- Introduction
- Where do I obtain a license key from?
- How do I install a new or edit an license key?
- How can I check whether a license key has been successfully installed?
- What happens if I attempt to access data when no license key is present?
- Current license key tips
- Legacy license key tips
Summary: This section details how to configure a license key for accessing a Dashboard schema via a CAST dashboard web application (e.g. Engineering/Security Dashboard, RestAPI...).
When you want to access a Dashboard schema, a special license key is required. This license key grants specific access to one or multiple Dashboard schemas for the web application in which the license key is installed. There are two types of license key:
- current (introduced in January 2022)
- legacy
See below for more information about each.
Users that have been granted the ADMIN role do not require a license key to access a Dashboard schema. A user with the ADMIN role can ONLY use the dashboard for validating new snapshots during the initial application on-boarding process. The ADMIN role MUST NOT be used for on-going end-user use of the dashboard.
Current license type
The current license key was introduced in January 2022:
This type of key restricts users as follows:
- Purchased CAST data = INSIGHT (stands for Imaging and/or any of the 3 Dashboards: these are defined as P1=Imaging, P2=Health, P3=Engineering, P4=Security)
- Named user for consumption = individual with a non-floating, unique and personal access rights to the purchased CAST data
- Period = the duration of the purchased License - in all circumstances this is cannot exceed 1 year
Legacy license type
The legacy key is accepted in all Dashboards regardless of release:
This key restricts users via a token system in two ways:
- A GLOBAL token is consumed for each named user authorized to access "All Applications" in all the target Dashboard schema(s) - for example an Architect
- A UNIT token is consumed for each named user authorized to access a named Application in a specific Dashboard schema - for example a Project Leader
- A RESTRICTED key will have a specific number of GLOBAL and UNIT tokens assigned to it. In the example above, "2/4" tokens is equal to 2 GLOBAL tokens and 4 UNIT tokens.
- An UNRESTRICTED key will not specify the number of GLOBAL and UNIT tokens assigned to it. In the example above, "2/4" tokens section is replaced by "Unrestricted".
- This legacy license key is not limited in time and can be used indefinitely.
UI behaviour when using a legacy license key
All existing valid legacy license keys will function exactly as they are intended, however, if you are using one, users with the ADMIN role will now see a message explaining that a new license key type exists and that you should contact support to get more details. This message can be ignored for the time being, and all functionality will remain available:
Where do I obtain a license key from?
A license key can only be generated by CAST Support. Please open a new ticket and request a license key for your CAST Dashboards.
How do I install a new or edit an license key?
≥ 2.5 UI method
A specific license key UI is available. To access it browse to the following location - your login must have the ADMIN role:
Or use the following option:
The interface is available in the License tab:
Enter your license key using the Edit option:
If you are using the standalone RestAPI JAR/WAR without a UI, you can define your license key using the legacy "license.key" file method for 1.x and 2.0 - 2.4 described below, or using the RestAPI itself.
When a key is successfully entered, the UI will update to show the license key details:
1.x and 2.0 - 2.4 - legacy license.key file method
- First create a new empty text file
- Rename the new text file license.key
- Now open the text file in a text editor and paste the license key that you have been sent into the first line.
- Save the license.key file.
- Now copy or move the license.key file to the following location:
WAR 1.x CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\WEB-INF\license.key WAR ≥ 2.x CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\WEB-INF\classes\license.key ZIP ≥ 2.x <unpacked_zip>\configurations\license.key JAR ≥ 2.x Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<dashboard>\license.key Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/license.key
Following any changes you make, restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.
This "legacy" method is still available for users of v. ≥ 2.5 but we would encourage you to use the UI method described above.
Using the RestAPI (any release)
Use the following URI in PUT mode:
With the following .JSON payload:
{ "key": "<license_key>" }
How can I check whether a license key has been successfully installed?
To check whether a license key has been successfully installed in the web application, you can use the RestAPI interface. Open a browser and go to the following URL, ensuring that you modify it to conform to your environment:
WAR: http://<server>:<port>/<dashboard>/static/default.html JAR/ZIP: http://<server>:<port>/static/default.html
Login (using the Basic Authentication field with any user (it does not have to be a user that has the ADMIN role)). Now enter "server" in the URI field and click Submit:
The result will be shown in the Response (Pre-view) tab. In this example, you can see that a restricted license key has been installed:
Note that the following statuses may be returned:
Use Case | Status | Description |
No License | NO_LICENSE_KEY | No license has been input in the UI (current license type) or no license.key file exists at the expected location (legacy type). |
INVALID_LICENSE_KEY | The license.key file exists at the expected location but the license key itself does not conform to the expected format. | |
CANNOT_ACCESS_LICENSE_KEY | The license.key file exists at the expected location but the license key itself does not exist. | |
INVALID_LICENSE_FILE | The license.key file exists at the expected location but the license key itself does not conform to the expected format. | |
LICENSE_EXPIRED | Indicates that the license key has expired. | |
Restricted License | RESTRICTED_LICENSE | A restricted license has been successfully installed (legacy type only). Note that a current license key is always listed as "RESTRICTED_LICENSE". |
GLOBAL_ACCESS_TOKENS_EXCEEDED | The number of GLOBAL tokens on a restricted license has been exceeded (legacy type only). | |
UNIT_ACCESS_TOKENS_EXCEEDED | The number of UNIT tokens on a restricted license has been exceeded (legacy type only). | |
Unrestricted License | UNRESTRICTED_LICENSE | An unrestricted license has been successfully installed (legacy type only). |
What happens if I attempt to access data when no license key is present?
If a user attempts to login to the dashboard when no license key has been configured, the following message will be displayed:
Current license key tips
Use of license.xml file not required (current license key type only) for data authorization
The current license key type has no concept of RESTRICTED vs UNRESTRICTED unlike a legacy type license key (note that the RestAPI will always report a current license key as "RESTRICTED" however). This means that if you are using a current license key type, there is no need to define data authorization using the license.xml file as is the case with a legacy license key type (explained in the section below). All data authorization can be managed via the built in UI as described in Data authorization - 2.x and above.
What happens if more users than I am licensed for log in (current license key type only)?
When using a current license key, the number of users that are authorized to use the CAST Dashboards is always specified in the key:
This is also shown in the UI:
The UI provides a list of users that have logged in to the Dashboard/RestAPI - each entry will consume 1 user license. In the example below, 4 users have logged in and the count of "Associated Users" reflects this:
In the example above, the number of users that have logged in to the Dashboard/RestAPI exceeds the number of authorized users (as defined in the license key) and in this situation a message will be displayed on every page in the dashboard as follows:
Click to enlarge
There are too many authorized users to connect to your Dashboard. To avoid this limitation, you can contact your CAST Administrator to update your licensing terms & conditions.
If you receive the message described above, deleting users from the list of logged in users so that you conform to your licensing agreement will ensure that the message is removed:
Legacy license key tips
How to authorize users when using a RESTRICTED license key (legacy key type only)
If you have installed a restricted license key (i.e. a key that specifies GLOBAL/UNIT tokens (legacy license key)), you can authorize named users to access either ALL the applications in all the target Dashboard schemas, or you can authorize named users to access a named Application in a specific Dashboard schema.
This authorization is achieved using the following XML file, which you can edit in a text editor - see Data authorization - 2.x and above and Data authorization - 1.x for more information:
WAR 1.x CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\WEB-INF\license.xml WAR ≥ 2.x CATALINA_HOME\webapps\<dashboard>\WEB-INF\classes\license.xml ZIP ≥ 2.x <unpacked_zip>\configurations\license.xml JAR ≥ 2.x Windows: %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\Dashboards\<dashboard>\license.xml Linux: /root/ProgramData/CAST/Dashboards/<dashboard>/license.xml
Authorization is achieved by adding a line into the file. Each line you add to file will use up ONE single user (or GLOBAL or UNIT token.
Note that when a RESTRICTED license key is installed, any authorizations that you have configured in the user interface (see Data authorization - 2.x and above) or in the authorizations.xml file (see Data authorization - 1.x) will be completely ignored. In other words:
- only the authorizations listed in license.xml will be taken into account when a RESTRICTED license is installed.
- it is not possible to define authorizations based on groups, the allUsers scope, patterns, tags, categories etc. when a RESTRICTED license is installed.
Authorize a named user to access ALL Applications in ALL the target Dashboard schemas
Add the following line under the commented text to grant the user "James" access to ALL applications. Doing so will use ONE single GLOBAL token:
<!-- Each following line will consume a global access token --> <authorization user="James" allApplications="true"/>
Following any changes you make, save the license.xml file and restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.
Authorize a named user to access a named Application in a target Dashboard schema
Add the following line under the commented text to grant the user "John" access to the "MEUDON" Application stored in the "V83_CENTRAL" Dashboard schema. Doing so will use ONE single UNIT token:
<!--Each following line will consume a unit access token --> <authorization user="John" application="MEUDON" adgDatabase="V83_CENTRAL"/>
Following any changes you make, save the license.xml file and restart your application server so that the changes are taken into account.
What happens with a RESTRICTED license key (legacy type only) if I authorize more users than I am licensed for?
The situation listed below will cause you to be in breach of your license:
- You are using a RESTRICTED license key (i.e. a key that specifies the number of GLOBAL/UNIT tokens)
- You are limited to 2 GLOBAL tokens (2 users with ALL Application authorization) and 5 UNIT tokens (5 users with named Application authorization) on your license key
- You authorize (via the license.xml file) either:
- 3 users to access ALL Applications
- 6 users to access a named Application
As such, a message will be displayed on every page in the dashboard as follows:
≥ 2.x There are too many authorized users to connect to your Dashboard. To avoid this limitation, you can contact your CAST Administrator to update your licensing terms & conditions. 1.x THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO A LIMITED ACCESS. There are too many authorized users to connect to your Dashboard. To avoid this limitation, you can contact your CAST Project Manager to update your licensing terms & conditions.
If you receive the message described above, you have two options:
- Review and reconfigure the users that have been authorized to access data in the Dashboard schema using the license.xml file - i.e. decrease the number of users that have been granted access.
- Contact the CAST Consultant responsible for your project, or contact your Account Manager to request an update to your license.