Using the Module Assistant


The Module Assistant will generate an automated functional breakdown of your application(s) based on the application code’s wording, sentences and topics identified and correlated to the adherence of elements between them. Several factors can affect the outcomes and keep in mind that for some applications, the results may not be perfect, especially if the source code lacks understandable wording.

How does it work?

Technically, the Module Assistant will create a custom aggregation (called Automated Functional Modules) for each targeted application. This custom aggregation is generated based on keywords found in your target application: related keywords will be grouped together as modules, and links will be created between the modules based on the underlying objects within the modules. This custom aggregation can be selected by any user in the Perspective > Aggregated by section of the left-panel for each targeted application.

How do I access the feature?

Use the Customize the results option in the Application Landing page:

Then choose the Modules Assistant tab:

Are there any prerequisites?

Microsoft Windows

You must enable the Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support option as follows on the machine hosting your Viewer services:

Settings > Time & Language > Language & Region or Language > Administrative Language Settings > Change system locale

Linux via Docker

No prerequisites.

How do I generate the results?

Use the Generate Module option:

Use the queue icon to visualize the progress:

How do I view the results?

Use the dedicated Automated Functional Modules custom aggregation available in the left-panel: