This page helps to troubleshoot issues where the Business Criteria is missing from dashboard. For instance in the below screenshot the Business Criteria Transferability is missing -
Observed in CAST AIP
Release | Yes/No |
8.3.x |
Observed on RDBMS
RDBMS | Yes/No |
Action Plan
- If you have all Business criteria missing then please refer to the page - CAST Engineering Dashboard - List of XXX - No items to show . Else if you have one or few Business Criteria missing then please follow the next steps
- If at least one of the Technical criteria belonging to the Business Criteria has a grade of 4 only then the Business criteria is displayed on the dashboard with grade 4
- Check if any of the Technical criteria is missing on the dashboard. To know what Technical criteria belongs to which Business criteria please refer to the page - QRL - Quality Rules listed by Health Factor
- If you see that all technical criteria are missing then take an example Technical criteria from the list given in the above page and follow the user guide - CAST Engineering Dashboard - Technical Criteria - Missing Technical Criteria
- Check if any of the Technical criteria is missing on the dashboard. To know what Technical criteria belongs to which Business criteria please refer to the page - QRL - Quality Rules listed by Health Factor
- Note that as for now we have encouter the following cases of missing Business criteria:
- If the problem you are facing does not match any case listed in this page, report your problem to CAST Technical Support and provide the Relevant input
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