Created by N Padmavathi on Oct 20, 2023
New Features
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
UI - Right panel - Sticky Notes, Tags and Additional details | When user selects an object, the sticky notes (annotations) and tags associated to the selected object is now seen under Characteristics (properties panel). And advanced properties are now moved to a new section called "Additional Details". |
UI - Right Panel - Legends | In the Legends Panel, a toggle button for each line on “Object Types” and “Relationships" to hide or show the nodes or/and edges on the canvas. |
UI - Context Menu Options | "Add tag" and "Add sticky note" options are included in context menu. |
UI - Advisor Dynamic Template | Dynamic templates are implemented for Advisor rules that are not included in any definite template. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-13254 | Fixes wrong description on Reference links at object level. |
IMAGSYS-13496 | Fixes an issue wherein user was not able to type in global search from custom scope. |
IMAGSYS-13464 | Fixes UI breakage issue when navigating to Architecture layer level-5. |
IMAGSYS-13401 | Fixes an issue wherein the "File Path Search" returned with Internal Server Error. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
45369 | Fixes the log rotation issue for ETL and Imaging service. Post the fix logs are rotating without any errors. |
44948 | Fixes an isse wherein Imaging Failed to get graph data with 504 Gateway error. |
44845 | Fixes an issue wherein Imaging log files from 200 MB to 1.4 GB had an impact on the performance. |
45096 | Fixes an issue wherein the session was getting disconnected though there was some user activity (API calls). |
44603 | Fixes an issue wherein nodes color changed everytime a tab was opened in the right panel within the Project Structure aggregation. |
45556 | Fixes an issue wherein the structural flaws were not visible within Imaging. The license key included the Dashboard access. |
45418 | Fixes an issue where incorrect nodes were displayed while viewing references in level-5 view. |
All new features and improvements added in 2.19.0-beta releases are also included in this release. See the corresponding release notes for more information.
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
Header - Imaging navigation icon | A new icon is introduced at the left side of header to access Imaging menu. |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-13094 | Fixes an issue where the edge drill was not working for Project Structure "Aggregated by". |
IMAGSYS-13087 | Fixes the "Global search" issues with View annotation. |
IMAGSYS-13084 | Fixes an issue wherein the UI was breaking when clicked on expand all option in Database Access view. |
IMAGSYS-13079 | Fixes an issue related to App-to-App view. When a node was clicked the properties of the node were not displayed, now the issue is resolved. |
IMAGSYS-13050 | Fixes an issue wherein the import failed with the following error: "Failed to invoke procedure ``: Caused by: org.neo4j.exceptions.SyntaxException: Invalid input " |
IMAGSYS-13047 | Fixes an issue wherein the Node/egde tooltip was overlapping with the popup. |
IMAGSYS-13045 | Fixes the Self links on few nodes. |
IMAGSYS-13029 | Fixes an issue where drilling on AWS tile displayed a blank table in the left. |
IMAGSYS-13028 | Fixes an issue where the Edge pop-up was not converting '/' from node name. |
IMAGSYS-13023 | Fixes an issue wherein the Annotation was failing in Advisor. |
IMAGSYS-13020 | Fixes the message (now an appropritate message is displayed) which was displayed when Imaging version and App import version were not same. |
IMAGSYS-13014 | Fixes an issue wherein the RDBMS Table Inventory tile was appearing when there are no nodes. |
IMAGSYS-12999 | Fixes an issue wherein Transaction scope drilling on node was displaying blank transaction mode. |
IMAGSYS-12990 | Fixes an issue wherein drilling on edge was displaying unending loading icon in Saved view. |
IMAGSYS-12978 | Fixes the missing options in Discover -> Data journey, under Guided Search. |
IMAGSYS-12970 | Fixes an issue wherein remove text using cross was not triggering API call, under Global search. |
IMAGSYS-12938 | Fixes an issue where the App2App fix for rest linking: Call "{}/operation" was not matching receive "api/v1/operation". |
IMAGSYS-12932 | Fixes an issue wherein the Source code was not displayed (in ApptoApp) after clicking on any objects. |
IMAGSYS-12875 | Fixes an issue wherein drilling on Visual grouping nodes was breaking UI. |
IMAGSYS-12537 | Fixes an issue where the nodes icons were missing in level 5. |
IMAGSYS-12290 | Fixes the missing icon for RPG IV Physical/Logical file in Regression. |
IMAGSYS-12104 | Fixes an issue wherein Imaging was not accessable after upgrade. |
IMAGSYS-12006 | Fixes the drilldown issue after the tab switch from properties panel associated dropdown/s. |
IMAGSYS-13053 | Fixes an issue wherein clicking on ApptoApp badge in DB Storage Objects was giving null response. |
IMAGSYS-12777 | Fixes an issue wherein the objects were not selected and not visible in the Cloud Ready view. |
IMAGSYS-12519 | Fixes an issue wherein selecting a node on custom view was not opening properities panel. |
IMAGSYS-11632 | Fixes an issue related to Custom view, wherein user could not drill on an edge. |
Resolved Issues
Customer Ticket Id | Details |
43739 | Fixes an issue wherein the Report "Database Structure" did not show Oracle Table Column, index, primary key or Stored Procedures. |
43175 | Fixes an issue wherein the analysis failed for an application and while connecting to DB following error message was displayed “too many clients on Prostgres”. |
43647 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Database Table Access" did not include “views” but included “Oracle Forms Triggers objects” (and these objects are not Database objects). |
44111 | Fixes an issue whereing the right click dropdown overflowed the main window, which forced user to move the node to select the options at the bottom of the list. |
43466 | Fixes an issue wherein structural flaws of object type java script function were missing in Imaging as these objects were set as raw nodes. |
44185 | Fixes an issue wherein the Cobol Literal object types were missing in Imaging. |
43715 | Fixes an issue wherein the Neo4j JVM max and total memory was reverted to default of 3GB after Imaging upgrade (without retaining previous service config). |
44241 | Fixes an issue wherein the CAST Imaging Export/Import tool was broken. |
44153 | Fixes an issue wherein Imaging was not responding and applications were not listed. |
43015 | Fixes an issue wherein many references links were missing in saved view. |
44208 | Fixes an issue wherein "Pathfinder" feature was not working as expected. |
44085 | Fixes an issue wherein Data Migration was failing in 2.18 while migrating transaction links for some large databases. |
44385 | Fixes an issue where the “Entry point” object type in Imaging was changed compared to TCC due to which user was unable to consume results produced by “Get Start” and “End points” feature. |
43084 | Fixes an issue wherein the SAML Authentication failed due to exception: "org.opensaml.common.SAMLException: InResponseToField of the Response doesn't correspond to sent message" |
44679 | Fixes an issue wherein the Oracle Forms object types were not displayed in Imaging (Canvas, Canvas Tab, Window Tab). |
44386 | Fixes an issue wherein the Excel export file mixed rows for objects with same name. |
43533 | Fixes an issue where some imports were failing when importing mulitple applications in parallel. |
44923 | Fixes an issue wherein uploading results from AIP Console to Imaging was failing due to error: "AutomateImportExport: Failed to verify license api response :400" when imaging is configured in saml authentication mode. |
44562 | Fixes an issue where by default the code viewer was not displaying the block of code, scrolling was required. |
44838 | Fixes an issue where the Selected Alias of an application in admin center is set to 1st data source (should be set to defaultalias) by default in the list of data sources while importing application. |
45087 | Fixes an issue wherein it was not possible to remove a tag on one or multiple objects in Imaging 2.18 and higher versions. |
44048 | Fixes an issuere wherein all the objects were having same color, which made it difficult to analyze. |
44489 | Fixes an issue wherein incorrect "Reference link" count was displayed between the modules in module perspective. |
Feature Improvements
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-12756 | Fixes an issue wherein clicking on "Call Hierarchy" displayed 'No paths found' message. |
IMAGSYS-12466 | Fixes empty badge when navigating from property panel for selected navigated node is startpoint. |
IMAGSYS-12965 | Fixes Ungroup links not visible in search and saved view in toolbar. |
IMAGSYS-12363 | Fixes Drill on a node and drill on an edge does not display any count. |
IMAGSYS-12838 | Fixes Right click on L5 node and select children, Children+caller+Callee breaks UI in saved view. |
IMAGSYS-12953 | Global Search issue - uncheck object type doesn't enable the "apply" button. |
IMAGSYS-12954 | Global Search issue - missing tooltip on buttons. |
IMAGSYS-12942 | Switching tab after export breaks the UI. |
IMAGSYS-12855 | Full Name is not displayed in object property. |
IMAGSYS-12849 | Back to homepage option is not available from Advisor view. |
IMAGSYS-12844 | Opening saved view on apptoapp page is breaking the UI. |
IMAGSYS-12807 | Link properties are not minimizing on clicking on close icon. |
IMAGSYS-12726 | No option to go back to welcome page after drilling on AWS. |
IMAGSYS-12355 | Node contains two structural flaws but the count is 0 in the filter. |
IMAGSYS-12269 | Drilling on objectview nodes is displays 'no results' on Navigating from properties panel. |
IMAGSYS-12264 | Project structure Scope and aggregated by issues. |
IMAGSYS-12257 | Duplicate project structure issue. |
IMAGSYS-12256 | Saving view with single letter should be restricted and unrelated pop up is displayed. |
IMAGSYS-12235 | Guided search : Enrich-> Add/modify tags or annotations -> Element results are always empty. |
IMAGSYS-12220 | Fixed tooltip related issues. |
IMAGSYS-12196 | Guided search : Select 'All apllicationsAPI ' and then on the same page select 'public API's'. |
IMAGSYS-12059 | No of objects in an application and Global search results count mismatch. |
IMAGSYS-11993 | Object annotations are not displayed in search results. |
IMAGSYS-11956 | Apptoapp badge issues |
IMAGSYS-11952 | Start and end points on plotting pathfinder. |
IMAGSYS-11916 | Count is missing on community node. |
IMAGSYS-11670 | Imaging Export should not filter out "Cobol Conditional Test" & "Cobol Litterals" artifacts anymore. |
Known Issues
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-13029 | Drilling on AWS tile displays blank table in the left. |
Recommendation Id | New Recommendation | Details |
1202263 | TRUE | Message Input Descriptor and Message Output Descriptor not used. |
1202275 | TRUE | Message Out Descriptor Triggered by Cobol Program. |
1202271 | TRUE | IMS Transactions Triggering Cobol Program. |
1202272 | TRUE | IMS transactions Triggered by Cobol Program. |
1202058 | TRUE | CICS Green Screens with Multiple Access. |
1202063 | TRUE | CICS Green Screens with Single Access. |
1202276 | TRUE | Missing CICS Green Screens. |
1202149 | TRUE | Missing CICS Transactions. |
New Features
Summary | Details |
UI - Investigate View - Drawing icon | User can now draw on the canvas using the newly added drawing icon in the toolbar. User to pick color, width of the brush and perform the undo actions on the drawing. The drawing data is persisted when user saves the view. |
UI - Chatbot | User can now interact with imaging using application specific chatbot. This feature is in beta mode. |
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
UI - Rename Context menu options and Display tooltip | We have renamed some of the context menu options to make them clearer and easier to understand. For all the context menu options we have also introduced tooltip on hover. |
UI - List View - Properties panel | The properties panel is enabled for List View. On selection of a node, the properties of the selected Node will be displayed in the right panel (as in Graph View). When multiple objects are selected, properties of the object selected at the end/last will be displayed. See |
UI - Toolbar - Graph Display Options | Graph options have been moved from Investigate menu to the new toolbar under Graph display options. Display of Object, Relationship labels and badges are removed from Graph Display Options. However, Scope of Caller and Callee, Transaction Mode and Update Hops are retained in Investigate menu. |
UI - Display of tiles of first-section in Welcome page | The first section in the Welcome page is divided into four sub-sections namely, "Learn about application architecture", "Learn about application database", "Learn about application modularity" and "Learn about application dependencies with other application". |
UI - Update tile name and descriptions | We have renamed "Database Structure" tile to "RDBMS Table Inventory". Similarly, "Database Objects" tile is renamed to "RDBMS Object Inventory" and "Data Storage Objects" tile to "Database Storage Objects". |
UI - Redesign Global Search | Global Search Redesign - Improve User Interaction. |
UI - General Graph Info - Explaining icons , nodes and link types in the view | Display information what is available in the graph. |
UI - Right Panel - Object/Link Properties | We now display a specific set of properties for objects and links |
UI - Graph - Edges | We have update the info that we display for the links/edges We now display the origin/certainty of the links along with the previously available aipLinkType(if available) |
UI - Advisor Templates | Advisor Templates: Integrated Outbound/Inbound/Violation/Missing Objects Template |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-12691 | Fixes App to App tooltip should be adapted as per description. |
IMAGSYS-12652 | Fixes text for object reference is incorrect. |
IMAGSYS-12660 | Fixes some Project Structure nodes do not have icons. |
IMAGSYS-12037 | Fixes Apptoapp in one tab and application scope in another tab is breaking the UI. |
IMAGSYS-12470 | Fixes adding caller and callees and drilling on edge is showing Failed to load graph. |
IMAGSYS-12689 | Fixes Saved views cannot be created with single letter and incorrect notification on saved views. |
IMAGSYS-12355 | Fixes node contains two structural flaws but the count is 0 in the filter. |
IMAGSYS-12796 | Fixes uploading an application from Console to Imaging is failing (ETL Automation). |
IMAGSYS-12281 | Fixes Import fails with an error "Neo.ClientError.Statement.ExternalResourceFailed". |
IMAGSYS-12449 | Fixes ApptoApp view drill on an edge works only once. |
IMAGSYS-12112 | Fixes issue in appending Global search results where visualize button is not triggering API call for the second time. |
IMAGSYS-12387 | Fixes Global search results are still displayed after selecting object type and removing. |
IMAGSYS-12799 | Fixes view Source code from toolbar is not working. |
IMAGSYS-12648 | Fix new toolbar bugs and other improvements. |
New Features
Feature Improvements
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-12509 | Fixes the uppercases issue in the search modal. |
IMAGSYS-12442 | Fixes the Welcome page loading time issue. |
IMAGSYS-12471 | Fixes the missing Reference links in saved view. |
IMAGSYS-12447 | Fixes an issue wherein plotting the start and end points on custom view was appending the results to already existing nodes. |
IMAGSYS-12327 | Fixes an issue wherein clicking on the visualize button in AppToApp view did not trigger the API. |
IMAGSYS-12443 | Fixes an issue wherein moving to Transactions/DCG view (objects page) was selecting multiple nodes. |
IMAGSYS-12268 | Fixes an issue wherein creating a custom aggregation using project structrue was failing. |
IMAGSYS-12361 | Fixes the display issue on edge pop-up text "It usually has subtype". |
IMAGSYS-12467 | Fixes an issue wherein the Global search was plotting an empty graph from Welcome page. |
IMAGSYS-12333 | Fixes an issue wherein an Object type was missing for the Start and End point. |
IMAGSYS-10463 | Fixes an issue wherein the Visual grouping squares are not visible after switching between tabs. |
IMAGSYS-11847 | Fixes an issue wherein the non root installation with docker was not copying all files to the path inside neo4j. |
IMAGSYS-12354 | Fixes the inconsistent right panel Legend (External Objects label) to "External Object Types". |
IMAGSYS-12457 | Fixes an issue wherein the Level 5 Custom Node was showing incorrect tool tip. |
IMAGSYS-12392 | Fixed empty tooltip for References. |
IMAGSYS-12361 | Fixes issue on edge pop-up text "It usually has subtype:" |
IMAGSYS-12220 | Fixes Tooltip issues. |
IMAGSYS-12474 | Fixes an issue wherein the Scope of caller/callees was not highlighted in the left menu. |
Recommendation Id | New Recommendation | Details |
1106152 | TRUE | Ensure TIMESTAMP data type is not used |
1106154 | TRUE | Ensure VARCHAR(n) with implicit default values is not used |
1106156 | TRUE | Ensure NUMERIC(p, s) with implicit default values is not used |
1106158 | TRUE | Ensure INTEGER with implicit default values is not used |
1106160 | TRUE | Ensure DECIMAL(p, s) with implicit default values is not used × |
1106166 | TRUE | Ensure FOR BIT DATA column clause is not used |
1106168 | TRUE | Ensure FOR SBCS | MIXED DATA column clause is not used |
1106170 | TRUE | Ensure CCSID ASCII | UNICODE | EBCDIC column clause is not used |
1106150 | TRUE | Ensure SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 table is not used |
1106148 | TRUE | Ensure VALUES statement is not used |
1106174 | TRUE | Ensure GENERATED AS IDENTITY is not used |
1106162 | TRUE | Ensure DATE with implicit default values is not used |
1106176 | TRUE | Ensure DB2 Built-in Function CURRENT DATE is not used |
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
UI - Legends Panel - Associated To | In addition to the existing access to Transactions/Data Call Graphs/Projects, access to Modules, Services and Subsets associated to the current object (where applicable) is now provided. See here. |
UI - Linked to other Apps badge | A minor change has been implemented for the "Linked to other Apps" badge: now when clicking this badge, a prompt is displayed asking the user whether they want to open the Application to Application Dependencies View: this prompt is to ensure that users are aware that moving to another view will mean that any changes in the current view will be lost. |
UI - View - Zoom and centering for tabs | We have re-introduced the feature that persists the zoom and centering of the view after returning to a previously opened tab. The behaviour that has been re-introduced is as follows: on zooming and drilling down in tab(1) and navigating back to this tab from a different tab, the node/edge on which the drilldown was actioned will be in the center of the view with the same zoom level. In addition, if the view is moved and the user navigates back to the tab from a different tab, the zoom and centering will persist. |
UI - Guided Search - New journeys | Various new journeys have been implemented in this release: 1) Make changes -> Minor changes -> Impact for change in UI: Helps the user search for Transactions directly in guided search, 2) Make changes -> Minor changes -> Impact for change in Table: Helps the user search for Data Call Graphs directly in guided search, 3) Make changes -> Minor changes -> Scope of regression: Helps the user search for Objects and takes the user to start and end point view for a selected object, 4) Discover -> Data -> Application adherence to database elements: Takes the user direct to the Database Access view. See [here] |
UI - Insights Filter - Tooltip | When a filter returns no Insight items, a roll over tooltip is available which shows information about the disabled option. |
UI - Insights Filter - Count | The Insights Filter now shows a count alongside the filter name, specifying the number of insights in the list available when a filter option is selected. |
UI - Object and Link Properties panel | User can now click on an object to view the properties of it,and same for the link as well. And when user clicks on an empty canvas, legends panel is displayed. And "AipId" is now moved to advanced properties. |
UI - Right tab - View panel | Objects label has been now renamed to Legends under view tab. See [here] |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-12220 | Fixed various Tooltip related issues. |
IMAGSYS-12234 | Fixes an issue where search results were matching for a second time on change in keyword. |
IMAGSYS-12204 | Fixes an issue where the exportimport.exe tool failed with the error: "Please Provide neo4j import location path". |
IMAGSYS-11956 | Fixes Application to Application Dependency badge issues in custom view. |
IMAGSYS-12095 | Fixes an issue causing the rule "Cobol Programs candidate for Cloud function conversion: No Data Access" to erroneously show Cobol Program with Data access. |
IMAGSYS-12094 | Fixes an issue causing the view to not display the caller program KSDS VSAM Files when looking at the results of the rule "Programs/Utilities manipulating Data : Graph does not Display the caller program". |
IMAGSYS-12118 | Fixes an issue that causes a tag to not be correctly removed from Advisor when the tag is deleted elsewhere. |
IMAGSYS-12251 | Fixes an issue with regard to "Associated Project" for objects: the object is not highlighted on navigating to the project. |
IMAGSYS-12222 | Fixes an issue in the front-end when hovering on a grouped node. |
IMAGSYS-12213 | Fixes an incorrect edge Tool Tip in Level 5. |
IMAGSYS-11849 | Fixes an issue where the case sensitivity filter is not working when searching for Transactions and Data Call Graphs. |
IMAGSYS-11831 | Fixes clearing of transformations on tab change. |
IMAGSYS-12267 | Fixes missing icons and colors for level nodes in saved view. |
IMAGSYS-12335 | Fixes an issue causing a missing loader icon when drilling down from level 5 to objects. |
Known Issues
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-00000 | Some API type nodes (specifically for JEE, .NET and Web related technologies) are not currently displayed at level 5. This issue will be fixed in a future release. |
Recommendation Id | New Recommendation | Details |
1202083 | TRUE | Move to Amazon Web Services: "Ensure PL/SQL package Oracle UTL_MAIL or UTL_SMTP is not used" |
1202064 | FALSE | Move to Amazon Web Services/Modernistation/Move to Azure: "CICS DataSet files: Programs/utilities manipulating data" (rule updated). |
1202230 | TRUE | Move to Amazon Web Services/Modernistation/Move to Azure: "IMS GSAM Files defined but not storing data". |
1202085 | TRUE | Move to Amazon Web Services/Modernistation/Move to Azure: "Cobol Program accessing IMS DB Segment". |
1202082 | TRUE | Move to Amazon Web Services: "Ensure PL/SQL package DBMS_SCHEDULER is not used". |
Feature Improvements
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-11776 | Fixes an issue wherein the Advisor rules for Programs/Utilities manipulating was showing more objects. |
IMAGSYS-11798 | Fixes an issue whereing the Vendor Property was not reported at Link level when we Hide an SQL Query. |
IMAGSYS-12082 | Fixes an issue wherein the "Object search" in a new tab did not display annotations. |
IMAGSYS-12038 | Fixes opening annotations badge after viewing source code. |
IMAGSYS-11995 | Fixes an issue wherein the search box was closing after the annotation search. |
IMAGSYS-11988 | Fixes transaction count in welcome page. |
IMAGSYS-11953 | Fixes SOS node drilldown. |
IMAGSYS-11957 | Fixes opening properties panel clears graph in A2A view. |
IMAGSYS-11965 | Fixes no signification of colors by node in the graph. |
IMAGSYS-11964 | Fixes right panel resize not working in advisor view. |
IMAGSYS-11955 | Fixes unending loading in A2A view with more than 2 tabs open. |
IMAGSYS-11990 | Fixes selective expand search in object view throws error. |
IMAGSYS-11964 | Fixes an issue wherein the resize for advisor property panel was not working. |
IMAGSYS-11970 | Fixes the font size issue for larger screen (advisor). |
IMAGSYS-12005 | Fixes the pre-load of advisor section in Welcome page. |
Recommendation Id | New Recommendation | Details |
1106124 | TRUE | Ensure NVARCHAR data type is not used |
1106122 | TRUE | Ensure ROWVERSION data type is not used |
1106120 | TRUE | Ensure SMALLMONEY data type is not used |
1106118 | TRUE | Ensure TIMESTAMP data type is not used |
1106116 | TRUE | Ensure TINYINT data type is not used |
1106114 | TRUE | Ensure VARBINARY data type is not used |
1106112 | TRUE | Ensure FROM keyword is used in DELETE Statement |
1106144 | TRUE | Ensure SQL Server SET/SELECT variable is not used |
1106140 | TRUE | Ensure SQL server Scalar Function ISNULL is not used |
1106138 | TRUE | Ensure SQL server Scalar Function GETDATE is not used |
1106136 | TRUE | Ensure SQL server Scalar Function DATEDIFF is not used |
1106134 | TRUE | Ensure SQL server Scalar Function DATEADD is not used |
1106132 | TRUE | Ensure SQL server Scalar Function CONVERT is not used |
1106110 | TRUE | Ensure MERGE statement is not used |
1202178 | TRUE | SQL Server Database to Amazon Aurora with PostgreSQL: Object Type Remediation |
1202207 | TRUE | Green Screen access by program linked to database storage |
1202208 | TRUE | Green screen accessed by program linked to MQ utilities |
1202209 | TRUE | Green screen accessed by program linked to datafile storage |
1202212 | TRUE | Missing Green Screens |
1202214 | TRUE | Cobol Program using CICS transactions |
1202215 | TRUE | Unknown CICS Transactions |
1106130 | TRUE | Ensure DATETIMEOFFSET data type is not used |
1106128 | TRUE | Ensure NCHAR data type is not used |
1106126 | TRUE | Ensure NTEXT data type is not used |
New Features
Feature Improvements
Summary | Details |
UI - Legend Panel - New section to display "Badge" details | In the Legend panel a new section is added to display details of the following badges: Object Identifiers (Input Icon: Start Point and Output Icon: End Point) and 'Linked to other Apps' (displayed only in App to App view). See |
UI - Global Search - Implementation of "Multiple tab" behaviour for Global search | If the user performs a custom search and opens a custom view it opens as a new tab and does not replace the content of the existing tab, While the user is already opened a custom view and trying to append more objects it can add it to the same custom view. See |
UI - Export to CSV, XLSX, JSON | Three additional pieces of information will now be provided in the view export to CSV, XLSX and JSON: Module, Services and Subset. See |
UI - Advisor Enhancements | Introduced screens for displaying intermediate branching steps for smooth navigation to the checks. See |
UI - Hide feature icons where not applicable | "Visual grouping" icon is hidden in Level-1 as it is not applicable. Similarly, "Group Selected Nodes" icon is hidden in Level-1, Level-2, Level-3 and Level-4 and in App-to-App view. |
UI - Grouping improvements | The Grouping of objects feature has been now improved. Users can now see the object inside the grouped node all the time, and users can drag and drop the desired object to the grouped node and remove it from the group. See |
UI - Guided Search improvements | In Guided Search, the journey for elements lets user search for elements directly from guided search instead of opening global search. See |
UI - Insights Filter | The user can now filter the list of Insights available in the right panel. The filter is populated with the categories of the enabled Insight. The filter is a multi-select checkbox popup. On filtering the list of insights, the highlighted nodes in the graph, signifying a link with Insights, are also updated. See |
Other Updates
Internal Id | Details |
IMAGSYS-8530 | In Config Center, show/hide option is disabled if the selected nodes are in the same state. |
IMAGSYS-11795 | Fixes missing icons in Third Party Components view |
IMAGSYS-11736 | Fixes the case sensitivity across Imaging. All text displayed throughout the UI is now displayed with a combination of upper and lower case. Previously some text was either displayed all in upper case (for example application names) or sometimes all in lower case. |
IMAGSYS-11763 | Fixes the small graph issue (graph becomes small in corner position). |
IMAGSYS-11685 | Fixes the overlap of notification toasters in case of multiple messages. |
IMAGSYS-11922 | Fixes an issue wherein the regex search was not working in Transaction/Data call graph. |
IMAGSYS-11628 | Fixes the spelling mistake in AWS view documentation. |
IMAGSYS-11931 | Fixes an issue wherein the Search by position "any" is not working. |
IMAGSYS-11932 | Fixes an issue wherein the Filtering by object type, was not working properly. |