Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-15301 | Fixes an issue causing SQL Function objects to be missing from the RDBMS object inventory view. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
50156 | Provides an update to the bundled Java JDK provided with the setup, from v. 11.0.2 to 11.0.16. |
50046 | Fixes an issue causing the 2.20.4-funcrel installer to violate Microsoft Windows security policies preventing the installer from running (caused by an incorrectly signed installer). |
50232 | Fixes an issue causing a transaction to not load when the transaction is accessed from the list in the left-panel. |
49825 | Fixes an issue with the export/import tool causing duplicate applications to be imported. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
49218 | Fixes an issue where Mainframe JCL Include objects were correctly analyzed but were not displayed in the results. |
49587 | Fixes an issue causing the LoC (lines of code) value in the "Transactions Complexity" report to be displayed as 0 for all transactions. |
49197 | Fixes an issue causing a level 5 node to be named incorrectly "Oracle Trigger" when no Oracle technology is used in the application. |
48091 | Fixes an issue causing the "External References" view to fail to display with the error "\! Failed to get graph data". |
48325 | Fixes an issue causing the App to App link generation process to fail while executing the step "Identification of database tables shared across applications". |
48343 | Fixes an issue causing the generation of Transaction or Data Source reports to fail. |
48294 | Fixes an issue where the "Export the objects and links" action was taking a long time to generate the report, particularly where a large number of transactions were involved. The code used to generated the reports has been optimized to improve performance. |
48064 | Fixes an issue causing the "Relation between Data sources and Transactions" report generation process to never complete. |
47916 | Fixes an issue causing the display of multiple "Reference" links between Level 5 nodes (only one Reference type link should be displayed). |
47780 | Fixes an issue causing some external .NET Libraries to be misclassified. |
47522 | Fixes an issue causing object names and links to disappear from saved views. |
47397 | Fixes an issue causing the creation of a custom aggregation node to fail. |
47016 | Fixes an issue causing the custom aggregation References link drill down to show a blank page or "No nodes available". |
47180 | Fixes an issue causing search preferences (regexp) to fail to load. |
47091 | Fixes an issue where it is impossible to filter the list of object types or tags in the global search feature. |
47334 | Fixes an issue causing inconsistent search results: sometimes a string retrieves 0 objects, sometimes the same string retrieves the correct number. |
47044 | Fixes an issue causing some link type groups to disappear when clicking on Hide All. |
49536 | Fixes an issue where the import fails when an internal Neo4j database is not responding: the import process should check database availability before starting. |
49876 | Fixes an issue causing a missing link in the reduced call graph of a transaction because objects of type "VB.NET Source file" are set incorrectly to "Raw". |
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
Object Property Module filter in Global Search | The Global Search dialog has been improved to include an Object Property Module filter. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-15513 | The ETL version comparator has been re-written to handle patch versions. |
IMAGSYS-15148 | Fixes an issue where objects were incorrectly removed from view on searching for new objects. |
IMAGSYS-15761 | Fixes an issue causing the erroneous creation of links from external objects to internal objects. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
49038 | Fixes an issue causing the bulk tag import feature to fail with the error "Invalid sticky note csv". |
48797 | Fixes an issue causing an object count mismatch for the predefined module dependencies view when compared with the "Relation between Modules" report. |
49095 | Fixes an issue causing the application landing page to display erroneous data call graph count statistics. |
47589 | Fixes an issue causing Data Call Graphs to fail to load. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-15344 | Fixes an issue where the Characteristics panel was not displayed when using the App to App Dependencies view. |
IMAGSYS-15410 | Minor theme stylesheet improvements. |
IMAGSYS-15579 | An update has been added to simplify various link types: 1) FIRE links are now classed as SELECT|UPDATE|DELETE|INSERT links, 2) CALL INSTRUCTION links are now classed as CALL links, 3) EXEC CICS INSTRUCTION links are now classed as EXEC CICS, 4) PERFORM SECTION links are now classed as PERFORM links, 5) GOTO INSTRUCTION links are now classed as GOTO links. This change impacts existing applications (the links will be updated during an in-place upgrade to 2.20.2-funcrel) and new applications onboarded in 2.20.2-funcrel. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
47936 | Fixes an issue where the active view zoom level is automatically changing when navigating between different associated views. |
47648 | Fixes an issue where the list of saved views are not correctly ordered when choosing the "created on" sort option. |
47429 | Fixes an issue where sessions are expiring even though there is continued user activity via API calls. |
47358 | Fixes an issue where the trusted key store (cacerts file) of the embedded JDK is overwritten during an upgrade, which is causing LDAP authentication to fail if LDAPS is configured. |
46606 | Fixes an issue where upload from CAST Console for new applications is failing due to a license error even though an upload for existing applications functions correctly. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-14785 | Fixes missing object types in CAST Imaging demo instance. |
IMAGSYS-14785 | Fixes vulnerability issues with the CAST Imaging demo instance. |
IMAGSYS-14769 | Fixes an issue in the Custom Aggregatio/Custom Node feature where selected objects not in search results are not correctly associated to the custom node. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
47035 | Fixes an issue where the Call Hierarchy for callee objects with complete call graph is not considering AFTER links. |
46717 | Fixes an issue where some linked objects are missing from reports downloaded from the App to App Dependency view. |
46420 | Fixes a regression in the group functionality. |
47243 | Fixes an issue causing the upload of a results ZIP file to fail. |
47318 | Fixes an issue causing the report "Relation between Transactions and objects" to fail to generate. |
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
UI - Reports - New report for Added/Modified objects | The new report provides information about all the added/modified objects within the application compared to the previous version. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-14491 | Fixes an issue wherein the user was unable to search for applications in the application list when custom aggregation was enabled. |
IMAGSYS-14488 | Fixes an issue wherein the document api for saving sticky notes failed. |
IMAGSYS-14485 | Fixes an issue wherein keyword search result was replaced by full object list after sorting, in Data call graph scope > advanced configurations. |
IMAGSYS-14481 | Fixes an issue wherein edge drilldown failed on "App to App" view after multiple tabs were opened. |
IMAGSYS-14465 | Fixes an issue wherein user found that columns were not aligned to rows correctly when they drilled down on edge/node in “App to App” view and exported all the objects and links as csv or excel. |
IMAGSYS-14457 | Fixes an issue wherein the user was unable to add more objects in custom view, when they added more objects, it replaced the content in custom view. |
IMAGSYS-14456 | Fixes an issue wherein user was unable to add objects to graph in search view. |
IMAGSYS-14442 | Fixes the latest tags issue on private repo. |
IMAGSYS-14439 | Fixes an issue where Custom Aggregation is now correctly enabled when the "App to App" dependency view is accessed. |
IMAGSYS-14419 | Fixes an issue wherein user was unable to access Manage Level 5 view, despite having correct permissions. |
IMAGSYS-14351 | Fixes an issue wherein the change in scope name and the drill down was giving empty results instead of resetting the drill mode options. |
IMAGSYS-14341 | Fixes an issue wherein "Save a view" was failing in the "App to App" Dependency view. |
IMAGSYS-14335 | Fixes an issue wherein the Docker images build job failed due to checksum on neo4j 4.4.29 images. |
IMAGSYS-14326 | Fixes an issue wherein multiple API calls were noticed when navigated to Transaction Summary tab. |
IMAGSYS-14282 | Fixes an issue wherein Properties API failed in Advisor. |
IMAGSYS-14214 | Fixes an issue wherein the same AIPID was found with different objects. |
IMAGSYS-13983 | Fixes an issue wherein the Advisor - Rule 1202215 was not computed. |
IMAGSYS-13317 | Fixes an issue wherein the user could not update the expired license key. |
IMAGSYS-13229 | Fixes an issue wherein constantslevel.go was not updated regarding the Levels created in rulesmanger. |
IMAGSYS-13027 | Fixes an issue wherein the Filter By > Link types was displaying unending loading icon. |
IMAGSYS-12446 | Fixes an issue wherein the plotting start and end points was selecting the element but not opening properties panel. |
IMAGSYS-12248 | Fixes an issue wherein the Graph was not loading in APIs Inventory view for an app. |
IMAGSYS-9977 | Fixes an issue wherein closing objects instance of Aggregated by > Modules, Services, Layers, etc, random colors were generated. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
46150 | Fixes an issue wherein the user could not drill down on link in Saved views. |
46026 | Fixes an issue wherein no nodes were available when accessing a “Saved View” created from a custom aggregation. |
45911 | Fixes an issue wherein the tag information was not being exported in Excel/CSV. |
45337 | Fixes an issue wherein Imaging view displayed three structural flaws at level 4, but only one at objects level. |
45293 | Fixes an issue wherein user was unable to load a few add linked objects or add callees in Imaging for a few of the Objects in Global search. |
44042 | Fixes an issue wherein removing objects from other existing nodes option was not working while associating object to custom aggregation. |
43333 | Fixes the relationship count discrepancy in view section of legend if there was no sublink type for some relationships. |
44919 | Fixes an issue wherein there was a mismatch in count of linked objects (Type: Cobol Transactional Program) for Db2 Table between Datagraph and search views. |
46178 | Changed the listening IP address of imaging-etl and imaging-service from to |
46598 | Fixes an issue wherein the filter by object types/links type drop down was NOT working. |
46911 | Fixes the output Cypher search missing information. |
44321 | Improvements have been made to provide more information about objects that have no source code, and the reason why. |
46071 | Fixes an issue where tags and saved views were not handled by the exportimport.exe tool. |
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
New resource for Transaction Summary | A new resource for open Transaction Summary (with working permissions similar to manage level5 and BulkImport) is added to the list of resources that have an access permission. See https://doc.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Admin+Center+-+Roles+panel. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-14291 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Filter by Technologies" was not working for Transaction/Data Call Graph Search. |
IMAGSYS-10374 | Fixes an issue wherein the Graph was not loading (500 internal server error) in "Move to Oracle" view. |
IMAGSYS-10590 | Fixes an issue wherein a wrong technology displayed in Imaging. |
IMAGSYS-12862 | Fixes an issue wherein there was no option to sort on columns in Transaction and Data Call Graph search modal. |
IMAGSYS-13282 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Structrual flaw" count was incorrect in filter. |
IMAGSYS-13516 | Fixes an issue wherein the Display and download buttons in advance Global search was enabled with empty object list. |
IMAGSYS-13726 | Fixes an issue wherein the row per page was not updated after tenant switch in admin center. |
IMAGSYS-13868 | Fixes an issue wherein user was unable to visualize the objects listed by chatbot. |
IMAGSYS-14029 | Fixes an issue wherein "Object search" was not working for some keywords. |
IMAGSYS-14160 | Fixes an issue wherein the branching steps were not coming for Azure. |
IMAGSYS-14162 | Fixes a coloumn header mismatch issue in move to Azure. |
IMAGSYS-14163 | Fixes an issue wherein the user was unable to select multiple link types in add linked objects with same LinkTypes. |
IMAGSYS-14254 | Fixes an issue wherein an AI Transaction Summary Job failed. |
IMAGSYS-14255 | Fixes an issue wherein the Containerization table was empy when navigating from 'Guide me to' option. |
IMAGSYS-14256 | Fixes an issue wherein "Object search" based on sticky notes was not working. |
IMAGSYS-14264 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Search Button" for "Global Search" was not intuitive. |
IMAGSYS-14267 | Fixes an issue wherein ApptoApp view displyed "Failed to get graph data". |
IMAGSYS-14269 | Fixes an issue wherein opening a link source code was displaying unending loading and change in list was breaking UI. |
IMAGSYS-14273 | Fixes an issue wherein the Advisor was not working in few cases. |
IMAGSYS-14277 | Fixes an issue wherein click on Transaction/Data Call Graph/Saved view in search modal was not working. |
IMAGSYS-14279 | Fixes an issue wherein Transaction summary not working on Azure. |
IMAGSYS-14281 | Fixes an issue wherein Tags was not working for multiple columns. |
IMAGSYS-14283 | Fixes an issue wherein click on Transaction/Data Call Graph/Saved view in search modal was not working. |
IMAGSYS-14284 | Fixes an incorrect view info in “Graph info” popup for Data Storage Objects View. |
IMAGSYS-14285 | Fixes an issue wherein the “Investigate” button of Cloud maturity and Containerization tiles moved up at times. |
IMAGSYS-14286 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Move to Azure" table was not displaying for HR management. |
IMAGSYS-14288 | Fixes an issue wherein Data Storage Objects and Database Access were missing in Guided Search. |
IMAGSYS-14290 | Fixes an issue wherein the third party components were not hidden for apps where it did not exist. |
IMAGSYS-14292 | Fixes the incorrect plotting of graph from home page (Cypher Search). |
IMAGSYS-14294 | Fixes an issue wherein the Impact filter on Cloud Maturity table was not displaying any data. |
IMAGSYS-14295 | Fixes an issue wherein the user was unable to remove selected tags. |
IMAGSYS-14296 | Fixes an overlap issue in List view table when the left and right tabs are open. |
IMAGSYS-14297 | Fixes unnecessary right panel sections in App to App view. |
IMAGSYS-14298 | Fixes the an issue wherein user "Failed to get graph data" on App to App saved view. |
IMAGSYS-14299 | Fixes an issue related to "App to App" search modal wherein the filter by External Library was not working. |
IMAGSYS-14300 | Fixes Closing tab after Path Finder shows unending "Calculating Path" loading. |
IMAGSYS-14301 | Fixes an issue wherein the Sticky search was not working from home page. |
IMAGSYS-14302 | Fixes an issue wherein the Saving Annotations in Advisor was not working - no API triggered. |
IMAGSYS-14303 | Fixes an issue wherein Saving on Advisor objects list View made the whole list, wherein the Title and buttons were blank for a moment. |
IMAGSYS-14309 | Fixes an issue related to Advisor, wherein on selecting one row two rows were getting selected. |
IMAGSYS-14311 | Fixes an issue wherein the debounce search was not working in Transaction/DataCallGraph saved view search modal. |
IMAGSYS-14312 | Fixes an issue wherein search was not working in API Inventory, Cloud maturity, Containerization tiles. |
IMAGSYS-14313 | Fixes an issue wherin the object name was not proper in advisor database migration tile. |
IMAGSYS-14314 | Fixes an issue wherein the Advisor job was not coming in job queue. |
IMAGSYS-14315 | Fixes an issue wherein duplicate data was found for the advisor database migration. |
IMAGSYS-14316 | Fixes an issue wherein Tag name was not coming while creating the tag. |
IMAGSYS-14317 | Fixes an issue wherein Advisor data properties were not aligned. |
IMAGSYS-14318 | Fixes an issue wherein Investigate Transactions/Data Call Graph from welcome page shows different results than Transaction/Data Call Graph modal. |
IMAGSYS-14321 | Fixes an issue wherein navigating to transaction summary tab was breaking the UI. |
IMAGSYS-14322 | Fixes an issue wherein the Link origin info was not seen in levels. |
IMAGSYS-14323 | Fixes an issue wherein the Tags were not updated in characteristics panel after creating new tags. |
IMAGSYS-14324 | Fixes an issue related to Transaction/ DataCallGraph Search modal, wherein loading indicator was displayed even when all items were loaded. |
IMAGSYS-14331 | Fixes an issue wherein CSV Import is failing for Bulk Tag/Annotate. |
IMAGSYS-14332 | Fixes an issue wherein the View info was not populated as expected in “Database Storage Objects View”. |
IMAGSYS-14333 | Fixes an issue wherein "Annotation" was getting created for Raw node. |
IMAGSYS-14337 | Fixes an issue wherein the Fetch Detailed Explanations option was not working. |
IMAGSYS-14338 | Fixes an issue wherein the delete custom aggregation view was not working. |
IMAGSYS-14339 | Fixes the incorrect node data in Manage Level 5 section when changing the tenants. |
IMAGSYS-14340 | Fixes an issue wherein the graph was empty when switching from "App to App" view to application. |
IMAGSYS-14344 | Fixes an issue wherein Level-2 Visual Grouping was not working correctly. |
IMAGSYS-14348 | Removed tags from sticky notes search. |
IMAGSYS-14349 | Fixes an issue wherein saving an aggregated view was not same as view. |
IMAGSYS-14350 | Fixes an issue wherein right panel link origin was not updated after adding linked objects. |
IMAGSYS-14352 | Fixes the misalignment of checkboxes for certain screen sizes in Global search. |
IMAGSYS-14353 | CSS improvement for legend - grey boxes are provided when toggle is off. |
IMAGSYS-14354 | Fixes an issue (Cypher search) wherein no loading indicator were displayed when query was running. |
IMAGSYS-14355 | Fixes an issue wherein for database schema question user had to get tables and collection instead of database accessing objects. |
IMAGSYS-14356 | Fixes an issue wherein user was unable to save focus view. |
IMAGSYS-14375 | Fixes an issue wherein the drop down list from guided search was displaying in custom aggregation view. |
IMAGSYS-14381 | Fixes an issue wherein the service path was not selected for guided path: "Enrich >Add/modify tags or annotations >Service >Service Name". |
IMAGSYS-14390 | Fixes an issue wherein the loader was not aligned in centre on sticky notes search. |
IMAGSYS-14394 | Fixes Add callers/ callees when some object types are hidden causes relationships to reappear. |
IMAGSYS-14402 | Fixes an issue wherein the Objects failed to load after navigating in guided search path "Make changes -> Minor changes -> Scope of regression -> Element". |
IMAGSYS-14403 | Fixes an issue wherein no additional details were displayed in "App to App" view. |
IMAGSYS-14406 | Fixes an issue wherein the Object Type and Link Types was not populated in Add Linked Objects. |
IMAGSYS-14416 | Fixes an issue wherein Custom aggregated view did not load when navigated from guided search "Enrich > Investigate custom views > Project Structure" |
IMAGSYS-14418 | Renamed 'IMS Storage' concept to 'segment' for Database Access View. |
IMAGSYS-14421 | Fixes an issue wherein the debounce scroll was not working for Saved view search modal. |
IMAGSYS-14427 | Fixes Navigation issue in custom aggregation view from Overview. |
IMAGSYS-14428 | Fixes an issue wherein Tags were not working. |
IMAGSYS-14436 | Fixes an invalid UTF-8 encoding in constantslevel.go file. |
IMAGSYS-3077 | Fixes an External filter issue on expand all communities. |
IMAGSYS-5246 | Fixes an issue wherein the Objects search API was not returning correct count. |
Known Issues
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-14457 | Unable to add more objects in the graph for a custom view. |
IMAGSYS-14455 | Use aipLinkType to infer accurate
IMAGSYS-14429 | Bookmarks occurrences issue in advisor source code viewer. |
New Features
Summary | Details |
Cypher search - Beta | Cypher search is now available on the Global search in a new tab called 'Cypher.' The feature is currently in beta. Users can now type Cypher queries to search for objects, view them as a list, and plot them upon selection. If the user searches for anything other than objects, the checkbox selection will remain hidden. In the case of an invalid Cypher query, we show the appropriate message during query execution.. |
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
UI - Custom Aggregation | Custom Aggregation UI has been revamped. There is a toggle to go to custom aggregation in the header. Imaging Toolbar and Header has been introduced in Custom Aggregation view. The position of the buttons has been revised and the view design is now aligned with that of Imaging. |
UI - Create custom node Modal | Create custom node search modal design in custom aggregation is now aligned with the new search modal design. |
UI - Relationships | Vendor information is displayed for "References" links and the same is available in the link properties. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-10621 | Fixes an issue wherein closing right menu and switching the tab lead to re-opening of the right menu. |
IMAGSYS-10704 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Saved view" mode was displayed as Graph view. |
IMAGSYS-11179 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Badge count" was displyaed on sub-object view. |
IMAGSYS-11950 | Fixes an issue wherein the selection of tabs and closing of tabs was restricted when sub-objects pop-up is opened. |
IMAGSYS-12248 | Fixes an issue wherein the Graph was not loading in APIs Inventory view an application. |
IMAGSYS-12536 | Fixes an issue wherein the configuration is missing in imagingetl.json post Imaging upgrade. |
IMAGSYS-12820 | Fixes an issue wherein the drawing persisted when user changed to another saved view or any other view. |
IMAGSYS-12842 | Fixes a blank custom view when plotting 'Object search' on Home page. |
IMAGSYS-12934 | Fixes an issue wherein an Object was highlighted though there were no Insights for the selected object. |
IMAGSYS-12976 | Fixes an issue wherein clicking on External References Tile on Welcome Page displayed an error if the application did not have the External References. |
IMAGSYS-13026 | Fixes an issue wherein opening "App to App" custom view was breaking UI. |
IMAGSYS-13257 | Fixes an import error: "Neo4jError: Neo.DatabaseError.Statement.ExecutionFailed (Cannot handle negative start index nor negative length)". |
IMAGSYS-13312 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Loading animation" was not displayed in Cloud Maturity detailed view on mount. |
IMAGSYS-13517 | Fixes an issue wherein switching to Insights in right menu failed after selecting object from Advance search. |
IMAGSYS-13542 | Fixes an issue related to Insights wherein “CloudMaturity Boosters” count on right menu filter and the filtered object count did not match. |
IMAGSYS-13596 | Fixes an issue wherein sticky notes icon was visible even after deleting the sticky notes. |
IMAGSYS-13597 | Fixes an issue wherein selecting sticky notes option does not display the sticky notes sections. |
IMAGSYS-13644 | Fixes an issue wherein the Data Call Graph with only endpoints list is displayed when drilling down from Welcome page. |
IMAGSYS-13713 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Third Party Component" table is empty after sorting CVE column. |
IMAGSYS-14026 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Transaction" search window appeared twice when drilling down from Investigate Transactions tile. |
IMAGSYS-14028 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Saved view" search modal does not pop up in "App to App" dependency view. |
IMAGSYS-14051 | Fixes an issue wherein “Advance search” is broken after navigating to “Saved view”. |
IMAGSYS-14061 | Fixes an issue wherein no service list was visible in dropdown for the Guided Search path: "Enrich->Add/modify tags or annotations->Service", and the “Header” name was wrong. |
IMAGSYS-14071 | Fixes an issue wherein user had to remove Visual Grouping in Aggregated views to view Link Types in Legends. Post the fix, the Links are displayed in right panel. |
IMAGSYS-14075 | Fixes an issue wherein the Objects were duplicated in "Move to AWS" Advisor table. |
IMAGSYS-14076 | Fixes an issue wherein the “Guided Journey” path was not visible for few paths when navigated from “Guided Search”. |
IMAGSYS-14126 | Fixes an issue wherein the “Move to AWS” tile was not displayed in Welcome Page after performing “Advisor” upgrade. |
IMAGSYS-14128 | Fixes an issue wherein the Export failed to work in Advisor. |
IMAGSYS-14136 | Global search modal - checkboxes are not aligned correctly on first load. |
IMAGSYS-14140 | Fixes the inconsistency in selection between Graph and List view. |
IMAGSYS-14157 | Fixes link origin info links to be distinct. |
IMAGSYS-14164 | Fixes an issue wherein Custom Aggregation > Drill down on references displayed an error. |
IMAGSYS-14184 | Fixes the label. Changed Label for Level 5 > Show Children to Search Children. |
IMAGSYS-14193 | Fixes an issue wherein UI crashed when investigating a Transaction from Guided Search. |
IMAGSYS-14199 | Fixes an issue wherein incorrect LOC details were displayed on "Welcome Page" when navigating from "Admin Center Page". |
IMAGSYS-14204 | Fixes an issue wherein the change of Scope/Aggregated by failed to reset toggle to graph view. |
IMAGSYS-14216 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Add Tags" in "Database Access View" did not reflect. |
IMAGSYS-14229 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Global Search" shortcut key opened old search modal. |
IMAGSYS-14235 | Fixes color of custom aggregated nodes after publish. |
IMAGSYS-14236 | Fixes the "Link -> missing in Graph info". |
IMAGSYS-14242 | Fixes an issue wherein Save List in Advisor - No Tags were created. |
IMAGSYS-14251 | Fixes an issue wherein the Save a View with Grouped Node having Reference Link displayed dummy node. |
IMAGSYS-4102 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Publish" button was not aligned with right menu options. |
New Features
Summary | Details |
AI Token usage | We are now displaying the token consumption for the AI features, making it easy to track usage for individual users. |
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
UI - List View - As a tab on top of canvas | The 'List View' option is moved to the top of the canvas (previously ‘List View’ was available as toggle on the left menu). (Previously the right panel was closed when user switched to the “List View”). Now, the “Legends” section is not available for “List View”. The remaining sections work similar to the “Graph View”. |
UI - List View - Right panel functionalities for List View | The right panel is visible on switching to the “List View”. (Previously the right panel was closed when user switched to the “List View”). Now, the “Legends” section is not available for “List View”. The remaining sections work similar to the “Graph View”. |
UI- Search Modals - Alignment of all search modals as per new design | The design of the following search modals - Transaction/DCG, Saved View and App-to-App are updated to align with the design of the Global Search Modal. |
UI - Config Center - Transaction summary | The token usage of transaction summary is reduced, as it can now be run per transaction. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-12850 | Fixes an issue wherein the ChatGPT and annotation labels were overlapping with the text box in the search application. |
IMAGSYS-13905 | Fixes an issue wherein accessing "Saved DB Access View" displayed an empty canvas with no results. |
IMAGSYS-13960 | Fixes an issue in “Move to Oracle advisor”, where the last column name was source code instead of LOC. |
IMAGSYS-13970 | Fixes an upgrade test job on Imaging trunk. |
IMAGSYS-13985 | Fixes an incorrect error which was displayed when datasource did not exist in Links source code. |
IMAGSYS-13986 | Fixes an issue wherein the “View Link Characteristics” and “Change View” under “Save View” broke the UI. |
IMAGSYS-14027 | Fixes an issue wherein drill-down on "References" failed in Database Access View. |
IMAGSYS-14125 | Fixes an issue wherein the Save advisor without a name was working. |
IMAGSYS-13983 | Fixes an issue wherein the Advisor rule:1202215 was not computed. |
New Features
Summary | Details |
UI - AI Transaction Summary | This option will summarise the entire transaction for the application using the source code and OpenAI. |
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
UI - Database Access view - Level 5 | The Database Access view now shows a Level 5 view with drill down enabled instead of "pentagon" nodes as in previous releases. |
UI - Right panel design improvements | The right panel design has been improved for a better user experience. |
UI - Sticky Notes design improvements | The design of the Sticky Note feature has been improved for better usability. |
UI - Improved global search interface | The design of the global search interface has been improved for better usability. |
UI - Chatbot - Visualize graph | A new option called "Visualize in a new tab" has been added to the Chatbot allow users to visualize the graph in a new tab within the chat window. To see this option, users will have to visualize the graph from the chatbot at least once. |
UI - Legends and Annotations improvements | User can drag and resize the "Annotation" at same time. In Legends, count is displayed even for the sub list. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-13845 | Displaying an object from global/selective/drill down search now clears the initial tab. |
IMAGSYS-13795 | Fixed an issue where the scroll action was missing for the Sticky Notes feature. |
IMAGSYS-13736 | Fixed an issue where adding callers/callees at subObject level was adding belongsTo links without the option being enabled. |
IMAGSYS-13728 | Display behaviour has been updated to ensure that JCL Steps/Jobs/Procedures are excluded from "caller" objects. |
IMAGSYS-13710 | Fixes an issue where the Link Properties Tooltip in the right panel displays special characters in the object name incorrectly. |
IMAGSYS-13708 | Fixes an issue where the CAST Imaging Assistant lists objects as unused when they are in fact used. |
IMAGSYS-13697 | Fixes an issue where the RDBMS Table Inventory shows objects other than tables. |
IMAGSYS-13695 | Fixes an issue where File Storage objects do not appear in the Database Storage Inventory. |
IMAGSYS-13689 | Fixes an issue were creating tags at level view doesn't update in characteristics panel simultaneously. |
IMAGSYS-13663 | Fixes an issue where an added tag does not show up on the object when the object is selected after clicking on canvas. |
IMAGSYS-13498 | Fixes an issue where double clicking on a level 4 node to navigate to level 5 view does not display the Legends panel (when it should). |
IMAGSYS-13475 | Fixes an issue causing poor button positioning the advisor screen. |
IMAGSYS-13468 | Fixes an issue where dynamic links (resulting from pattern matching in the analysis) are incorrectly reported in as static links. |
IMAGSYS-13463 | Fixes an issue where the Group / Ungroup option is available even if there are no objects to group/ungroup. |
IMAGSYS-13292 | Fixes various issues linked to Node positioning. |
IMAGSYS-13213 | Fixes a UI issue where the Chatbot is incorrectly positioned in the investigation view. |
IMAGSYS-13115 | Fixes an issue in the Third Party Component display: drilldown with Caller Callee shows incorrect data. |
IMAGSYS-13088 | Fixes an issue in the Project structure scope: drill down on any node causes the levels dropdown to not function. |
IMAGSYS-13000 | Fixes an issue in the Legends panel: Project Structure is incorrectly displayed in the right menu on drilling to sub-object view. |
Known Issues
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-13905 | For Database Access view - saving a view is currently not working. The saved view shows no nodes. This will be fixed in a future release. |
New Features
Summary | Details |
UI - Option to Highlight Immediate Callers/Callees in right-click context menu | A new option has been added in the right-click context menu under "Highlight in view" option called "Immediate Caller/Callees". Clicking on this option will highlight the immediate callers and callees for the objects selected. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Using+the+Highlight+options and https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+scope#UserGuideApplicationscope-Actions. |
UI - Admin panel - Manage AI feature | A new tile 'AI features' is introduced where users can input the API key for AI options (previously located on the license tile). This new “AI features” tile also provides an option to enable/disable AI features such as "Explain Code with AI" and "Assistant Chatbot" per tenant. The Toggle option, which was used to enable AI features at the tenant level, is removed from the application tile. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+OpenAI+Integration#UserGuideOpenAIIntegration-EnablingOpenAIintheAdminCenter. |
UI - Context menu - Add children and Add parent | Users are provided with an option to view "Children" or "Parent" objects for the selected object. |
UI - Custom Aggregation View - Links | The strength of the dependencies between certain modules in Custom Aggregation views is available, but it is only readable by zooming in to see the counts. Hence, the view is improved by dynamically setting the appearance of edges (width and color based on the count of links). |
UI - Legends - Link Origin | A new header as “Link Origin” with the list of link origin type under the Objects and Links Legends Section on the Right Panel is added. The interaction is the same as for object types and links, i.e. be able to Show / Hide / Show All (by default) / Hide All. Link Origin filter has also been added in the “Filter object and links” section of the right panel to provide capability to filter. |
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
UI - Global Search Enhancements | Added filter for selecting External, Internal or All objects. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Search+for+items. |
UI - Advisor source code bookmarks | Added bookmarks for advisor violation template. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page+-+Imaging+Advisor#UserGuideGUIWelcomePageImagingAdvisor-MultipleBookmarksMultipleBookmarks. |
UI - View Info moved under Graph Info section | The information about the View has been moved to the Graph Info section at the bottom of the view. The graph info section now opens automatically on navigating from homepage tiles. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+GUI+-+Welcome+Page#UserGuideGUIWelcomePage-Redisplayingthepop-up. |
UI - Transaction and DCG Search | The Transaction and DCG Search Modal design is made consistent with the new Global-search design. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Transaction+scope. |
UI - Config Center improvements | Link/Unlink Annotations option is moved from Admin Center to Config Center and is made application-specific (instead of tenant-specific) for better user experience. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Config+Center#ConfigCenter-AccessingConfigCenter. |
UI - Global Search Enhancements | Added two new options to property based search: "Comment before object" and "Source Code Comments". See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Search+for+items#UserGuideSearchforitems-%E2%89%A52.19. |
UI - App to App search improvements | App to app search UI has been improved for better user experience. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Application+to+Application+dependencies+scope#UserGuideApplicationtoApplicationdependenciesscope-Applicationsearchoption. |
UI - Link Origin Information - References Links | Link origin information is displayed for "References" links and align certainty link description in edge tooltip with link properties description in right panel. |
UI - Resources and Permissions | In Config Center, two new resources are added to Manage Level5 and Bulk Import of Tags/Annotations. Based on the permission for these resources to roles assigned to users the access will checked. All default roles will have the create and read permission for these resources by default except the user which will only have read permission. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/Config+Center#ConfigCenter-In%E2%89%A52.20.0. |
UI - Tags at All Levels, Perspectives and Aggregations | The Tagging feature, earlier limited to objects level, is now available at All Levels, Perspectives and Aggregations. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Working+with+tags. |
Resizable table columns in Global Search | The columns of global search modal are now resizable. They can be resized by dragging the separators between the column headers. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Search+for+items. |
UI - JSON Export of objects and links | In JSON exports, the fields are now the same as CSV and XLSX exports. See https://doc-legacy.castsoftware.com/display/IMAGING/User+Guide+-+Export+view+options. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-13281 | Fixes an issue wherein Technologies list was not showing up in the App to App view. |
IMAGSYS-13261 | Fixes an issue wherein annotations were not coming in global search. |
IMAGSYS-13256 | Fixes an issue wherein some files were not getting updated on the docker. |
IMAGSYS-13253 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Main object only" was not working for a particular app on jnk machine. |
IMAGSYS-13247 | Fixes an issue wherein the icon to copy “Full Name” of an object into properties panel was missing. |
IMAGSYS-13074 | Fixes a shape related issue in saved view. |
IMAGSYS-11632 | Fixes an issue wherein drill-down on an edge failed. |
IMAGSYS-13091 | Fixes an issue wherein the focus feature failed on pathfinder and add caller-callee nodes. |
MAGSYS-13672 | Fixes the group info button. |
IMAGSYS-13624 | Fixes an issue wherein "Properties" panel was not visible in "List View". |
IMAGSYS-13623 | Fixes an issue wherein the setup failed when AI service was already present. |
IMAGSYS-13612 | Fixes an issue wherein rules 1202027 and 1202001 were reporting false objects. |
IMAGSYS-13611 | Fixes a wrong output for the rule: 12066368. |
IMAGSYS-13496 | Fixes an issue wherein user could not type to search in global search in Custom scope. |
IMAGSYS-13487 | Fixes an issue wherein the rule 1202211: "Cobol Program monitoring CICS Green Screens" was not computed. |
IMAGSYS-13464 | Fixes an issue wherein UI was breaking when navigating to Architecture layer Level 5. |
IMAGSYS-13462 | Fixes an issue wherein the Shape Feature - Resizable Icon was not intuitive. |
IMAGSYS-13461 | Default stroke width of the draw feature is reduced. |
IMAGSYS-13459 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Group Selected Nodes" feature was not available in Saved View and Custom View. |
IMAGSYS-13458 | Fixes an issue wherein "Apply Grouping" and "Change Layouts" does not plot the graph properly. |
IMAGSYS-13457 | Fixes an issue wherein the UI broke when clicked on Transaction Search. |
IMAGSYS-13450 | Fixes an issue wherein the Call tagged API when new tags were added. |
IMAGSYS-13427 | Fixes an issue wherein the Add Linked Objects was not working in custom view. |
IMAGSYS-13427 | Fixes the shadow on header for main menu popover. |
IMAGSYS-13401 | Fixes an issue wherein the File Path Search returned with Internal Server Error. |
IMAGSYS-13359 | Fix positioning for global search and guided search in header |
IMAGSYS-13329 | Fixes an issue wherin the Global search by object types and hide filter in external/internal were not working. |
IMAGSYS-13281 | Fixes an issue wherein the Technologies list was not showing up on App to App view. |
IMAGSYS-13279 | Fixes an issue wherein the import of apps failed with new login component. |
IMAGSYS-13276 | Fixes the Guide Me - UI for different resolutions. |
IMAGSYS-13254 | Fixes the wrong description on Reference links at object level. |