Install CAST Imaging Core for Microsoft Windows


CAST Imaging Core is the “analysis engine” providing core services to the CAST analyzers and must be installed manually on every single “node” in your CAST Imaging installation for Microsoft Windows (this includes the single machine installation scenario).

Interactive installation procedure

Download and unzip the latest release of com.castsoftware.imaging.core on your machine.

Execute the setup.bat file with elevated permissions (right click, Run as administrator) at the root of the unzipped files and follow the interactive installer. Leave all options at their default where possible.

Silent installation process

If you need to install CAST Imaging Core on a number of “nodes” in exactly the same way, you may consider the possibility of automating this process using the command line parameters of the installer. This will launch the setup installer unattended. This method requires you to perform the installation you require on one target machine and then output the selected options to an answer file (setup.iss) which is then reused in subsequent automated installations.

First choose a “node”, download and unzip the installation media and open the Command Prompt (cmd) with elevated permissions (right click, Run as administrator). Navigate to the folder containing the setup.exe file (this is located in the data folder).

Now run the setup.exe using the option -r as follows - change the example path given below to a folder in which you would like to store the answer file (setup.iss) - for example a network share. Note that this folder must already exist before running the command:

setup.exe /r /f1"n:\temp\setup.iss"

This will launch the setup as normal. Run through the installation that you require. Do NOT use the “back” button during the setup process to return to a previous screen - this will invalidate the “answer” file created at the end of the setup process.

When the initial setup process has completed, an “answer” file named setup.iss will be created at the location specified in the command line. This file contains all the parameters necessary to install CAST Imaging Core in exactly the same way as you have just done.

Now move onto the next “node”. Download/unzip the installation media and open the Command Prompt (cmd) with elevated permissions (right click, Run as administrator), navigate to the required location and enter:

setup.exe /s /f1"n:\temp\setup.iss" /f2"c:\path\to\log.txt"

The setup will open and run the installation unattended using the parameters saved to the setup.iss file on the network - you will not need to intervene to move on through the various steps. A log file will be created with the name and location of your choice to help debug errors that may occur.

You will notice the setup install process running on the machine’s task bar for the duration of the operation. When completed, the setup will close automatically.

Silent install log message codes

  • 0 Success
  • 1 General error
  • 2 Invalid mode
  • 3 Required data not found in the Setup.iss file
  • 4 Not enough memory available
  • 5 File does not exist
  • 6 Cannot write to the response file
  • 7 Unable to write to the log file
  • 8 Invalid path to the InstallShield Silent response file
  • 9 Not a valid list type (string or number)
  • 10 Data type is invalid
  • 11 Unknown error during setup
  • 12 Dialogs are out of order
  • 51 Cannot create the specified folder
  • 52 Cannot access the specified file or folder
  • 53 Invalid option selected

What is installed?


On completion of the installation, all files related to CAST Imaging Core are stored in:


Third-party software

If the corresponding item is already installed, then the installer will detect it and will skip the installation.

  • Visual C++ 64-bit Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015-2022
  • Visual C++ 32-bit Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015-2022
  • Microsoft Build Tools 2015 (BuildTools_Full.exe)
  • NET Framework 4.7.2