
This page helps you to troubleshoot the below error message you may face during the upgrade of the Local database :

Plugin selection error :

<all users dir> is incompatible with the schema metamodel. It is generally due to an extension that has changed it's ids.

*Observed in CAST AIP


8.3 x(tick)

*Observed on RDBMS
Action Plan

This issue occurs when for a given UA profile, there are inconsistencies between the metamodel in the local database and the one defined in the metamodel file that is defined in your <CAST_ALL_USERS_PATH>/<CAST_VERSION>/Configuration/languages/<UA Profile>/xxxMetamodel.xml

  1. Check for all the UA languages that are in your <CAST_ALL_USERS_PATH>/<CAST VERSION> that the metamodel file number is in sync with the Metamodel id range in the local database:
    1. Open the metamodel file.
    2. Retrieve from the line Metamodel the file_no field as shown in the below example.

      <metaModel file_level="builtin" file_no="4">

      In the above example, the file_no is set to 4

    3. For this given example, the ID range will be between 1004000 and 1004999 :
    4. Run the query described in the page How to retrieve the id and the name of all types of a UA language to retrieve the ID of the Type of the given UA / Extension Profile
    5. If the ID range is not as per the metamodel expectation, it means that the metamodel file has changed.
    6. The solution is to retrieve the metamodel file that had been used to create the metamodel in the local database.
    7. If the metamodel for all the UA profiles are in sync with the metamodel in the local database:
      1. Check if there is no conflict between a profile that is in the extension folder and the <CAST_ALL_USERS_PATH>/<CAST_VERSION>/Configuration/languages/<UA Profile>
  2. If the above points do not help you, contact CAST Technical Support and provide the Relevant input 

Relevant Input


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