This page will help you solve problems related to CAST Engineering Dashboard (CED)
CAST Engineering Dashboard (CED) is a component of CAST AIP that is a browser-based portal that provides detailed technical information about a company's set of applications.
For more information, refer to Official documentation :
Observed in CAST AIP
Release | Yes/No |
8.3.x |
Observed on RDBMS
RDBMS | Yes/No |
CSS | |
This page list all the features present on Cast Engineering Dashboard. You may select the feature in which you have a problem from the below list.
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Action Plan
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Application
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Bookmarks
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Business Criteria
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - CAST AIP Version
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Contribution or weight
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Cost
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Estimated Effort
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Evolution
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Exclusion
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Exclusion - Excluded Objects reappears on dashboard
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Exclusion - Excluded Objects reappears on dashboard - Exclusion still visible in the dashboard after taking a new snapshot - functional date issue
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Exclusion - Excluded Objects reappears on dashboard- Objects excluded in previous snapshot still appears in current snapshot- exclusion object id issue
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Exclusion - Excluded Objects reappears on dashboard
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Export All
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Grades
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Grades - Incorrect Value
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Grades - Incorrect Value - Grades are displayed as 0
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Grades - Incorrect Value - Health Factor Grade are incorrect
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Grades - Incorrect Value - Health Factors metric grades are equal to zero at application level but not at module level
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Grades - Incorrect Value - TQI of an application remains unchanged after decreasing the number of critical violations
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Grades - Incorrect Value - TQI value when there are changes in other metrics and Health Factors
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Grades - Variation
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Grades - Incorrect Value
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Graphs
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - List of XXX
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - List of XXX - No items to show
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - List of XXX - No items to show - FRAME_PORTAL_FAQ_VIEW_EXCLUSION
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - List of XXX - No items to show - FRAME_PORTAL_INVESTIGATION_VIEW - categorized objects
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - List of XXX - No items to show - FRAME_PORTAL_INVESTIGATION_VIEW - Technical Criteria and Quality Rules
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - List of XXX - No items to show - FRAME PORTAL EFP VIEW - Deleted Automated Function Points
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - List of XXX - No items to show - FRAME PORTAL TRANSACTION VIEW - Transaction Level
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - List of XXX - No items to show
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Login
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - AFP
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - AFP - Inconsistent value - Zero Automated Function Points Deleted while there are deleted function points
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - AFP - missing function point details
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - AFP - NoCalib
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - AFP - NoKey
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - AFP - zero FP
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - BFP
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - Complex objects
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - Cyclomatic Complexity
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - Lines of Code
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - Number of metrics
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - Technical Debt
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Metrics - AFP
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Modules
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Incorrect Object Name - The displayed object full name is equal to none
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Incorrect Object Status
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Incorrect Object Type
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Missing objects
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Multiple Object path
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Wrong object
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Wrong object - Objects from the previous analysis are present in current snapshot
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Wrong object - PeopleSoft - Vanilla objects are present in the CED
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Object - Wrong object - Shell - Shell files deleted from source are coming in dashboard
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - PRI RPF and VI
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Duplicate Quality Rules
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Grade may vary between snapshots even when violation status is unchanged
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Inconsistency between number of objects with Violation and failed checks
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Inconsistencies - With other CAST components - Dashboard views shows more Architecture Violation than Archi Checker view
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Inconsistency between number of objects with Violation and failed checks - Number of objects with violation is higher than failed Checks
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Inconsistency between number of objects with Violation and failed checks - Number of objects with violation is smaller than failed Checks
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Inconsistency with other components
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Incorrect Failed checks
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Incorrect Total Checks
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Missing Computing Details tab
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Missing Quality Rule
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality Rule - Missing Quality Rule - Dashboard displays NA as the grade for Complexity SQL Queries criteria and Quality Rules
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality Rule - Missing Quality Rule - Dataflow security diagnostics
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality Rule - Missing Quality Rule - Missing diag for Perl technology
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Quality rule - Variation in Total or failed checks
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Report Builder
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Report Builder - Generate PDF report
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Report Builder - Generate PDF report - Error - Unable to use HTTPs to generate PDF reports
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Report Builder - Generate PDF report - Missing data in report - Empty PDF report
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Report Builder - Generate PDF report - Missing data in report - Incorrect content of the report
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Report Builder - Generate PDF report - Performance issue when creating
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Search Box
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Snapshots
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Source code
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - System
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Technical Criteria
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Technology
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Transactions
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Users and Roles
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Var Column
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Empty or blank view
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Errors
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Errors - An error occurred during process
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Errors - Apache Error 502
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Errors - HTTP Status 404 The requested resource is not available
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Errors - Invalid results the central repository does not contain any value on Technical Quality Index for any application
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Errors - Low Memory or Recovered Memory error messages
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Hangs and performance issues - Performance in ADG Dashboard on CSS
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Views - Incomplete view
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Duplicate Violation Details - Multiple display of violation status in the Violation Info tab
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False violation or no violation
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False positive or Wrong Violation or False negative or No Violation - Architecture model quality rules
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid Artifacts with high Commented-out Code Lines per Code Lines ratio may appear as a new violation
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid Artifacts with High Depth of Code
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid Classes with a High Number Of Children
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid Classes with a High Public Data Ratio
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid cyclical calls
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid directly instantiating a Class used as a Spring bean
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid disabling source code inspection
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid empty catch blocks
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid indirect String concatenation inside loops QR
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid Programs with lines of more than 80 characters
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid SQL queries with implicit conversions in the WHERE clause
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid Stored Procedures not returning a status value
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid Subroutines with a very low comment code ratio RPG300
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid too many copy pasted artifacts
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid types that own disposable fields and are not disposable
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid unreferenced PHP Files - PHP
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid Unused Imports
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid using deprecated objects
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Avoid using the scanf function family
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Check usage of equal equal and not equal on objects
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Close database resources ASAP
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Close the outermost stream ASAP
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Control naming convention - prefix case and character set control
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - DOTNet - Data access must be based on Stored Procedure Calls
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - EGL - Avoid Program calls without checking the return code EGL
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - File descriptor block must be defined with 0 record
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Mainframe - COBOL - Each opened file must be closed
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Methods must have appropriate JavaDoc exception tags
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Methods must have appropriate JavaDoc param tags QR
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Methods must have appropriate JavaDoc throws tags
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - New violations showing up for unchanged code
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Object violations from Vanilla
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Provide a private default Constructor for utility Classes
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Siebel - Wrong violations for Quality rules referring to the Sort or Search on non-indexed Fields
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Standard packages are flagged as violated
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Track Classes referencing database objects
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Use of Style sheets
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False Violation - Wrong violations added when the 2 snapshots are not computed with same CAST version
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - False violation or no violation - Cyclical calls quality rules
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No Violation
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No Violation - Avoid classes of high lack of Cohesion QR
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No Violation - Avoid Nested Loops QR for ABAP
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No Violation - Avoid Select star queries
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No Violation - Avoid SQL queries that no index can support QR for Cobol
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No Violation - Avoid too many copy pasted artifacts
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No violation - Avoid using SQL queries inside a loop
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No violation - hibernate quality rules
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No violation - PHP - Missing violation for PHP rules
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No violation - RPG - missing quality rules for embedded queries
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - No Violation - User Input Data Flow Security Metrics
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - How to reset violation status
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Inconsistent Critical Violations value
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Critical Violations - Inconsistent value - Sum of values under Nb column in the Critical violations panel does not match with STATISTICS
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Critical Violations - Inconsistent value - The sum of Critical violations at module level and at application level do not match
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Critical Violations - Inconsistent value - Value in Application Portfolio Level and Application DrillDown View do not match
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Critical Violations - Inconsistent value - Value in left hand panel and added or removed critical violations section do not match
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Critical Violations - Inconsistent value - values in Flex Report view and Project Data and Improvement does not match
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Incorrect Violation Status
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Number of All violations is not equal to the latest violations
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Variation in Critical Violations value
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Wrong involved objects in path - List of involved objects in Path is empty for QR Avoid Too Many Copy Pasted Artifacts
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - Violations - Wrong violation for added method to user Input Data Flow Security Analysis
- CAST Engineering Dashboard - WAR Deployment