What hardware do I need?

General hardware requirements

These requirements are valid for both Microsoft Windows and Linux via Docker deployments:

  • Physical or virtual machine(s)
  • CPU
    • Minimum 1 CPU / 2 cores, e.g.:
      • Intel Core i5, 2.6 GHz
      • Intel Xeon, 2.2 GHz
    • Recommended 1 CPU / 4 cores, e.g:
      • Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz
      • Intel Xeon, 2.6 GHz
  • RAM
    • Single machine as part of an enterprise/distributed deployment:
    • Standalone mode (all components on one machine):
      • 32GB RAM absolute minimum
  • Free disk space: 256GB minimum free disk space (SSD or equivalent - using storage/disk with high IOPS values (i.e. SSD disks or SANs configured with SSD) will achieve better performance) - see also File storage for more detailed information.
  • Host machines with fixed IP address / hostname recommended

TCP ports

The following TCP ports are required:


  • 2381: CAST Imaging Control Panel
  • 8090: CAST Imaging Gateway Service
  • 8091: CAST Imaging Console Service
  • 8092: CAST Imaging Authentication service
  • 8096: CAST Imaging SSO Service
  • 8097: CAST Imaging Dashboard Service
  • 8098: CAST Imaging Control Panel
  • 9002: CAST Imaging SSO Service


  • 8099: CAST Imaging Analysis Node


  • 6372: Neo4j
  • 7483: Neo4j
  • 7484: Neo4j
  • 7697: Neo4j
  • 8093: CAST Imaging Viewer Frontend
  • 8094: CAST Imaging Viewer AI Manager
  • 8284: CAST Imaging Viewer source code
  • 8285: CAST Imaging Viewer login
  • 9010: CAST Imaging Viewer Backend
  • 9011: CAST Imaging Viewer ETL

CAST Storage Service for Microsoft Windows:

  • 2284
  • 7473, 7474, 7687: IMAGING_VIEWER_NEO4J

Example on-premises hardware configuration

Managing multiple applications

If you are managing a large number of applications, we recommend installing multiple nodes to spread the load. The disk space allocated to a single node obviously depends on the size and the number of applications that will be analyzed by the node. In a situation where all the nodes are running analyses, some nodes may need to run more than one analysis in parallel. To avoid overloading the node where more than one analysis is running at the same time, we strongly recommend deploying machines with sufficient resources.

Therefore, to analyze up to 50 applications and to run up to 5 analyses in parallel on one single node with one associated CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL instance, CAST recommends increasing RAM and DISK resources as follows:

Component RAM DISK
Node 32GB min 2TB (SSD recommended)
CAST Storage Service / PostgreSQL 64GB min 3TB (SSD recommended)

Analyzing complex applications

While 90% of JEE, .NET or Mainframe applications can be analyzed with the minimum requirements, some specific (very large or not well balanced) applications require more memory than the minimum recommendations. The following configurations are examples of sizing required for very large applications. The requirements are not a linear function that are based purely on the number of files or lines of code (LoC), instead it is more complex and there is no specific formula to use.

In general, a lack of memory will cause slowness (machines will resort to the use of virtual memory) in the best case, and a crash in the worst case. The numbers presented in the table below are purely indicative and depict the varying memory requirements:

Application Node CPU Peak RAM Node - RAM (recommended minimum) Disk space
JEE application with 13,000 java files and 6,300 JSP files 2 processors, 4 cores 22 GB 32 GB 256 GB
JEE application with 21,000 java files, 14 JSP files, 2,800 projects As above 10 GB 16 GB As above
JEE application with 30,000 java files and 1,200 JSP files As above 12 GB 16 GB As above
.NET application with 18,785 C# files As above 12 GB 16 GB As above
.NET application with 23,000 C# files and 4,100 cshtml files As above 20 GB 32 GB As above
Mainframe application with 10,000 COBOL programs As above 2 GB 8 GB As above