


2 Sep 2024

New Features

Summary Details
Dynamic filters in advanced global search The technology filter and object category filter in the advanced global search are now dynamic. Selecting a technology will filter the object types based on that technology, and vice versa.

Feature Improvements

Summary Details
Root path configuration in viewer When users click on the VS Code icon, a dialog now opens, allowing them to configure the root path and open the source code in VS Code.



23 Aug 2024

New Features

Summary Details
Configure root path Users can now configure the root path for their project’s source code location to access all source files on VS Code.
Structural Flaws dedicated views A dedicated view for each structural flaw where they are displayed as a list of rules is now available.
Analyze application via Github Action(Beta) It is now possible to run and automate the analysis via Github Action.
Technology filter in global search A new filter has been introduced under global search to filter objects based on technology.



9 Aug 2024

Feature Improvements

Summary Details
Results: Transaction/Data Call Graph search modal The user interface of the transaction and data call graph search modal has been refined to improve functionality and user experience.
Results: Right panel enhancements The right panel has been optimized to improve structure and clarity, ensuring data presentation aligns seamlessly with visual grouping logic.
Results: Global search - add objects feature The add objects feature has been enhanced by filtering out objects already present on the canvas during global search, streamlining the addition process.