


2 Sep 2024

New Features

Summary Details
Global exclusion patterns feature A new option in the Analyzer's settings menu now allows users to configure global exclusion patterns, which will apply to all future analyses.

Feature Improvements

Summary Details
Analyzer quit pop-up redesign The pop-up that appears when users attempt to quit the analyzer has been redesigned for improved user experience.
Offline analyzer blank screen bug resolved An issue where the offline analyzer occasionally displayed a blank screen has been fixed.



9 Aug 2024

New Features

Summary Details
Analyzer platform update The underlying platform of the Analyzer has been updated to address multiple issues and to enable smoother future enhancements. This update requires all users to upgrade to version 1.1.0 to continue running analyses. You may notice minor changes, such as during the login process.
Re-use exclusions from previous analysis When re-scanning an application, users will now receive prompted whether they want to re-use the exclusion settings from the previous scan, saving time and effort in configuring file and folder exclusions.
Downtime notification page A downtime notification page has been added during the scheduled weekly releases of CAST Imaging on Cloud. The site will be down for approximately 5 minutes, and users trying to access it during this period will be informed.
Demo application bug fix Resolved an issue where some organizations in the free trial of CAST Imaging on Cloud were unable to see the complete results of the demo app. All users can now fully interact with the demo app.