How to automate your code analyses


The CAST Imaging Analyzer tool is downloaded and installed on your local machine and allows you to analyze your source code in “UI mode” before uploading your results to CAST Imaging on Cloud. Bundled with this UI tool is an equivalent command line tool that CAST provides to allow you to automate your analyses. Below is a description of the options available for this command line tool and an explanation of how to use it.

Where can I get the command line tool?

The command line tool can be found on your local machine after running the CAST Imaging Analyzer installer, in the following location:

%PROGRAMFILES%\CAST\CAST Imaging Analyzer\CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe

How can I list all command options?

Use the following command:

CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe -h

Then for each available option, you can run the -h command, for example:

CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe run -h

What can the command line tool do?

The tool has various operating modes/options, as described below:

Mode/Option Description
run Run full analysis process on your chosen source code and upload the results to CAST Imaging on Cloud if you choose (this mode runs all other options listed below.)
fastscan Run only the profiling step on your chosen source code and upload the results to CAST Imaging on Cloud if you choose. This is a source code “discovery” process where your source code will be scanned to determine the different languages, technologies and frameworks that are included, along with the number of files and the total number of code lines. This is not a full analysis.
analysis Run only the analysis step on your chosen source code and upload the results to CAST Imaging on Cloud if you choose. This is a full deep analysis and requires that you have already run the fastscan step on its own.
upload Runs the upload step to upload results of the fastscanand/or analysis steps to CAST Imaging on Cloud and requires that these steps have already been run.

What is the difference between online and offline mode?

The command line tool can be run in two different ways, online (with internet access) and offline (without internet access):

  • online: All required analysis resources are automatically downloaded during the analysis. Results are automatically uploaded to your account in CAST Imaging on Cloud. This mode is the default and should be used where possible.
  • offline: All required analysis resources must already exist on the local machine. Results are not uploaded to CAST Imaging on Cloud and are retained in the output folder. This mode is recommended only for those that are working in a secure environment without internet access and can be enabled using the -of, --offline flag. See How to run code analyses in offline mode.

What flags are available?

Flag Description Default value Required?
-h, --help Shows the help message and then exits. -
-n, --name Defines the name of the application. A randomly generated name
-o, --output Defines the folder where the results will be stored at the end of the process. %APPDATA%\CAST\CAST Imaging Analyzer\results\<application-name>
-s, --source Defines the folder where the application source code is stored. - ✔️
-ak, --api-key The API key of the user that owns the application. An API key can be generated in CAST Imaging on Cloud by clicking the username in the upper right corner. - Required when uploading results to CAST Imaging on Cloud (online mode)
-is, --imaging-server URL of CAST Imaging on Cloud.
-cl, --clean-logs Reduces the number of log messages that are output. Disabled
-nu, --no-upload Prevents any results from being uploaded to CAST Imaging on Cloud. Useful for testing the tool. Disabled
-nb, --no-browser Prevents the default browser on the local machine from opening and displaying the results in CAST Imaging on Cloud. Disabled
-of, --offline Forces the tool to function entirely without an internet connection and is recommended only for those that are working in a secure environment without internet access. Note that CAST extensions must already exist in %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST-Imaging-CLI\carl\bin\extensions or another location specified by -sp, --storage-path. Disabled
-sp, --storage-path Used with -of, --offline, defines the location of the CAST extensions on the local disk. If not specified, the default value is used. %PROGRAMDATA%\CAST\CAST-Imaging-CLI\carl\bin\extensions
-re, --rescan Defines the absolute path to profiler\profiler-results.json in the folder defined by the -o, --output flag from a previous run action and is used when you want to rerun the run action but do not want to reproduce all output files. For example when you want to define a new ignore patterns file. -
-ip, --ignore-patterns Defines the absolute path to a text file (.txt) containing a list of ignore patterns, defining specific files and folders that should be excluded from the analysis. The ignore patterns are defined using glob pattern matching (see link). For example:
  • *.txt will exclude all files with the extension .txt
  • tests/ will exclude any folders named tests and everything inside them - e.g. root_folder/tests, root_folder/another_folder/tests
  • *.Tests/ will exclude any folders whose name includes
  • .Tests (for example C:\Support\Delivery\Sample.Tests\sample\)
  • patterns starting with / will exclude starting only from the root folder. In other words, /tests/ will exclude everything in the specific folder root_folder/tests but not root_folder/another_folder/tests
Note that if a file called ignore-patterns.txt is placed in the root of the folder defined by -s, –source, any patterns defined in this file will be automatically taken into account. This file does not need to be defined by -ip, –ignore-patterns. The use of -ip, –ignore-patterns overrides the ignore-patterns.txt file and any patterns defined in it are ignored.
-es, --extend-server URL of an on premises CAST Extend server, i.e. for those that are not using https://extend.castsoftware.comexternal link. The option expects a URL, for example http://my-extend-server:8085. https://extend.castsoftware.comexternal link

Run mode example

Run the profiling and analysis steps, store the results in a dedicated folder and then upload all results to CAST Imaging on Cloud (this is all actions run in one go):

CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe run -n "application1" -o "C:\CAST\cloud\application1\results1" -s "C:\CAST\source_code\application1" -ak "u9t2Dteq.1YYvvPCoMNp"

Run the profiling and analysis steps, store the results in a dedicated folder, exclude some files/folders and then upload all results to CAST Imaging on Cloud:

CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe run -n "application1" -o "C:\CAST\cloud\application1\results1" -s "C:\CAST\source_code\application1" -ak "u9t2Dteq.1YYvvPCoMNp" -ip "C:\CAST\cloud\application1\exclusions.txt"

Rerun the profiling and analysis steps on a previous run results, without reproducing all output files, store the results in a dedicated folder, exclude some files/folders and then upload all results to CAST Imaging on Cloud:

CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe run -n "application1" -o "C:\CAST\cloud\application1\results2" -s "C:\CAST\source_code\application1" -ak "u9t2Dteq.1YYvvPCoMNp" -re "C:\CAST\cloud\application1\results2\profiler\profiler-results.json" -ip "C:\CAST\cloud\application1\exclusions_new.txt"

Profiling mode example

Run the profiling step only, store the results in a dedicated folder and then upload all results to CAST Imaging on Cloud:

CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe fastscan -n "application2" -o "C:\CAST\cloud\application2\results1" -s "C:\CAST\source_code\application2" -ak "u9t2Dteq.1YYvvPCoMNp"

Rerun the profiling step on a previous run results, without reproducing all output files, store the results in a dedicated folder, exclude some files/folders and then upload all results to CAST Imaging on Cloud:

CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe fastscan -n "application2" -o "C:\CAST\cloud\application2\results2" -s "C:\CAST\source_code\application2" -ak "u9t2Dteq.1YYvvPCoMNp" -re "C:\CAST\cloud\application2\results2\profiler\profiler-results.json" -ip "C:\CAST\cloud\application2\exclusions_new.txt"

Analysis mode example

Run the analysis step only, store the results in a dedicated folder and then upload all results to CAST Imaging on Cloud:

CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe analysis -n "application2" -o "C:\CAST\cloud\application2\results1" -s "C:\CAST\source_code\application2" -ak "u9t2Dteq.1YYvvPCoMNp" -pr "C:\CAST\cloud\application2\results1\profiler\profiler-results.json"

Upload mode example

Upload the results of previous fastscan and analysis mode actions:

CAST-Imaging-CLI.exe upload -n "application2" -o "C:\CAST\cloud\application2\results1" -s "C:\CAST\source_code\application2" "u9t2Dteq.1YYvvPCoMNp" -pr "C:\CAST\cloud\application2\results1\profiler\profiler-results.json" -cr "C:\CAST\cloud\application2\results1\carl\carl"

Offline mode example

See How to run code analyses in offline mode.