OpenAI Key Configuration in Admin Panel - Incorrect GPT KeyIn the Admin Panel, if an invalid GPT key is entered then the following error message is displayed “Invalid GPT key, please contact administrator”. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+OpenAI+Integration#UserGuideOpenAIIntegration-Configuration.
UI - Legend - Insights - Structural Flaws - Redirect to Engineering DashboardFrom Insights, user can now redirect to the violation table in Engineering Dashboard for the selected Structural Flaw in Insights. This feature works for Console enterprise with the integrated Engineering Dashboard.
UI - Legend - Insights - Structural FlawsStructural Flaws on objects in nodes will now be available at all levels (including Object level). Previously flaws were only available at Object level. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Legend+panel#UserGuideGUILegendpanel-Insights.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-8311If a user enters a GPT key when the device is not connected to the internet then the following message is displayed: "There is no Internet connection, please contact administrator."
IMAGSYS-6955Fixes an issue wherein blockers count was delayed on slow network.
IMAGSYS-5765Fixes an issue wherein it was not possible to zoom in or out when the rectangle box position was on top zoom option.
IMAGSYS-8288Fixes an issue wherein Component Upgrade table is not displaying the results after clearing the search string.
IMAGSYS-8315Fixes the issue related to layout settings for CAST Taxonomy (Application Scope)
IMAGSYS-7787Fixes an issue where in description was not displayed when the object was at End of the line. Now user can view ChatGPT explanations when the source code for the object is at End of the line.
IMAGSYS-7901Fixes an issue wherein Component Upgrade did not display the list of Third Party Components as Highlight Components.
IMAGSYS-8279If the login service fails, an error message is displayed instead of a blank page. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI#UserGuideGUI-Errormessages.
IMAGSYS-8242Fixes an issue wherein Windows Setup failed to update from beta2 to beta3.
IMAGSYS-8313Removed the "Technology" list column from the "Third Party Components Upgrade" tile.
IMAGSYS-8368Fixed few issues related to datasource configuration. Removed default datasource alias on fresh Imaging installation and removed "ApplicationName=Sourcecode_Service" from datasource URL.
IMAGSYS-8199Fixes the sorting issue on visibility wherein it was not working properly in config center page.
IMAGSYS-8278Fixes an issue related to Third Party Components Upgrade. Gap/ CVE column was empty after sorting, is now fixed.
IMAGSYS-8250Context menu is made more accessible.
IMAGSYS-7847Fixes an issue related to Stop Layout.
IMAGSYS-8375Fixes an issue related to Data call graph.


New Features

Added Apache Cassandra levelsAdded Apache Cassandra Java and CQL as new level 5 and Apache Cassandra as new level 4 to better visualize application technical components.
Added JPA levelsAdded JPA Entities as new level 5 and to better visualize application technical components.
Added JBDC levelAdded JDBC as new level 5 and Java Data Access as new level 4 to better visualize application technical components.
Added ADO.NET levelsAdded ADO.NET Entities as new level 5 and ADO.NET as new level 4 to better visualize application technical components.
Added Dapper levelsAdded Dapper Entities as new level 5 and Dapper as new level 4 to better visualize application technical components.
Added NHibernate levelsAdded NHibernate Entities as new level 5 and NHibernate as new level 4 to better visualize application technical components.
Added SignalR levelsAdded SignalR as new level 4 and Java, .NET, Node.js, Typescript as new level 5.
Added Apache Spark JDBC levelsAdded Apache Spark JDBC as new level 5 to better visualize application technical components.
Oracle Cloud Migration for AdvisorSupports Oracle Database to Oracle Cloud migrations. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Imaging+Advisor
AWS Cloud Migration for AdvisorIntroduced recommendations to move from Oracle DB to AWS Aurora. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Imaging+Advisor

Feature Improvements

Entity Data Access becomes Entity FrameworkLevel 4 Entity Data Access has been renamed as Entity Framework for better understanding and readability.
Apache Camel QueriesApache Camel Queries as new level 5 to better visualize technical architecture.
Highlight blockers/boosters of Cloud readiness and Containerization insightsUser can differentiate blockers and boosters from their callers/callees by red and green color highlight respectively. After click on investigate, preview graph will be seen in custom(search) view with highlight Cloud Ready blockers/boosters and Containerization blockers. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Cloud+Migration+information.
Open AI - Context Menu - Explain optionIf the user has not configured OpenAI API key in Admin page, then the 'Explain' option is hidden from the context menu. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+OpenAI+Integration#UserGuideOpenAIIntegration-Configuration.
Open AI - Error HandlingError handling is improved for Open AI. Appropriate notifications are displyed in the following scenarios: no internet connection, source code too large, GPT servers busy and invalid GPT key. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+OpenAI+Integration#UserGuideOpenAIIntegration-Errorhandling.
Context Menu - HighlightHighlight > Callers and Callees are now renamed as Callers Graph and Callees Graph in the contextual menu. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Using+the+Highlight+options.
Third Party Component Upgrade – Support for analysis of npm packagesUser can now see the npm packages linked with object and level 5 under Third Party Component Upgrade. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Modernizing+Applications#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageModernizingApplications-ThirdPartyComponentsUpgrade.
Third Party Component Upgrade - Advisories CVEIn Third Party Component Upgrade, Advisories CVE are provided along with Critical, High, Medium and Low. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Modernizing+Applications#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageModernizingApplications-ThirdPartyComponentsUpgrade.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-8141Fixes the Copy Paste Text issue related to Annotations.
IMAGSYS-8070Fixes the issue related to Zoom and Focus options. After the fix, Zoom and Focus options are disabled in the graph if there are no boosters/blockers available.
IMAGSYS-8038Fixes the issue wherein the legend section for selected modules/services was missing on edge drill down.
IMAGSYS-8019Medium criticality is moved before the Low criticality in the CVE table.
IMAGSYS-7947Fixes an issue wherein the Shape was overlapping the node and context menu options.
IMAGSYS-7919Boosters are disabled in Insight view.
IMAGSYS-7732Fixes an issue wherein the scroll bar was moving up when clicking on "show less" option in technologies list.
IMAGSYS-7714Fixes the text and shape overlap issues.
IMAGSYS-6417Fixes an issue wherein the user had two tenants with same name.
IMAGSYS-8168Fixes an issue wherein a console error was displayed while toggling main object options in transaction/DCG.
IMAGSYS-8041No Technology list or langauge LOC in welcome page appInfo displays 0. After the fix "0" is not displayed in the appinfo section if LOC or Technology list is not shown.
IMAGSYS-7979Fixes an issue related to Communities view, wherein clicking on expand all on single node was expanding all the nodes.
IMAGSYS-7968CSS improvements are made in case of multiple CVEs.
IMAGSYS-7915Fixes an issue wherein searching for objects in view aggregated by architecture layer was breaking the UI.
IMAGSYS-7901Fixes an issue wherein Component Upgrade did not display list of 3rd party Components as in Highlight website.
IMAGSYS-8066Enabled user-text selection in Imaging.
IMAGSYS-8182"A new license policy now exists for CAST Imaging" message has been removed for users who have old license in the Imaging.
IMAGSYS-8068Tutorial information is improved. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Menus+and+Icons#UserGuideGUIMenusandIcons-Leftsidebarmenus


New Features

Save openAI description as annotationThe OpenAI description can now be stored/saved as an annotation. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+OpenAI+Integration#UserGuideOpenAIIntegration-UsingtheOpenAIfeature.
Add CloudReady boosters in Cloud Readiness and App InsightsCloud Ready boosters are now available using HL2MRI extension. Users can view cloudReady boosters on Cloud Readiness of Welcome Page. Also, cloudReady boosters highlight is added in App Insights. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Cloud+Migration+information#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageCloudMigrationinformation-BoostersPanel.

Feature Improvements

UI - API Call Private/Public (Enhancements)Added "Type of Access" filter option for API Inventory. It supports GET/PUT/POST/DELETE filter options. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+APIs+Inventory.
UI - Insights - CAST Engineering Dashboard (ED) and CAST Highlight subscriptionWe notify the user if they do not have access to CAST Engineering Dashboard (Structural Flaw) or CAST Highlight (CloudReady and Containerization flaw) when the user tries to view the flaws. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Legend+panel#UserGuideGUILegendpanel-Insights
UI - OpenAI API key on admin panelMoving OpenAI Key to the admin panel's license tab has streamlined the manual procedure for adding it to the service configuration. The OpenAI API key can be added to or updated using this feature by the administrator. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+OpenAI+Integration#UserGuideOpenAIIntegration-ManualproceduretoaddOpenAIAPIkey(for2.16.0-beta2)
UI - Show CVEs based on their CriticalityWe are showing the Components CVEs based on their Criticality, and clicking on these buttons will show a popup that contains the list of CVEs of that particular criticality. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Modernizing+Applications#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageModernizingApplications-ThirdPartyComponentsUpgrade.
UI - Visual grouping on Edge Drill downWe have improved the visibility of the selected node and edges on click after applying visual grouping. The nodes are now not dimmed, and the width of the edges are increased. The type of edge is now shown on the edge. We now retain the node positions after removing visual grouping. The size of the nodes not belonging to any of the group is now also updated to be of the same size as of other nodes. Changing the display by changing the layout or by changing the direction or other options is now also supported with visual grouping. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Menus+and+Icons#UserGuideGUIMenusandIcons-Leftsidebarmenus
UI - Overview - Languages lines of codeWe now show the Lines of code for the Languages if applicable in app overview otherwise we still display lines of code for the technologies if loc for Languages is not present. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page.
UI - Search - Advance configurationTo make advance configuration options consistent across Imaging, we now have Regex pattern and SearchBy (Name and FullName) in Transaction, DCG, Path finder and saved view search.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-7892Fixes an issue related to Containerization insight where in loading icon was displaying blockers count and the graph was taking more time to load.
IMAGSYS-7833Fixes an issue where in package reference was not coming up when the backup command failed and in turn the import failed. After the fix, you can see the database to be online even if RestoreBackup fails
IMAGSYS-7755Fixes an ogma grouping issue, where selecting a grouped node and opening properties panel moved the node along with the cursor.
IMAGSYS-7754Fixes an ogma grouping issue wherein UI broke when remove grouping was clicked.
IMAGSYS-7750Fixes an issue wherein horizontal scrollbar was missing for smaller resolutions (Component Upgrades).
IMAGSYS-7718Fixes an issue wherein trying to save annotations in object view under certain drill mode option(s) displayed an error in the console.
IMAGSYS-7717Fixes an issue wherein Cloud ready and component upgrades breadcrumb overlapped with the application selection list dropdown.
IMAGSYS-7698Fixes an issue wherein Highlight Caller/Callee was not seen for a set of objects.
IMAGSYS-7483Fixes an issue related to search icon. The search icon is now disabled if no links are not generated (A2A).
IMAGSYS-7500External filter is removed and the external objects columns are kept in all the views.
IMAGSYS-7684Fixes an issue related to Welcome page tile, wherein sorting on any row was re-rendering the graph.
IMAGSYS-6502Fixes an issue where the context menu option(s) were overflowing the canvas.
IMAGSYS-7629Fixes an issue wherein node and edge selection highlighted 3-nodes.
IMAGSYS-7777The "Show Tabular View" button is renamed as "Show List View".
IMAGSYS-7756Ogma grouping: Add callers and callees and then ungroup and group.
IMAGSYS-7758Ogma grouping : Layout change should not overlap.


New Features

UI - Welcome Page - Feedback ButtonFeedback button is added in the Welcome page header, which navigates the user to Product Feedback page in a new tab. See: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Toolbar+menu+options.
UI - Explore APIs InventoryWe are allowing the users to explore overview of the API Inventory with scope as Private and Public.
UI- OpenAI IntegrationThe OpenAI feature (a cutting-edge technology) gets you an access to the source code explanation. This feature is currently in beta and is available for limited use. See: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+OpenAI+Integration.
UI - Visual GroupingWe can now visually group the objects in Module, Service, Architecture Model aggregated by scopes on drill down of EDGES. Visual grouping can be triggered from the left menu visual group option and can also be removed from there. It can also be triggered or removed using shortcuts alt+c and alt+v respectively. The edges or links between visually grouped objects can be seen onClick of those objects. The aim is to best represent which object belongs to which parent. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Menus+and+Icons#UserGuideGUIMenusandIcons-Leftsidebarmenus.

Feature Improvements

UI - Tag based Search for Transaction and Data Call Graph scopesTags based search has been enabled for the Transaction and Data Call Graph scopes via the Filter option. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Transaction+scope#UserGuideTransactionscope-Filteringthelistofavailabletransactions and https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Data+Call+Graph+scope#UserGuideDataCallGraphscope-Filteringthelistofavailabledatacallgraphs.
UI - Legends - Status property of objectsA separate section in legends is created that lists the status property of objects in the view and can be clicked on to highlight all nodes in the graph having the selected status. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Legend+panel#UserGuideGUILegendpanel-Interactivity.
UI - Left Menu - Reverse selectionReverse selection option is added under the selection tools that can be used to select all the unselected nodes and deselect the selected nodes from the current view. See: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Menus+and+Icons#UserGuideGUIMenusandIcons-Leftsidebarmenus.
UI - Document Tags - PrefixRestrict users from saving documents with tags having following prefix: Status-, CloudReady -, Containerization -, StructuralFlaw. See: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Working+with+tags.
UI - Welcome Page - Advisor BetaBeta icon is added for Imaging advisor. See: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page#UserGuideGUIWelcomePage-OptionsintheWelcomepage.
UI - Welcome Page - Technology listA new button "SHOW MORE" under technologies lets you view all the technologies used in the selected application. See: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page#UserGuideGUIWelcomePage-OptionsintheWelcomepage.
UI - Application to Application Dependencies view - Search based on propertiesIn the Application to Application Dependencies, you may search based on these three properties: Number of Decision Points, Lines of code and Number of Artifacts. See: https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+to+Application+dependencies+scope#UserGuideApplicationtoApplicationdependenciesscope-Applicationsearchoption.

Other Updates

Internal IdDetails
IMAGSYS-7503Fixes an issue where the Cypher search input was only in Uppercase letters.
IMAGSYS-7551Fixes a sorting/filtering issue in CloudReadiness/ Containerization, which occurred during a search query.
IMAGSYS-7602Fixes an issue where the Graph shrinked to left corner on canvas.
IMAGSYS-7513Fixes an issue where in deleting a saved view displayed the count of previous deleted view. “Remove Saved View” option is removed in tabular view to fix the issue.
IMAGSYS-7501Filter color is changed to blue when applied.
IMAGSYS-7088Fixes an issue where the Cloud migration tiles were not displayed, though the application was analyzed with Highlight to MRI extension. (Need to update the Java version to 11 and reanalyze the application.)
IMAGSYS-7678Fixes an issue where multiple rows were selected in third party components upgrade view.
IMAGSYS-7686Fixes an undefined error which occurred when third party components where drilled down.
IMAGSYS-7553Fixes an issue where loading icon was not displayed when data was still loading in Cloud Readiness.
IMAGSYS-7578Fixes an issue related to Insert feature (Text and shapes) for firefox browser.