What disk space requirements do I need?

Installation disk space requirements

These requirements are valid for both Microsoft Windows and Linux via Docker deployments:

Single machine (standalone mode) deployment scenario

A CAST Imaging installation will consume approx. 20GB of disk space. This includes the following (but does not include any result storage requirements):

  • The CAST Imaging installer ZIP file
  • The CAST Imaging installer unzipped on disk
  • Installed software (whether Microsoft Windows programs or Docker images/containers), including CAST Imaging Core and the database component (CAST Storage Service for Microsoft Windows / PostgreSQL provided as a Docker image)

Distributed (enterprise mode) deployment scenario

Each CAST Imaging component will consume differing amounts of disk space (not including any result storage requirements), therefore the total disk space for an installation depends on the combination of components you install on each machine. The figures below include:

  • The CAST Imaging installer ZIP file
  • The CAST Imaging installer unzipped on disk
  • Installed software (for Linux/Docker, this includes Docker images, containers and volumes)
Component Size (Microsoft Windows) Size (Linux/Docker)
imaging-services approx. 3GB approx. 2.5GB
imaging-viewer approx. 4GB approx. 3GB
analysis-node + Imaging Core approx. 5GB approx. 8.5 GB
CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL approx. 4GB N/A (included in imaging-services)

Analysis and result storage disk space requirements

These recommendations are valid for both Microsoft Windows and Linux via Docker deployments:

Single machine (standalone mode) deployment scenario

  • 256GB minimum
  • Multiple complex/large applications: 1TB minimum

Distributed (enterprise mode) deployment scenario

The following assumes that each component is installed on a dedicated machine where we recommend 256GB free disk space for the entire machine (see also Hardware requirements.) If you are analyzing complex/large applications or you are doubling up components on one machine (e.g. imaging-services + imaging-viewer), you may need find that 256GB is sufficient initially, but CAST recommends increasing the disk space where possible:

Component Size
imaging-services 256GB (minimum)
imaging-viewer 256GB (minimum)
analysis-node 256GB (minimum) - see also Microsoft Windows analysis-node file storage locations or Docker/Linux analysis-node file storage locations.
CAST Storage Service/PostgreSQL 256GB (minimum)
Shared network storage (for multi node scenario) delivery/deploy/common-data 256GB (minimum) / 1TB (for multiple complex/large applications).

This requirement is specific to a multi-node deployment (distributed) scenario where all analysis-node components require read/write access to the same set of folders. You can read more information about this requirement in Microsoft Windows analysis-node file storage locations and Docker/Linux analysis-node file storage locations.