
This page outlines the issue where migration of local base fails with the following error:

Category or type 'CAST_AspDotNet_AnyOperation' defines an invalid inheritance relation : category 'CAST_WebService_AnyOperation' is unknown in 'C:\ProgramData\CAST\CAST\Extensions\com.castsoftware.html5.1.6.0-funcrel\configuration\Languages\HTML5\HTML5ForDotnetMetaModel.xml'

In the above example, the issue occured for the Extension HTML5.

Observed in CAST AIP
Observed on RDBMS
Step by Step Scenario
  1. Download an extension without using the Extension Downloader.
  2. Migrate your triplets to a new service pack.
  3. Local base will fail with the error.
Action Plan

 This issue is due to a missing dependency with a required extension. We can use as example the installed Extension HTML5.

  1. Go to the Extension Folder
  2. Open the HTML5 Extension folder
  3. Edit the file plugin.nuspec
  4. Check the dependency tag. In the above case, the dependency is wbslinker version 1.3.0-funcrel
  5. Check in the Extension folder if the corresponding folder exists : In our case, the folder name must be com.castsoftware.wbslinker.1.3.0-funcrel.
  6. If the folder is there, open the Extension Downloader and check in the installed section of the Extension Downloader whether you can see the wbslinker 1.3.0-funcrel

    1. If you see it, drop this extension and download it again by using the Extension downloader or running the following command line

      extensiondownloader.exe install com.castsoftware.wbslinker --version 1.3.0-funcrel
    2. If you don't see it, remove manually from the Extension folder the extension com.castsoftware.wbslinker.1.3.0-funcrel and download it again (you can download it using the Extension downloader or run the following command line :

      extensiondownloader.exe install com.castsoftware.wbslinker --version 1.3.0-funcrel
  7. Run the Migration again using CUT.
  8. If the above points do not help you, contact CAST Technical Support and provide the following Relevant input for CAST Support to reproduce.

Relevant Input


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