
 When working with Application Analytics Dashboard, you get the error message "You are not authorized to access any applications" as shown in the screenshot below:

Observed in CAST AIP

8.3.x (tick)
8.2.x (tick)
8.1.x (tick)
8.0.x (tick)
7.3.x (tick)
Observed on RDBMS
CSS3 (tick)
CSS2 (tick)
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Deploy HD WAR folder
  2. Try to access HD
Action Plan
  1. Check if the following file is configured as described in the official documentation CAST-HD - Configuring data authorization, using the correct syntax. For example, "true" value should be in lower case,

    <authorization user="CIO" allApplications="True"/>

    If you configure the above with "True" Then the user CIO will not be authorized to access any application, the syntax should be:

    <authorization user="CIO" allApplications="true"/>
  2. If you are deploying the HD via an LDAP:

    1. Check if the registered license key is an UNRESTRICTED one, for more information about what an UNRESTRICTED license Key is and for registering it refer to Dashboard Service license key configuration

    2. If the registered license key is not an UNRESTRICTED one, then contact CAST to provide you with the required License Key
    3. Else if the registered license key is an UNRESTRICTED one then validate the Authorization by following the page Health Dashboard - LDAP connection - How to validate the Authorization

  3. Check if the central database tables dss_sites, viewer_sites and sys_site are consistent.  If they are not, ,then they need to be updated with the proper values.  Follow the steps below to verify this:
    1. run the following queries on the central database:
      1. select * from dss_sites;
        select * from sys_site;
        select * from viewer_sites;
      2. Make sure that the results returned below correspond to the schema names of the central database.  For example, if the database is named test832_central, then there should be an entry with this name in the sys_site table:
        1. 1827338675;"test832_central";"";1;"2018-03-29 23:23:25.171";1000;"2018-03-29 23:03:39.889"
      3. If the values in the tables and the name of the schema are not the same, then the central table will need to be properly updated with the proper values.  For examples to correct the above case if the value was not test832_central, then the following should be run to correct this (the query below should be modified for your particular case):
        1. update sys_site set site_name='test832_central' where site_id=1827338675;
  4. If the above steps does not resolve your issue or if you have further questions on the above steps, then contact CAST Technical Support with the following Relevant input.
Ticket #5559 #12108
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